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Current research and transfer projects


Copulas in machine learning

Project management:Prof. Dr. Maximilian Coblenz
Duration07/2023 - 06/2025
Sponsor:Carl Zeiss Foundation

The aim of the research project CopML - Copulas in Machine Learning - is to further link copulas and machine learning methods. On the one hand, the potential applications of copulas in machine learning will be investigated. One example of this is research into possible applications in image or speech processing. On the other hand, methods of machine learning are to be explored that enable the modeling of copulas themselves.

More information:

Development of sustainable solutions for viticulture through multi-actor innovation for breeding for integrated pest management

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Duration11/2023 - 12/2026
Sponsor:EU Project Horizon

In this pan-European Horizon project, we ensure a Europe-wide information base on sustainability and biodiversity of viticulture with a focus on new, robust grape varieties through coordination within the project groups with external stakeholders and independent analyses.

More information:Weincampus-Neustadt.de

How the employment situation of people with disabilities can be made more inclusive in medium-sized companies in Rhineland-Palatinate

Project management:Philipp Tachkov
Duration06/2024 - 02/2025
Sponsor:Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate

The project aims to research how the inclusion of people with disabilities in employment can be promoted beyond existing instruments and, if necessary, new paths can be taken. One example is projects that approach companies directly and use various offers to ensure that companies increase their inclusion skills and create more opportunities for inclusive employment (see Innoklusio, for example) (see Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH, 2023).

More information:https://imi.hwg-lu.de/projekte/oeffentliche-foerderung/inklusive-arbeit-im-mittelstand/

Guide to a modern mobile working world

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration12/2023 - 12/2025
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Description::The aim of the project is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in assessing their level of maturity with regard to mobile working and to offer them practical operational support for optimization. In cooperation with model companies, concrete findings are gained which are summarized in an online check and the associated results report, which can be used as recommendations for action. The focus is on developing a user-friendly online check that enables SMEs to analyze their status quo in terms of mobile working.
More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Development of a monitoring concept for mobile work on behalf of the BMAS

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration08/2024 - 06/2025
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

The general aim of the monitoring concept is to continuously observe the developments in the key topic areas
of mobile work and to analyze their impact on occupational health and
safety. The four specific topic areas from
the "Mobile Work Policy Workshop" are to be given special consideration in order to ensure a holistic

More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Best practices in sustainable innovation management - don't reinvent the wheel

Project management:Prof. Dr. Rainer Völker
Duration04/2024 - 03/2025
Sponsor:Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate

Procedures and instruments to be successful do not have to be reinvented. The Institute for Management and Innovation (IMI) is researching and analyzing "best practices" of sustainable innovation management as part of a study funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility. This study focuses on ecological sustainability. Examples of new products, services and business models that take into account the circular economy, achieving net zero, sustainable value chains and similar goals are documented.

More information:https://imi.hwg-lu.de/projekte/oeffentliche-foerderung/nachhaltiges_innovationsmanagement/

New trainings to Manage Climatic & ecological transitions in perennial fruit crops

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jochen Bogs
Duration10/2023 - 09/2026
Sponsor:EU ERASMUS +
Description:The aim of the project is to improve cooperation between EU universities, with a focus on supporting climate change and smarter practices in the agricultural sector. The project will transfer research results to create teaching materials, a digital platform and common curricula to develop a comprehensive approach to perennial crops. Newclim will also develop the digital skills of students and staff through e-learning opportunities and make the final results available to a wide audience.
More info:https://www.weincampus-neustadt.de/forschung/dominik-durner/forschungsprojekte/newclim


Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration07/2023 - 06/2025
Sponsor:Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (INQA)
Description:As part of "Skilling@Banken", relevant trends in the financial services sector and their impact on the skills development of employees are identified and analyzed together with Atruvia AG, two Volksbanks (Kurpfalz and Thüringen Mitte) and the Federal Association of German Volksbanks and Raiffeisenbanks. The findings will be translated into recommendations for action and products (toolbox) and made available to interested organizations.
More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Smart data from logistics chains in viticulture

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Duration02/2020 - 02/2025
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Project Management Agency: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food)
Project description:

The project evaluates practice-based digital ("smart data") solutions in order to identify and test optimization potentials for the urgently needed increase in economic efficiency and sustainability of logistics in the wine industry - from simulation models to virtual wineries.

