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LU*ludens - Ludwigshafen as a stage for the future!

On June 11 and 12, 2021, the LU*ludens event will take place as part of the BASF Gate 4 project: "How does freedom really work?".

On June 11 and 12, 2021, the LU*ludens event will take place as part of the BASF Tor 4 project: "How does freedom really work?".

The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, in collaboration with the artist group LIGNA and Cornelius Puschke from the Berlin theater collective Rimini Protokoll, invites the citizens of Ludwigshafen to take part in two online workshops. In the artistic workshops, we want to create images of the future of our city together.

"What is your landmark of Ludwigshafen?"
First of all, we were looking for very personal landmarks that Ludwigshafen residents have in mind for their city. Memorable places, beloved places, special places...

The submissions were collected until May 10, 2021 at LU*ludens@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de, on Facebook or Instagram and compiled on a poster for a virtual museum of the city (see below).

What is LU*ludens?
Theater is a place where people have always told exemplary stories from the past, present and future. But the city is also a place that tells stories. Every day, they take place on the streets and in the backyards, in the apartments and on the squares, and they are about the lives of their inhabitants, about yesterday, today and tomorrow.

"Homo ludens" is the human being at play. With "LU*ludens", the playing Ludwigshafen, we combine the two levels of theater and city. Under the motto "Ludwigshafen as the stage of the future!", the project aims to provide a stage for the stories of people from Ludwigshafen.

What happens in the workshops?
On June 11 and 12, 2021, LIGNA and Cornelius Puschke from Rimini Protokoll will join people from Ludwigshafen in their online workshops in search of their personal images and stories of the city.

We want to bring together the different perspectives of those who have lived here or have lived here for a long time with those of new Ludwigshafen residents and ask questions together:

How does freedom work in Ludwigshafen?, What does the Ludwigshafen of the future look like?, What dream of a city do you have?

Press release: Ludwigshafen as a stage for the future - LU*ludens invites you to perform in the city

Press release: Fleeting sculptures for Ludwigshafen - workshop as part of LU*ludens

Press release: The Museum of LUkunft - An invitation to everyone to help shape it! - Workshop as part of LU*ludens

Tor 4 - BASF promotes art
How does freedom really work? 14 projects from the fields of music, dance, literature and the visual arts are exploring this question. They are part of the Tor 4 cultural promotion program, with which BASF aims to strengthen the cultural venues in the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar as places of dialogue between different worlds. BASF is also a partner in this dialog: Every year, the company announces a socially relevant issue to which institutions can submit art projects. Further information can be found at www.basf.de/tor4

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Department of Social and Health Care
Antje Reinhard
Project Coordinator
Tel: 0621 5203-530
LU*ludens@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

University Address

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

 +49 (0) 621/5203-0

 +49 (0) 621/5203-105

info@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de