Financing for start-ups
14.15-17.00 hrs | Building A | Aula Opportunities, challenges & strategies for success
FoundingTuesday: NextDayMedia
17.30 - 18.30 hrs | Building A | A032 First-hand inspiration!
Workshop on the topic of brainstorming
14.15 - 15.45 | Building B | B005 Creative techniques for innovative solutions
R(h)eine Gründungssache - LUst auf Gründen?!
We are the central point of contact at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society for all matters relating to start-ups. If you want to start a business, have already developed your first business ideas or are pursuing innovative projects, you can obtain all the important information you need from the university's start-up office.
Please get in touch with us. We look forward to getting to know you!
You can find lots more information about us at:
You can reach us by e-mail at:
Informing – Pitching – Discussing
The start-up office of the University of Applied Science Ludwigshafen is the central contact point in entrepreneurship. It offers professional information on financing opportunities and grants, seminars, workshops, and other awareness rising events as well as mentoring and networking events to all university members. In its different events, the start-up office sets a special focus on the topic of regional and social entrepreneurship.
By embedding the topic entrepreneurship into modules of different study programs, the start-up office promotes and strengthens entrepreneurial ideas and self-employment as well as a vibrant entrepreneurial culture across the various departments of the university.
If you are caught by the entrepreneurial spirit, the start-up office provides you with all important information and our broad network of regional partners and other entrepreneurs.
The start-up office is implemented in cooperation with the University of Applied Science Worms and receives funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.
Consultation hour
During the lecture-free period, consultation hours take place by appointment (by e-mail to gruendung@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
During the lecture period, consultation hours take place on Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm.
The start-up office is located in the B-building, 1st floor, room B111.