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Scientific facilities of the HWG Ludwigshafen

Whether consumer research, accounting, cloud computing, innovation management, Chinese law, trends in the world of work or migration - our academic institutions offer a diversity that benefits our partners in science, business and society.

Overview of the academic institutions:

Institute for Employment and Employability (IBE)

The Institute for Employment and Employability, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump (managing director) focuses on research projects pertaining to issues of human resources management. In particular, this includes the advancement of and the demand for employability, demographic change, and balancing work and family life.

Homepage of the Institute for Employment and Employability

Institute of Management and Innovation (IMI)

Since 2017 the Institute of Management and Innovation (IMI) pools the expertise and resources of two former institutes, the Kompetenzzentrum für Innovation und nachhaltiges Management (KIM) and the MittelOsteuropa-Institut (MOI). The goal is to establish even stronger cooperation with partners in the business world in the thematic fields of strategic management, innovation management, business development, internationalization, as well as sustainable management. Prof. Dr. Dieter Thomaschewski and Prof. Dr. Rainer Völker are the leadership of the IMI.

Homepage of the Institute of Management and Innovation

East Asia Institute

The East Asia Institute (OAI) at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society is the Center of Excellence on the economies, cultures, and languages of East Asia, particularly modern China, Japan and Korea.

Homepage of the East Asia Institute

Institute for Logistics (IfLog)

Continuous flow of information is the fundamental prerequisite for the management of stable, efficient, and low-risk logistics processes. Clearly defined courses of action and a comprehensive reporting system are the basis for success in logistics. Only a business-based financial indicator system allows for intelligent handling of the sheer numbers of the most diverse data. Consequently, reliable allocation and processing of information from differing systems is an absolute must.

The conception of such integrated systems demands a deep understanding of logistical, business, and technical contexts.

A complete consideration of logistics is the task of the Institute for Logistics (IfLog), founded in 2011 at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwighafen am Rhein. Interdisciplinary technical skills are ensured through collaboration with university departmental chairs in logistics. The Institute is based upon applied research, the implementation of new knowledge in the context of industry projects and in logistics educational programs, as well as in individually tailored company training programs.

The Institute’s main areas of focus are:

  • Controlling of logistics processes
  • Modeling logistics processes in enterprise resource planning systems
  • Systems for strategic, tactical, and operative management for warehouse and distribution optimization.
  • Transportation and traffic logistics
  • Intralogistics
  • Sustainability in logistics.

Homepage of the Institute for Logistics

Transatlantic Institute (TI)

At the Transatlantic Institute, various topics in economics and the social sciences are investigated using empirical, behavioral-science approaches.

Homepage of the Transatlantic Institute

Institute for Business Information Technology (IWIL)

Since 2010, the Institute for Business Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwighafen am Rhein has served as the central contact in the area of business information technology for research skills and knowledge transfer in the regional and national economy.

Homepage of the Institute for Business Information Technology

Founded in March 2014, the Institute for Management, Economics and Healthcare (IMÖVG) brings together the research expertise of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in the fields of health economics, health management and healthcare research.

Against the background of increasingly scarce resources and an ageing society, the institute investigates ways of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare. This requires the combination of expertise from the fields of business administration, economics, medicine and law, which the Institute guarantees through its interdisciplinary orientation.
Here, the Institute can build on the interdisciplinarity that has been practiced in the field of health economics since 2000 at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in the context of education and transfer. As part of its research activities, the Institute will enable Master's students in the field of health economics and health care management to work on research projects at the Institute and thus increase their research skills.

To the homepage of the IMÖVG Institute

Founded in early 2014, the institute focuses on strategic challenges in the area of corporate finance and sees itself as a point of contact for regional and national companies on issues relating to applied research and the transfer of knowledge into business practice.

The financial crisis of recent years and its consequences underline the high relevance of a sustainable financial strategy. Examples of this are the need for companies to secure a stable financing base, the need for financial service providers to focus their service offerings for private and corporate customers on the highest possible customer benefit and the need for institutional investors to meet their obligations through "new" investment strategies in a challenging capital market environment. The Institute's mandate extends to both the real and financial economy.

A further mission of the Institute is the further development of a practice-oriented and at the same time scientifically sound education in the finance degree programs of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, including the MBA distance learning program "Finance, Strategy and Accounting", which is currently being established.

to the homepage of the Finance Institute

The aim of the Business Innovation Lab is to support companies in their digital transformation through research, transfer and training programs. This includes, in particular, the use of digital information for business models, processes and products as well as the development of corresponding methodological expertise for the use of new analysis methods based on innovative technologies.

The Business Innovation Lab is headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert.

To the homepage of the Business Innovation Lab

The network pools the internal expertise and resources of our Departments in the field of health. Research transfer is a central concern of the network. Based on our wide-ranging expertise in the socially highly relevant field of health, we can offer you the mediation, coordination and implementation of practice-oriented research projects in the areas of teaching research and third-party funded research. The projects can be located at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society or in a network. Other universities and research institutes as well as practice partners from institutions and companies in the healthcare sector are welcome as partners. The Health Research Network gains visibility through specialist conferences with experts and regular presentation days for research projects at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Relevant publications are available for download at the respective conference.

to the homepage of the Health Research Network

The object of research is the nature of public and nonprofit enterprises from an economic perspective. The focus is on theory in the sense of a scientific-theoretical foundation of public and nonprofit enterprises as well as empiricism. The latter serves the elaboration of objective findings derived from reality. The research center is headed by Prof. Dr. Marcus Sidki.

to homepage of the research center

The Social Work Research Center "Stadt, Land, Quartier" was established in 2020 by eight lecturers and three research assistants from the Department of Social Work. Its focus is on place-based, social and spatial theory research topics such as community work, neighborhood work and urban development. The focus is on socio-spatial approaches, conflicts over the use of space and topics from both rural and urban areas. In this way, urban research topics and socio-spatially oriented research projects are specifically located and competencies in this area are bundled.

A housing needs analysis on behalf of the city of Ludwigshafen and in cooperation with the Institute for Management and Innovation (IMI) as well as a research project on regional alternative cultural promotion on behalf of the BASF cultural promotion organization Tor 4 are exemplary research projects that were carried out within this framework.

Click here for the final report "Ethnographic study of the last round of the BASF cultural promotion program Tor 4".

The Behavioral Science Research Laboratory at the HWG Ludwigshafen offers researchers, students and teaching staff a comprehensive infrastructure for instrumental and experimental studies aimed at understanding and comprehending human behavior in various economic and social contexts. Equipped with modern technologies and through interdisciplinary collaboration, the laboratory promotes practical research and contributes to solving current social challenges. It also serves as a platform for the training and further education of students, scientists and teaching staff in order to impart sound knowledge of instrumental and experimental investigations in research and practice. The establishment of the research laboratory was made possible by funding from the Carl Zeiss Foundation and the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Science. The research laboratory is headed by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raab.

To the homepage of the research laboratory


Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-380

Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67227 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-262+49 152 53043569


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 104+49 621 5203-459+49 172 6583178