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Candidates for the Senate

Get informed - get elected - have your say!

On this page we introduce you to the candidates.  

Timm Gieger (FB III)

Name of the employee

Timm Gieger

Department/DivisionDEPARTMENT III
Why I would like to stand for election
  • Support for topics in the field of education & research
  • Opportunity to play an active role

What I would like to change at the university

  • Improve communication between Departments in the context of education & research
  • Promotion of everyday university life
  • Tackle more future-oriented topics
My election slogan (optional)With courage and commitment for our
campus - think innovatively, act together

Ekram Kapferer (FB III)

Christine Tassenoy (FB I)

Name of the employee

Christine Tassenoy

Department/DivisionFB I Management, Controlling, HealthCare
Why I would like to stand for election
As a long-standing employee in the departmental administration of HWG LU, I have a deep insight into the work processes and challenges that we face on a daily basis. I firmly believe that strong representation of our interests in the Senate is vital to effectively communicate our concerns and bring about positive change.

What I would like to change at the university

I firmly believe that by working closely with all representatives in the Senate, we can find innovative solutions. I also want to ensure that the voices of administrative and technical staff are heard and that we have the opportunity to contribute our perspective.
My election slogan (optional)Transparency creates trust!

Annabell Terstappen (SSC)

Michael Vössing (Studies & Education)

Anika Werner (FB IV)