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General studies

Studium Generale is a series of public, non-compulsory courses at the HWG LU, which take place on Tuesdays from 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. during the semester in the university auditorium on a wide variety of topics. The main theme of the lecture series is "Insights and Perspectives".

All lectures in the summer semester 2025 will be offered as a hybrid format, i.e. online and in presence with a limited number of places.

Registration with Ms. Annette Gramer by e-mail annette.gramer@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de is absolutely necessary. The dial-in link for the online lecture will be announced one day before the first event will be announced.

General studies in the summer semester 2025

18.03.2025: "German - a declaration of love to our amazing language", by Prof. Dr. Roland Kaehlbrandt, non-fiction author/linguist, Frankfurt am Main

25.03.2025: "Heimat als Utopie", by Dr. phil. Klaus Kufeld, author/speaker, Ludwigshafen a. Rhein

01.04.2025: "Radiation exposure in the environment and the effects on humans", by Dr. Friederike Gnädinger, Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Munich

08.04.2025 : "State modernization as a policy field - more power, less state?", by Marcel Schepp, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin

15.04.2025: "The bakery trade - challenges of an old profession in modern times", by Bernd Kütscher, Federal College of the German Bakery Trade, Director

29.04.2025: "Punishment is a must! Or not?", by Dr. Maximilian Kohlhof, Verte Rechtsanwälte Düsseldorf

06.05.2025: "The measurement of risk. Can you calculate luck and bad luck?", by Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse, Department of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart

13.05.2025: "Financial education in Germany - importance and perspectives", by Prof. Dr. Tabea Bucher-Koenen, ZWE Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research GmbH, Mannheim

20.05.2025: "Fake news - why false facts are not the problem", by Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohring, Head of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, University of Mannheim

27.05.2025: "Burn on, burn out, brain hacking - mentally healthy in life and at university", by Katharina Hiller, Brain Explain


Prof. Dr. Dieter Thomaschewski

Profile picture Dieter Thomaschewski
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 621 5203-191+49 621 5203-193