More information:https://ef-sw.de/anwendungsfaelle/af-3/


Interdisciplinary and intersectoral telemedical evaluation, coordination and treatment in the Parkison Network Rhine Main+

Project management:Prof. Dr. Manfred Erbsland
Duration08/2023 - 01/2027
Sponsor:Innovation Committee of the Federal Joint Committee
Description:INSPIRE-PNRM+ stands for the optimized, effective and needs-based care of patients with Parkinson's disease. The project focuses on the combination of the new form of care (nVF) through telemedical care with an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in order to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease in the long term.
More information:https://www.hwg-lu.de/imoevg/projekte

Development and implementation of specialized outpatient support for people with dementia and their families

Project management:Dr. Doris Arnold
Duration11/2023 - 04/2025
Sponsor:Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.
Description:The aims of this project are: Firstly, SABD-Fam is to be further developed and implemented on a trial basis in two Malteser facilities, a "dementia service" and an outpatient care service. SABD-Fam is understood here as the continuous support of people with dementia and their families by dementia consultants and the implementation of case discussions in interdisciplinary dementia teams. Secondly, the aim is to systematically develop suitable and long-term scenarios for the sustainable refinancing of SABD-Fam.
More information:doris.arnold@hwg-lu.de

Completed research and transfer projects (since 2023)


The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Basic Work

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration02/2023 - 07/2024
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Description:The relevance of grassroots work in our society became clear during the corona pandemic. The research project aims to close the research gap and ensure appropriate working and living conditions, but also the promotion and appreciation of grassroots work.
More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Cross-media consumer communication for bakery customers - Appreciating high-quality bread and baked goods and reducing waste

Project management:Philipp Tachkov, Prof. Dr. Thomaschewski (IMI)
Duration09/2022 - 09/2024
Funded by:

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Practice partner is the medium-sized bakery company Bäcker Görtz GmbH, Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Description:In many areas of the food sector, there is a need for action to minimize losses and waste of high-quality food, including in the area of bread and bakery products. An important starting point is targeted consumer communication using both analog and digital means. The project aims to contribute to increasing the appreciation of high-quality baked goods and reducing the waste of baked goods by conveying relevant knowledge through a coordinated mix of digital and analog consumer communication and promoting the responsible use of these products.
More information:https://imi.hwg-lu.de/projekte/oeffentliche-foerderung/brotwert/

Diversity in TOP management at savings banks - focus on gender balance

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration09/2021 - 12/2023
Sponsor:Foundation for Science
Description:More diversity in management bodies is considered a key success factor in the financial sector. The aim is to identify framework conditions and factors influencing the promotion of diversity with a focus on gender balance in order to derive recommendations for action.
More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Failing successfully - improving error culture and error competence

Project management:Prof. Dr. Rainer Völker
Duration01/2024 - 12/2024
Funded by:Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate

The project "Successful failure - improving error culture and error competence" teaches working people in four-hour workshops how they can improve their own error culture and competence. This is relevant against the backdrop of ongoing transformation processes such as digitalization, as mistakes and errors are not only unavoidable in these dynamic times, but are also necessary for the development of people and organizations.

More information:https://imi.hwg-lu.de/erfolgreich-scheitern

"InSkills2Go" training network for the metal/electrical/chemical industry

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration04/2021 - 03/2024
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Description:The Rhineland-Palatinate "InSkills2Go" training network offers SMEs from the metal, electrical and automotive sectors in particular, as well as companies in the chemical industry, scientifically sound support in the development of future skills. As part of the project, a search platform for further training offers and company networking is being developed. In addition, the IT-supported tools PYTHIA and SIBYL will be further developed and adapted to the target industries.
More information:https://inskills2go.de/

The fourth dimension of digitalization in the KliLu

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration07/2022 - 12/2024
Sponsor:Ludwigshafen Hospital
Description:Scientific support for the research project "The fourth dimension of digitalization at Klinikum Ludwigshafen am Rhein gGmbH (KliLu) - success and innovative strength through an organizational, human resources and social design of the digital transformation". A transformation barometer is being developed to make the individual projects at the hospital and their progress transparent and comprehensible to employees. In addition, qualitative strategic HR planning is to be carried out with the hospital and a toolbox for cultural and mindset change is to be introduced.
More information:https://www.ibe-ludwigshafen.de/

Reusable wine

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Duration08/2023 - 12/2024
Sponsor:EIP-AGRI Baden-Württemberg EAFRD

Exploding glass costs and unforeseen resource bottlenecks in connection with socially demanded sustainability and the EU targets for reusable packaging have motivated the research project, in which creative reusable packaging considerations in wine are put into practice and tested in concerted and cross-value-added experiments.

