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Dual study program in health economics

Health Economics in Practice Dual (B.Sc.)


Health is more than just not being ill.

Health is a central building block for the quality of life of all people. Health is linked to questions of lifestyle, sustainability and innovation. Last but not least, the health of employees is an important success factor for companies. This is why health is at the heart of an entire industry, ranging from hospitals, doctors' networks, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies to digital health start-ups and consulting firms. The healthcare industry is one of the most innovative and fastest-growing economic sectors in Germany and internationally. You will learn about all these aspects on the dual Bachelor's degree course in Health Economics GiP.

You will be interested in questions such as: How is medical care organized and how do doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies work together? How can you assess which care services are particularly good? What new opportunities are created by digitalization and AI? Who pays for which services? How is the healthcare system organized in other countries?

You want to make a contribution to ensuring that healthcare is of high quality and economically sustainable. You want to prepare yourself for tasks in the management of companies or administrations in the healthcare sector. You would like to broaden your specialist knowledge so that you have many career opportunities later on. You would like to combine theory + practice and be able to choose the right practice partner from a network of cooperation partners. Then the dual Bachelor's degree course in Health Economics GiP with its attractive practical network is the right choice for you!

GiP - dual study program in health economics. Your advantages:

  • Diverse opportunities: GiP combines health & business for a wide range of career prospects. Locally and worldwide.
  • Industry with a future: Healthcare is one of the most innovative growth industries in Germany and worldwide.
  • A job with purpose: Management in healthcare needs people with a mind and a heart.
  • Combining theory and practice: GiP means dual study with 40 practice partners in the network.

What our students say:


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Then come to our next Live Talk:

Monday, March 24, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, April 14, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, May 12, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, June 16, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, July 14, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, August 04, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

Click on the date to register.

We look forward to seeing you!

Who is a dual study program interesting for?

You have finished school and want to go straight to university:

With your qualification for university entrance, you can go straight into the dual Bachelor of Health Economics GiP and combine a broad-based basic education in management/economics with a specialization in the healthcare sector.

You have already completed an apprenticeship and are looking for a suitable offer for the next step on your career ladder:

As a professionally qualified person with completed vocational training, e.g. in the field of healthcare and nursing, as a medical assistant (MTA, MTRA), healthcare clerk, paramedic and emergency paramedic, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, the dual study program in healthcare economics GiP offers excellent opportunities to realize your desire for further qualification.

What models are available for the dual component?

There are three study models for the dual Bachelor's degree in Health Economics GiP:

Dual Classic

  • For the duration of your studies, you will be employed by one of the cooperation partners from the degree program's practice network on the basis of a qualification contract.
  • You will have the opportunity to get to know the company well and will complete all three practical phases of the course at this company.
  • During your studies, you will receive the remuneration agreed in the qualification contract and thus have financial planning security. The contract also regulates the work assignment (e.g. 1.5 days/week during the lecture period at the university and full-time during the lecture-free period). You go through the application process directly with the company.

Dual training

  • Parallel to your health economics studies, you will complete an apprenticeship as a social insurance clerk.
  • This model is offered in cooperation with various health insurance companies. These include Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse SBK and Salus BKK.

Dual Flex

  • You have the opportunity to completeinternships with various cooperation partners from the degree program's practical network (at least two different cooperation partners).
  • The advantage of this model is that you can get to know different companies from different sectors of the healthcare industry. For example, you can combine hospital - health insurance company - healthcare network or healthcare network - pharmaceuticals - consulting. Choose the combination that suits your interests!

The best way to choose the optimal study model and possible cooperation partners is to seek advice. Study advice is available by telephone, in person or via Zoom. Please contact us at gip@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

You can find an overview of the dual partners in the practice network here:


Occupational fields & Career opportunities

Career prospects after graduation

Thanks to the broad and interdisciplinary orientation of the degree programs in Health Economics, you will have a wide range of opportunities to start your career and excellent prospects for further career steps. In addition, you will have already made your first contacts in practice through the dual study program, built up your own network and possibly already found an interesting employer.

Which professions do our graduates pursue?

  • In quality management, risk management, controlling and human resources at hospitals and health insurance companies.
  • In the network management of healthcare networks.
  • In various companies in the healthcare sector with tasks in digitalization and project management.
  • In the field of data analysis and special care analytics.
  • As an assistant to the management.
  • In the corporate health management of companies.
  • At associations, organizations of joint self-administration (e.g. Joint Federal Committee, Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians) and municipalities (e.g. health authorities).
  • Various tasks at pharmaceutical companies, in the field of IT and digital health, medical technology or consulting.

As you can see, the dual study program in Health Economics GiP offers a wide range of opportunities in an exciting industry.

And if you don't want to end your academic career after your Bachelor's degree, we also offer a suitable Master's degree program.

