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A big THANK YOU to all lecturers, students, and visitors who contributed to the success of our International Day!



"Successful Immigration and Integration": International Day at LUBS

Join us for a full day around the topic of "Successful Immigration and Integration"

Together with our four European partner instutitions we are organizing a diverse programme around the topic of "Successful Immigration and Integration".

The programme includes:

Programme overview

Time              Agenda                                                                                 Format                               
10:00-10:30                                        Opening (Aula) hybrid
10:30-11:15Lecture I

"Migrations in Spain: Evolution, current trends and
perspectives from the University".

Lecturer: María Teresa Aceytuno Pérez (UHU)

Join here: https://hwg-lu-de.zoom.us/j/

Meeting-ID: 679 3933 5253
Kenncode: 367793

Lecture II

"Subject Teaching in English: Observations on Challenges and Chances in Multicultural Settings"

Lecturer: Harry Sponheimer (LUBS)

Join here: https://hwg-lu-de.zoom.us/j/

Meeting-ID: 673 1728 1442
Kenncode: 323857


11:15-11:45              Coffee Break and Networking (Foyer)on site

Lecture III

"Next level research project: Integrating international students into the Finish education and employment system"

Lecturer: Mona Elo (SAMK)

Join here: https://hwg-lu-de.zoom.us/j/

Meeting-ID: 679 3933 5253
Kenncode: 367793

Lecture IV

"Integration of new international students at Tomas Bata University"

Lecturer: Patrik Foltýn (UTB)

Join here: https://hwg-lu-de.zoom.us/j/67317281442?pwd=

Meeting-ID: 673 1728 1442
Kenncode: 323857

12:30-13:30                                       Lunch BreakLUBS Mensa
13:00-14:30                                   Intercultural Training (A 303)
                              Lecturer: Ilse Page (LUBS)

on site

max 12 participants, register HERE


Get to know....Finland!

Lecturer: Daniela Tanhua (SAMK)

Get to know....Spain!

Lecturer: María-Teresa Aceytuno (UHU)

on site
14:00-14:30Get to know....The Czech Republic!

Lecturer: Patrik Foltýn (UTB)

Get to know....Germany!

Lecturer: Diana Beermann (LUBS)

on site
14:30-16:00                                         World Café (Foyer)on site

Programme details: Lectures

Lecture I: "Integration of new international students at Tomas Bata University"

TBU in Zlín like one of the regional Czech universities, tries to attract international students from all around the World. Unfortunately, we cannot offer opportunities like major Czech cities like Prague or Brno. Nevertheless, we can offer individual approaches to every single student and give them a helping hand whenever they need it. Successful integration of newcoming international students is extremely important to us. It leads to a positive experience for our students who can eventually recommend our university to other prospective potential applicants. That helps us to grow the community of students in English degree programs. Let us show you what we are doing for the integration of our first-year students.

Lecturer: Patrik Foltýn (TBU)


Lecture II: "Migrations in Spain: Evolution, current trends and perspectives from the University".

María-Teresa Aceytuno is Assistant Professor at University of Huelva (Spain). She is Ph.D in Economics by the University of Huelva and a Master Degree from Universidad Internacional de Andalucia. Her research is focused on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Furthermore, her doctoral dissertation was on the role played by entrepreneurial opportunities in technological development and wealth creation. She currently holds the position of Director of International Projection and Mobility of the University of Huelva.


Programme details: Workshop "Intercultural communication"

In this 90-minutes workshop we`ll explore and experience how communication works and which rules and settings influence international communication and teamwork. We reflect on our own cultural standards and compare different cultural dimensions.

Max 12 participants, register HERE

Lecturer: Ilse Page (LUBS)


Programme Details: Get to know...

Get to know...The Czech Republic!
If I say that I come from the Czech Republic, most people almost immediately associate it with Prague. But the country itself has much more to offer. Let me guide you through the parts of the Czech Republic that you might never hear about them before. I hope that you are ready to visit with me places that my homeland can offer to you for exploring.

Lecturer: Patrik Foltýn (TBU)

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 +49 (0) 621/5203-0

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