More information:Weincampus-Neustadt.de

Sustainable wine Baden-Württemberg

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Duration10/2021 - 12/2024
Funded by:EIP-AGRI Baden-Württemberg via ELER

In a research cooperation, the Weincampus Neustadt evaluates strategic sustainability solutions and their communicative implementation with more than 30 practice partners. The aim of the project is to develop a holistic sustainability concept for the wine industry in Baden-Württemberg.

More information:



Mobile Work Policy Workshop

Project management:Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Duration12/2021 - 12/2023
Funded by:Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Description::As part of the "Work: safe + healthy" program, the Mobile Work Policy Workshop is developing solutions in a multi-stakeholder process with more than 100 experts from business and society to make stationary screen-based work from home healthy and safe. A wide range of topics are examined, from future-oriented space usage and space concepts to the organization and employee perspective of mobile work (e.g. occupational health and safety, health, insurance, working from abroad, etc.) to hybrid leadership and corporate culture.
More information:https://www.arbeit-sicher-und-gesund.de/

Nonfinancial Reporting and Sustainability Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marcus Sidki, Prof. Dr. Harry Müller
Duration10/2023 - 09/2024
Sponsor:BMBF: FH EUROPE 2020

The project serves to prepare an EU application with research questions on the topic of sustainability reporting by SMEs in the European Union Conclusions are to be drawn on the sustainability performance of companies (transparency versus greenwashing) through statistical analyses of sustainability reports. The presence (or absence) of a correlation between the quality of sustainability reporting and the non-financial, but also financial performance targets
of the companies is also to be examined.

More information:marcus.sidki@hwg-lu.de; harry.mueller@hwg-lu.de

Healthy vines (Vitis vinifera) in organic viticulture through research, innovation and transfer: Piwi marketing and communication strategies

Project management:Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Duration06/2019 - 05/2024
Funded by:

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture; Federal Program for Organic Viticulture

Project description:

The project part evaluates strategic aspects in the cultivation and marketing of new grape varieties. For this purpose, the operational arguments and sustainability effects along the entire value chain from the breeder to the production companies to the distribution channels are examined using different survey methods.

More information:Vitifit

Social sciences

Research project on regional alternative cultural promotion on behalf of BASF cultural promotion Tor 4

Project management:Prof. Dr. Ellen Bareis
Duration03/2023 - 05/2024
Sponsor:BASF SE
Description:Research project on regional alternative cultural promotion on behalf of BASF cultural promotion Tor 4
More info:https://www.hwg-lu.de/fileadmin/user_upload/forschung-transfer/Forschungsbericht_HWG_LU-Stadt-Land-Quartier_Tor_4.pdf


Diabetes Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate

Project management:Prof. Dr. Manfred Erbsland
Duration02/2022 - 09/2023
Sponsor:Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture Reinland-Pfalz
Description:Many people responsible for the healthcare industry in the field of diabetes benefit from exchanging information with each other. However, it is very time-consuming to find out about all the relevant approaches, projects and players in the state and to transform new ideas into new forms of care. DIARLP is a network that has been created to meet these challenges together with you. Our aim is to create transparency and simplify networking. In this way, you can make even better use of potential and synergy effects to advance your topics and projects in the field of diabetes.
More information:https://www.innonet-healtheconomy.com/de/fokusgruppen/diabetesallianz.php

SBAs Consultancy - Needs Assessment Workshop for Skilled Birth Attendants

Project management:Prof. Dr. Michaela Michel-Schuldt
Duration03/2023 - 08/2023

Ministry of Health Lao PDR, Department of Health Care and Rehabilitation

Description::Consultancy project on the needs of maternity staff in Laos
More information:michaela.michel-schuldt@hwg-lu.de

Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-380

Forschungs- und Transferreferentin

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67227 Ludwigshafen

B 105+49 621 5203-262+49 152 53043569