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Students running for the faculty councils

Get informed - get elected - have your say!

On this page we introduce you to the candidates.  

 Anna-Maria Eckrich
Name of the student Anna-Maria Eckrich
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty I, International Business Administration with SP. Management, 5th semester
Why I would like to stand for election
I would like to get involved in the Faculty Council to help ensure that the interests of all members of the university community are adequately taken into account.
I am convinced that constructive participation in the Faculty Council can have a positive influence on the development and direction of our university. 

What I would like to change at the university

Develop mechanisms to actively involve students in decision-making processes and promote their participation in shaping the university.
Jonas Heinze
Name of the student Jonas Heinze
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty I, BMC, 1st semester
Why I would like to stand for election
It is important to me to be the link between the students and the HWG, to represent your interests, to implement projects and to solve any problems that arise quickly.

What I would like to change at the university

The move to the new campus building is due to take place soon. A change that will bring opportunities. 

As a representative, I will take up the voices and ideas of my fellow students in order to shape the university together. Decisions should be actively made by students for students.

My election slogan"Your ideas, our future: Vote for co-design!"
Adrian Kohl   
Name of the studentAdrian Kohl
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty I, BIM, 1st semester
Why I would like to stand for election
First of all, I would like to use this opportunity to get involved in the student community.
In addition, I think that I have all the important qualities to carry out this important office for the students well and satisfactorily.

What I would like to change at the university

Primarily, I would like to make our university a place where everyone feels heard with their concerns and wishes. I consider it extremely important to include the opinions of students, who are more reserved, in decisions.
In addition, I want to help decide on the organization and further development of our department and drive it forward for the benefit of my fellow students.
My election slogan (optional)Study together, shape
together: Your voice for your influence!

Emma Beck

Anna Blumek
Name of the studentAnna Blumek
Department/degree programs/semesterDepartment II, International Business
Management (East Asia), 7th semester
Why I would like to stand for election
  • I am very interested in actively supporting student interests and getting involved in the Faculty Council
  • I would like to constructively represent the students' voices and stand up for their concerns
  • As I am already a senior, I have experience and would be happy to support our university with new ideas and improve campus life
  • My goal is to successfully help shape the future of the university and promote an attractive learning environment for both students and lecturers

What I would like to change at the university

  • Make the university even more attractive for students and lecturers
  • Promote inclusion and diversity at the university
  • Expand exchange programs and intercultural offerings
  • Modernize facilities and technologies
  • Improve library resources (especially the online offerings)
  • Promote more support and advisory opportunities for students, interdisciplinary collaboration and student co-determination
  • Create a sustainable campus
My campaign slogan (optional)The university without the student voice would be
like a book without a reader - together we shape the
pages of our education!

Evelin Escher

Carolin Hagmeyer 
Name of the studentCarolin Hagmeyer
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty II, IBM East Asia
Why I would like to stand for election
As a student of IBM East Asia degree programs, I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the Student Representative Council in Marketing and
Human Resource Management. As a candidate for the Student Council, I am characterized by my strong commitment to student concerns, clear communication skills and the ability to work constructively in a team.
With an open mind for diversity and solution-oriented thinking, I strive to improve the student experience for all in a sustainable way. My main goal is to represent the opinions and interests of our students at the East Asia Institute. Our degree program is unique, and I firmly believe that
can be further enhanced through continuous improvements to ensure a positive study experience for all.
It is important to me that students' voices are heard, as they can serve as valuable inspiration to enrich our degree program and the university as a whole. Together, we can achieve positive change not only for our degree programs, but also for the entire student body.

What I would like to change at the university

In my candidacy for the Student Council of the Department of Human Resource Management and Marketing, I am committed to the following
changes at our university:
1. Improvement of evaluation techniques:** I aim to introduce more effective evaluation methods for lectures in order to be able to give well-founded feedback to the lecturers at the end of the semester. These results should be taken seriously in order to continuously improve the quality of education.

2. revision courses for business subjects:** I am committed to introducing revision courses for business subjects in order to offer students additional support and opportunities to deepen their knowledge.

3. early publication of lecture notes:** In order to facilitate learning preparation, I would like to ensure that all lecture notes are published at the beginning of the semester so that students can access the course content at an early stage.

4. even distribution of exams:** In order to ensure a fair workload for students, I aim to distribute the exams evenly over the semester and not to write several exams for one module within two semesters.

5. promotion of term papers and presentations:** I would like to promote the recognition of term papers and presentations as examination achievements. This enables holistic preparation for the Bachelor's thesis and promotes practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge.

With these goals, I aim to make a positive change at our university to improve the student experience and the quality of education.

Lisa Krayer 

Emily Messerschmidt

Jasmin Lynn Patz   
Name of the studentJasmin Lynn Patz
Department/degree programs/semesterDepartment II, International Business
Management, 3rd semester
Why I would like to stand for election
As a committed student, it is important to me to represent the interests of our subject area in the best possible way and to actively contribute to
creating a positive study environment
. I want to work together to ensure that students' needs are heard and that our
time at university is an inspiring and successful time.