Contents & Procedure

Course structure

7-semester dual study program with three integrated practical phases. Most of the courses take place on our new campus in Ludwigshafen/Rhine. Here you will find an inspiring and modern learning environment. The distances are short and personal contact with your course and lecturers is uncomplicated. The course always starts in the winter semester.

During the seven semesters, we provide you with a broad knowledge base in the areas of medical basics, management, IT, digitalization, the healthcare system and healthcare policy, health economic evaluation and law.

Lectures, projects, seminars and practical phases offer a perfect mix of theory and application. A real highlight is the practical project (case study) in the fourth semester. The practical project is offered in cooperation with an external partner, for example a hospital, a health insurance company, a consulting firm or a care facility. The cooperation partner formulates a practically relevant task as a project assignment. If the result is convincing, the implementation in the company is considered! Here you can contribute your knowledge from various specialist areas, apply project management methods and develop future skills.

Specialist focus of the dual degree programs:

  • Basic area: we teach broad basic knowledge in the areas of business administration and management, medicine, the structure and functioning of the healthcare system, economics, digitalization and scientific methods.
  • Specialization area: You will deepen your knowledge of the outpatient sector (including medical practices and healthcare networks), hospital management, pharmaceutical companies and medical technology. We also offer in-depth study of strategic management, personnel management, quality management, process management, controlling and health economic evaluation of healthcare services. This also includes ethics and the increasing internationalization of the healthcare sector.
  • Elective area: You can set an individual focus in the areas of innovation management, sustainable corporate management or health promotion & prevention.
  • Future skills: These skills will equip you to work successfully in a working environment characterized by digitalization, AI and sustainability.

Practical phases:

  • Practical phase 1: 10 weeks in the first year of study.
  • Practical phase 2: 10 weeks in the second year of study.
  • Practical semester: 24 weeks in the sixth semester.

Course of study at a glance:

Why study in Ludwigshafen?

The city of Ludwigshafen is located in the middle of the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar with around 160,000 companies, many of which are important players in the healthcare sector: Roche, SAP, Abbvie, BG Klinik Ludwigshafen, Diakonissen Speyer and numerous other medium-sized companies, hidden champions and innovative start-ups. Many of them are cooperation partners of the dual Bachelor's degree program in Health Economics GiP at our university.

There is a large number of research and scientific institutions: 23 universities and colleges and more than 30 renowned research institutions (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, four Max Planck Institutes, German Cancer Research Center, Center for European Economic Research).

In addition to an excellent infrastructure with around 240 long-distance departures daily, good public transport, 8 highways in the immediate vicinity and only 30 minutes to Frankfurt International Airport, the region also offers a wide range of cultural and leisure activities with more than 230 museums, 110 theaters and many concerts and festivals, four UNESCO World Heritage Sites, over 120 castles and palaces and three nature parks. This combination of economic strength, scientific excellence and high quality of life makes Ludwigshafen an ideal location for a dual study program.

Application & Admission

The "Apply" button will take you to a brief guide on how to register and apply.

If you are not sure which documents you need to upload to the portal, you will find an overview here:

A list of all types of entrance qualifications can be found here:

General application forms:

    To be able to study a dual degree in health economics, you need

    A-levels or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or a professional qualification (e.g. nursing training, MFA, merchants in GW with a grade of at least 2.5)


    Proof of the dual component. The decisive factor here is whether you already have a practice partner at the start of your studies. Please make sure that it is a cooperation partner from the GiP degree program's partner network.

    • Yes, I already have a cooperation partner: In this case, please submit the qualification contract with one of our cooperation partners. Depending on the study model, this may be an internship, training or employment contract. You must also submit the declaration of commitment for the practical phase.
    • No, I do not yet have a cooperation partner at the time of application: In this case, submit the signed declaration of commitment to the practical phase. In the first week of lectures, you will discuss the next steps for applying for your first internship with us.

    Student advisory service

    Before starting the dual Bachelor's degree program in Health Economics in the GiP practice network, you should seek advice, especially to find the right study model for you.

    Study advice is available by telephone, in person or via Zoom. Please contact us at gip@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

    Application deadlines

    Application for the winter semester: From mid-May to August 15 of the current year.

    The team at the Student Service Center (SSC) looks forward to meeting you

    The SSC staff responsible for application management advise prospective students on all aspects of the application process. They are the right people to contact for all questions relating to application and admission/access to studies at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.

    E-mail: ssc-bewerbung@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

    Telephone:  +49 621 5203-0

    For subject-related questions, please get in touch with the relevant contact person for your desired degree program.

    Opening hours of the SSC

    Mon. and Tue.
    09:30 - 12:00
    09:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:30
    Wed and Fri

    Contact us

    Marcella Eierdanz

    Geschäftsführung GiP

    Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
    67059 Ludwigshafen

    C 1.220+49 621 5203-268


    Studierenden Service Center

    Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
    67059 Ludwigshafen

    C 1. OG+49 621 5203-0