- University
- News
- Profile
- Practical study
- Diversity
- Diversity Audit
- Diversity Charter
- Alliance "Democracy wins"
- Events
- Diversity concept
- Diversity certificate
- Diversity projects
- Projects of the Management, Controlling, Health Departments
- Projects of the Marketing and Human Resources Management Department
- Projects of the Services and Consulting Departments
- Projects of the Departments of Social and Health Care
- Projects of the International Division
- Equality projects
- Student projects
- Research projects
- Mission Statement
- Guidelines QA/QE
- Who we are
- Organization
- Senior University Leadership
- Central units
- Departments
- Department Management, Controlling, HealthCare
- International
- Klara Marie Faßbinder Visiting Professorship
- News & Events
- Cooperations and research
- General studies
- Team
- Structure and committees
- Professors / Teachers
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Erbsland
- Prof. Dr. Manoj Gupte
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Hannig
- Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Kals
- Prof. Dr. Axel Kihm
- Prof. Dr. Martin Klose
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Kirchner-Khairy
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Kronenberger
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Lacher
- Dr. Peter Möbius
- Prof. Dr. Elke Raum
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Rech
- Dr. Dagmar Scherer-Vankova
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert
- Prof. Dr. Jasmina Stoebel
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Thomaschewski
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Völker
- Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dreßler
- Prof. Dr. Nikolas Wölfing
- Prof. Dr. Michael Zipfel
- Employees
- Downloads
- Department of Marketing and Human Resources Management
- Bachelor’s degree programs
- Master's degree programs
- Professors and Lecturers
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Blettner
- Dr. Achim Boden
- Prof. Dr. Lan Cao
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Darimont
- Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
- Prof. Dr. Laura Ehm
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel
- Prof. Dr. Elmar Günther
- Gunda Helmer
- Dr. iur. Christian Hofmann
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Kohl
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Kühnapfel
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin
- Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra
- Prof. Dr. Harry Müller
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raab
- Prof. Dr. Regina Raschke
- Prof. Dr. Frank Rövekamp
- Prof. Dr. Edith Rüger-Muck
- Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
- Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schmidt
- Prof. Dr. Marcus Sidki
- Prof. Dr. Christina Stadler
- Prof. Dr. Maya Tettenborn
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wasmayr
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Weinert
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Winkelmann
- Personnel
- News
- Gremien & Struktur
- Dean's List
- Department of Services and Consulting
- Team
- Professors and teachers
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Diesch
- Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Dorrhauer
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Pohl
- Prof. Dr. Frank Grafmüller
- Prof. Dr. Frank Thomé
- Prof. Dr. Gösta Jamin
- Prof. Dr. Haio Röckle
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Walz
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmidt
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Freyburger
- Prof. Dr. Markus Widmann
- Prof. Dr. Martin Selchert
- Prof. Dr. Maximilian Coblenz
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Scheckenbach
- Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumann
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Bongard
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan
- Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hehn
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller
- Christine Heinzel
- Dieter Ott
- Harry Sponheimer
- Lecturers
- Personnel
- Structure
- Professors and teachers
- for students
- Research Institutes
- Dates
- Team
- Department of Social Work and Health Care
- Greeting from the dean
- Study programs
- Team
- Structure
- Professors / teachers for special tasks
- Dr. phil. Doris Arnold
- Prof. Dr. Noëlle Behringer
- Prof. Dr. Esther Berkemer
- Norman Böttcher
- Prof. Dr. Regina Brunnett
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dallmann
- Michael Dillmann
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Filsinger
- Prof. Dr. Karen Fried
- Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann
- Prof. Dr. Monika Greening
- Prof. Dr. Joachim von der Heide
- Dr. Rosemarie Horcher-Metzger
- Prof. Dr. Karin Kersting
- Prof. Nina Knape, Ph. D..
- Evi Lauinger-Lörsch
- Prof. Dr. phil. Armin Leibig
- Prof. Dr. Lena Loge
- Prof. Dr. Annegret Lorenz-Ruffini
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Lutz-Kluge
- Prof. Michaela Michel-Schuldt, Ph.D.
- Kai Mosebach
- Prof. Dr. Marion Ott
- Prof. Dr. Peter Rahn
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Rein
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Reitzig
- Dr. Christine Resch
- Prof. Dr. Nicole Seiler
- Dr. Julia Téoule
- Prof. Dr. Karen Wagels
- Prof. Dr. Ines Woynar
- Honorary professors
- Employees
- Lecturer
- Retired professors
- Pinboard / Dates
- for lecturers
- Practice reference
- Exams
- Research
- Research Center City, Country, Quarter
- Research topics
- Health, obstetrics, nursing, and dementia practice and care research.
- Development, pedagogy and ethics of nursing and midwifery - Professional research.
- History, theory, law and ethics of social work - Professional research
- Social Exclusion and Critical Everyday Research - Practice Research
- Childhood, Youth and Families - Practice Research
- Flight, Migration and Racism - Practice Research
- Overindebtedness, consumer insolvency and debt counseling
- Aesthetic research
- Promotion / Support
- Promotion
- Doctorate in social work
- Events
- Project "E high B
- Project SABD-Fam
- Continuing education
- Department Management, Controlling, HealthCare
- Committees
- Commissioner
- Job & Career
- Research
- Forschung und Transfer
- Service
- Aktivitäten
- Rechte Spalte Standard (en)
- Rechte Spalte Pool (en)