I look forward to working with you to develop ideas and implement projects that enrich our studies and strengthen our community.

What I would like to change at the university

My ambition is to bring about positive changes at our university. I pay particular attention to promoting sustainable initiatives and deepening
community ties. By implementing environmentally conscious practices and creating platforms
for a more intensive exchange between students, I strive for a university community that is not only academically but also socially and environmentally sustainable.
My election slogan (optional)For a university that doesn't stand still:
Vote with heart!
Lea Stephan
Name of the student Lea Stephan
Department/degree programs/semesterFB II, IBM East Asia (Japan), 3rd semester

Why I would like to stand for election


I was already actively involved in the JAV (Youth and Trainee Representative Council) during my training and saw and learned how important it is to stand up for each other so that everyone feels comfortable and can learn and work undisturbed.
I think it is very important that people like us, i.e. students who are ultimately most affected by decisions, can express their opinions and take part in discussions. "Active participation and strong representation can bring about positive changes."
I also think it is important to better understand and get to know the processes at the university in order to be able to make improvements.
For these reasons, I would like to stand for election.

What I would like to change at the university

1. more transparent decision-making processes:
Promote active student participation and improve
by ensuring greater transparency in
decision-making. I personally find it
very important that everyone can understand how and
why certain decisions are made,
so that they can ultimately have a say.

2. Student support:
Improvement of counseling and support services,
as every life situation is different

3. Communication and cooperation:
I would also like to strengthen communication and
cooperation between the individual departments and
students, as it is sometimes not really possible to exchange ideas due to location-related
The atmosphere at the university would benefit greatly from active
My election slogan (optional)"For transparency, representation and a strong
student voice"
Luca Brück 
Name of the studentLuca Brück
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty III, Finance, 4th semester
This is why I would like to stand for election
Was last year do it this year, BETTER!

What I would like to change at the university

New building new!
My election slogan (optional)It will be BETTER! 
Lukas Jung  
Name of the studentLukas Jung  
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty III, Business Administration with a focus on Finance, 1st semester
Why I would like to stand for election
With my commitment, I would like to ensure
that the concerns of the students are adequately represented
and that together we can further develop the
department. I bring not only
my specialist knowledge, but also my
willingness to work together and my vision
for positive change.

What I would like to change at the university

I aim to make changes to improve the university experience.
Firstly, by strengthening the technological infrastructure to modernize hardware, software and digital resources
. Innovative technologies should optimize the teaching process and prepare students for a rapidly changing world.
Second, I aim to take a more active role in promoting
transparency and communication. Open communication creates togetherness and enables all members to actively participate in decision-making processes. Through transparent guidelines, I want to strengthen trust and promote better integration of needs and concerns. As part of this change, I want to help ensure that our university is a place where open
communication and transparency are the norm.
My campaign slogan (optional)For a future full of opportunities
Vincent Müller   
Name of the student(s)Vincent Müller 
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty III, Business Administration with a focus on Finance 
Why I would like to stand for election
I am running in order to play an active role in shaping the future of the university
. My commitment and my conviction to bring about positive change motivate me to contribute to the further development of our
university as a member of the HWG LU Senate.

What I would like to change at the university

I aim to promote stronger networking between
students and lecturers at HWG LU in order to intensify academic
exchange. I am also committed to the
implementation of sustainable initiatives and the promotion of
diversity and inclusion to create an open and supportive
university community.
My election slogan (optional)Our university, our future
Karoline Rossmann 
Name of the studentKaroline Rossmann
Department/degree programs/semesterFaculty IV, Social Work B.A., 7th semester
Why I would like to stand for election
I have been involved in the university since my 3rd semester. During this time, I have realized how important university policy work is, but above all how important it is to
represent student interests.
I would like to continue to stand up for my fellow students and their interests.

What I would like to change at the university

  • Give our department a voice outside Maxstraße that is not ignored.
  • Promote better communication between the departments in order to increase our sense of unity!
  • I would like to mediate between the university and the students.
  • But since I want to represent the students, the question is: What do WE want to change together at OUR university

My election slogan

The university belongs to the students, let's contribute our wishes/visions together.
It's our responsibility -
Shaping the university/studies together!
Sofie-Meret Schmitt 
Name of the studentSofie-Meret Schmitt 
Department/degree programs/semesterDepartment IV 
Why I would like to stand for election
Solidarity and respectful cooperation in the university context is very important to me. That's why I'm involved in the student council and the working group against sexism, among other things. From my own biography at
, equal opportunities in the university context is also an important concern for me. I would like to carry these concerns, as well as others, to the university committees in your interest. I already have experience in committee work from my time at school. For these reasons, among others, I would like to stand for election.

What I would like to change at the university

  • Counteract abuse of power & Discrimination in the university context!
  • Enable family-friendly studying, because there is definitely still room for improvement here!
  • Expand university cooperation abroad for Faculty IV!