Prof. Dr. Lena Loge

Professorship for Social Work and Diversity
C1 .236
+49 621/5203-3516
+49 621/5203-569
Teaching areas
- Social problems and social work
- Theories of Social Work
- Gender and education theories and social work
- Casuistry / Case work
Work and research focus
- Social inequality and education
- Millieu and habitus research
- Gender research
- Qualitative social research
Professional career
since winter semester 2023/24 | Professorship for Social Work and Diversity at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Department of Social and Health Services |
Summer semester 2023 | Substitute Professorship for Social Work and Diversity at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Department of Social and Health Services |
01/2020 - 07/2023 | Head of the multi-generational house and project management Weinheimer Bildungskette sozial & digital at Bildungsbüro Weinheim/ Integration Central e.V. |
2020 | Doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Educational Sciences |
10/2014 - 01/2023 | Regular teaching assignments at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences |
05/2014 - 09/2020 | Research assistant at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: Project coordinator "Hessen-Technikum" in the Equal Opportunities Office, research project "Gender - Habitus - Milieu" at the Department of Social Work |
2012 - 2014 | Studied Social Work (M.A.) at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, specializing in the design of social space |
2010 - 2012 | Studied Social Work (B.A.) at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, specializing in gender competencies |
- German Professional Association for Social Work (DBSH)
- German Sociological Association (DGS)
- Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien/ Gender Studies Association
Publications (selection)
- Social Worker or Civil Engineer? Study (subject) choicesfrom a milieu perspective.In: Die Hochschule. Journal for Science and Education. Institute for Higher Education Research Wittenberg e.V., Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
- "Stachel im Fleisch der herrschenden Systeme" oder Instanz zur "Umstellung und Erziehung": Habitus-und milieuspezifische Zugänge von Studierenden zur Sozialen Arbeit.In: Scheller, Gitta; Rohloff, Sigurour: Habitus und Geschmack in der Sozialen Arbeit. An education and practice book. Beltz Juventa. S. 40-52.
- Of female civil engineers and social workers: study (subject) choices in the context of milieu and gender. Springer VS.
- Milieu-specific pathways of 'women' and 'men' into technical studies. In: Haffner, Yvonne; Loge, Lena:Women in technology and science: a question of fit. Current findings and insights into orientation projects.Budrich-Verlag.pp. 76-105.
- With Yvonne Haffner: Women in technology and science: an overview.In: Haffner, Yvonne; Loge, Lena: Women in technology and science: a question of fit. Current findings and insights into orientation projects. Budrich Publishers. S. 7-20.
- with Yvonne Haffner: Studien(fach-)wahlen als Passungsverhältnisse. Consequences for attracting women to technology and science.In: Haffner, Yvonne; Loge, Lena: Frauen in Technik und Naturwissenschaft: Eine Frage der Passung. Current findings and insights into orientation projects.Budrich-Verlag. S. 232-238.
- On the relationship between gender research and gender equality policy. Opening the one-way street.Frankfurt: Online publications of the Gender and Women's Research Center of the Hessian Universities.
Lectures and presentations (selection)
- 28-30.06.2023, Annual Congress 2023 of the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF) and the Swiss Society for Teacher Education (SGL): "Times of Change? Education between Persistence and Change" at the University of Teacher Education Zurich. Symposium: Passport relations in studies: persistent educational inequalities and chances of opening.
Dec. 05, 2022, Annual Conference of the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI): "Saving the world for a moment... Future competencies, new images and the role of the media" at Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich. Lecture.
- 17/18.11.2022, Conference VerOnika at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Successfully designing orientation programs. Workshop: How does gender-sensitive orientation succeed?
- 03.12.2021, Conference "Staying with the Trouble". 25 Jahre Forschungsschwerpunkt Frauen-und Geschlechterforschung in Hessen an der Goethe-Universität und der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Lecture.
25.04.2019, Pre-conference for the annual meeting of the German Society for Social Work in Stuttgart. Poster presentation.
15.02.2018, Conference "Gender and Diversity in Education at Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts "at Hannover University of Applied Sciences. Poster presentation.
21.03.2018, Congress "Movements "of the German Society for Educational Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Presentation in the panel "Studies and movements of habitus".
18-19.01.2018, Workshop "Culture, City and Networks. Positions, Relationships and Challenges for Network Research" of the German Society for Network Research at the Schader Foundation Darmstadt. Lecture.
28-30.09.2017, Conference "Current Challenges of Gender Research." First joint conference of the Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien e.V. (Germany), the Austrian Society for Gender Studies ÖGGF and the Swiss Society for Gender Studies SGGF. Poster presentation.
07-10.11.2016, Winter School "Interdisciplinarity in Qualitative Educational Research "at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Lecture.
07.10.2016, Conference "Focus Gender. Insights into current research priorities of the Hessian Universities of Applied Sciences. Gender Conference of the Gender and Women's Research Center of the Hessian Universities." Lecture.