Our self-concept
(The) Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society considers itself ...
... | as a locally based, nationally and internationally aligned institution of education and science, which puts studying, teaching and research at the center of its activities. |
... | as a professional and valued partner and initiator in the exchange between teaching, science, politics and practice in the areas of economy, health and social affairs. |
... | as an important, impulse-giving actor in the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar. |
... | as an institution with a strong commitment to high quality in all its functions and divisions. |
... | essentially characterized in its culture by a vibrant academic self-administration and its active participation in debates on university and educational policies. |
Our values
(The) Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society advocates...
... | mutual respect and appreciation. |
... | lively diversity and equal opportunities. |
... | reflection and shaped change. |
... | dialogue orientation and openness. |
... | participation and the ability to take criticism. |
Our target groups
For its students, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society seeks to ...
... | design qualified practice- and research-oriented study programs as well as room for individual development of competence and personality. |
... | actively promote self-organized learning as well as personal initiative during their studies. |
... | offer individual and comprehensive counseling and support. |
... | create an encouraging basis for carrying out tasks in both student and academic self-administration as well as for socio-political commitment and critical thinking. |
... | be supportive in combining family, partnership, studies and work, and stand up for healthy study conditions. |
... | promote interculturality and make it visible. |
For their employees and lecturers, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society seeks to ...
... | create a framework for making work at university attractive and diverse. |
... | promote cooperation and teamwork. |
... | represent a good and social employer who provides a health-promoting work environment. |
... | be supportive in combining family, partnership, studies, and work. |
... | promote qualification and individual development opportunities. |
For employers, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society seeks to ...
... | qualify graduates who are professionally convincing and responsible, who understand the tasks and challenges of practice and who take them up and shape them in a reflective manner. |
... | enable employees to integrate work and studies through innovative dual/job-integrating study programs and continuing education programs. |
For our society, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society seeks to ...
... | value and impart models of open and controversial communication and to make them the measure of the university' s development in society. |
... | educate its students to become reflective professionals who act socially responsible and are highly qualified in practice and science. |
... | to develop socio-political and educational commitment of an open university in a democratic society and to support educational advancement. |
... | to meet its social responsibility as a public educational institution and provider of high-quality study programs. |
Our area of activities
In the area of teaching, studies and education, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society …
... | offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs as well as dual programs in the fields of business administration, business informatics, health and social sciences that comply with the current and future demand on the job market and focus on social and ethical issues. |
... | conceives the educational process as a co-production of lecturers and students and seeks to advance studies and teaching according to this understanding. |
... | considers academic studies as a qualification that exceeds purely professional requirements and promotes the students' personal development |
... | promotes research-oriented studying, particularly in the Master's degree programs. |
... | practices internationality by means of contact with students and lecturers from other countries on campus as well as by studying abroad and thus develops the understanding of one’s own and different cultures. |
In the area of science and research, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society …
... | advocates to improve the conditions for science and research at universities of applied sciences structurally and to secure resources for this purpose. |
... | considers itself independent in its understanding of science as well as in applied research. |
... | focuses on current practice-oriented research topics and develops further ones. |
... | supports both its lecturers and researchers in carrying out their own research topics and projects at the same time. |
... | assists companies and organizations in finding research based and scientifically founded answers to practical challenges. |
... | enables its professors and researchers to participate in national and international research networks. |
The implementation and development of the mission statement and the university culture
The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society commits itself to …
... | promoting a respectful interaction in all areas of the university of applied sciences as well as active participation in the university’s self-administration. |
... | enhancing the cross-departmental and interdisciplinary exchange. |
... | reflecting and implementing its mission statement in its different units. |
... | integrate its mission statement as an important foundation in its quality management. |
... | using the mission statement as a basis for the elaboration of a common code of conduct. |
... | continuously discussing the further development of its tasks and goals and to further developing its mission statement in doing so. |
... | to communicating its mission statement to all current and future lecturers, staff and students and to using it as a guiding line for their actions. |