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International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC)

For more than 25 years, LUBS and US universities have formed a close partnership. The DAAD-funded IVAC project supports us in the further digitization of degree programs with transatlantic partners.

Our partners
Established in 1999, the Transatlantik-Institut - in addition to its research activities - maintains long-standing partnerships with renowned U.S. universities, particularly through its cooperative and transatlantic Continuing Education programs (e.g., Master of Business, Summer School):

-        University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)

-        University of West Florida (UWF)

Due to the Corona pandemic, we have ventured from hybrid to fully digital formats in the summer semester 2020 and have tested numerous new forms of cooperation with the help of modern information technologies.


Our objectives
What is the "optimal" form of virtual academic collaboration in research and teaching? How can we further develop existing formats and profitably use new intercultural forms of exchange as a community of practice? Together with our American partner universities, we would like to come a little closer to answering these questions within the framework of IVAC.
Our focus here is on the scientific evaluation and optimization of our hybrid and purely virtual offerings, on an up to date communication of the corresponding teaching offerings, and on the associated promotion of the attractiveness of studying with an international orientation. At the same time, we would like to give students and university members whose financial/family situation (e.g. nursing care) does not allow for physical mobility the opportunity to benefit from international cooperation and intercultural experiences through digital formats.

Upcoming events
In the winter semester of 20/21, students of Business Informatics used virtual reality (VR) to design a "journey" through our university. Building on this, the virtual Spring School of the Transatlantik-Institute took place in the summer semester 21 and will be followed by further hybrid Summer/Fall Schools.
In parallel, our international digital lecture series has been running with great success since the winter semester 20/21. Here, professors from our U.S. partner universities provide university members and the public with exciting insights into their research work.


Funded by

University Address

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

 +49 (0) 621/5203-0

 +49 (0) 621/5203-105

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