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Main research priorities

Research, that is, the systematic production of new knowledge, is vitally linked to the status of a university of applied sciences. Research priorities serve as guidelines for the design and development of research at the university of applied sciences. These research priorities are oriented on the expertise and research profiles of professors, on societal needs, on the demands of the economy, as well as on set policy priorities and resulting research funding. Building upon an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, within the framework of the research initiative of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz, has defined one main research area: Transformational processes in Business and Society, with the following sub-topics:

(1)  Management of social, ecological and economic ressources

(2)  Entrepreneurship & Organisations

(3)  East Asia: Reference region for institutions and processes in business and society

(4) Health


You can find an overview of the research topics at our university here (in German).


Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-380

Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67227 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-262+49 152 53043569


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 104+49 621 5203-459+49 172 6583178