Online info evening
New dates for the summer semester 2026 will be published soon
Reasons for studying nursing education at the HWG...
- Flexible study options
- Two attendance days and one online day per week
- Tailored coordination of the modules
- Courses geared towards practical requirements
- Initiation of networking and academic discourse
- Access to current literature (analog, digital)
- Digital platform for communication and learning organization
- Family-friendly university
- No compulsory attendance
A brief summary of the degree programs...
Nursing pedagogy degree programs - your path to pedagogical expertise in the health and care sector
The Nursing Education degree program prepares you to work as a teacher in education and training in the healthcare sector. With sound knowledge of nursing science, didactics and education management, you will support the next generation of nursing professionals.
The degree programs combine pedagogical, nursing science and methodological content to optimally prepare you for a career as a nursing educator. You will learn to develop innovative teaching methods and design educational processes in various institutions.
Head of degree program
Prof. Dr. phil. Armin Leibig & Dipl. Pol. Kai Mosebach
Content & procedure
1. modules subject area scientific basics
Introduction to educational science, nursing science, health science and ethics
2. modules with topics on science and research
Methods and techniques of scientific work
Research methods and research project
3. modules with topics on education and learning
Basic knowledge of general didactics,
didactics of nursing, didactics of vocational learning
Further information on the modular content
1. module subject area scientific basics
- Introduction to educational science, nursing science, health science and ethics
2nd module with topics on science and research
- Methods and techniques of scientific work
- Research methods and research project
3rd module with topics on education and learning
- Basic knowledge of general didactics,
- Nursing didactics, didactics of vocational learning
4th module with topics from nursing science
- Development and status of nursing science
- Professional nursing practice
- Problems and solutions in gerontological care
- Counseling in nursing
5th module with topics from health science
- Structures of the healthcare system and nursing training
- Health and illness in a social context
- Health promotion and prevention
6th module on the learning location practice
- Practical semester (5th semester)
7th module: Bachelor's thesis
- A scientific question from the fields of nursing education or nursing science is worked on independently under supervision
8th module (virtual): Critical examination of the professional field of nursing
- Critical examination of the healthcare system and the professional field of nursing from various perspectives, e.g. historical, social, professional policy...
9th module Professional nursing care in different phases of life
- Evidence-based nursing: the importance of scientifically based action in nursing care
- Ethics in nursing practice
10th module Advice, information and training in nursing care
- Legal foundations
- Salutogenesis, self-management, health literacy and empowerment
11th module Structures of the healthcare system and nursing training
- Academization and professionalization of nursing education, training and continuing education
- Nursing chamber movement as an aspect of professionalization
12th module Health and illness in a social context
- Concepts of health, illness and disability (biological-medical, psychological, social) in the context of historical changes in meaning and the interests of relevant stakeholders
13th module practical semester
- Lesson observation and lesson preparation, implementation and evaluation
14th module Bachelor's thesis
- Working on an independently selected question from the field of nursing education or nursing science
- Bachelor's colloquium
Further information on the course of study
The course is modularized, i.e. there are 14 thematic units, so-called modules, which are studied over the course of the six semesters.
The modules generally extend over two semesters and each module concludes with a module examination.
Credit points are awarded for each module examination passed.
A total of 210 credit points are awarded in the seven semesters (one of which is virtual) (30 credit points per semester).
In the fourth and fifth semesters, students carry out an independent research project under supervision.
In the fifth semester, students complete a 16-week internship semester integrated into their studies.
In the sixth semester, students write their Bachelor's thesis as their final project.
Application & Admission
The "Apply" button will take you to a brief guide on how to register and apply.
If you are not sure which documents you need to upload to the portal, you will find an overview here:
A list of all types of entrance qualifications can be found here:
General application forms:
Admission requirements
- A-levels or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences in conjunction with completed training as a healthcare and nursing assistant, healthcare and pediatric nurse, geriatric nurse, midwife or maternity nurse or as a nursing specialist
- Completed three years of training + two years of professional experience + professional qualification (training) with an overall grade of at least 2.5
The team at the Student Service Center (SSC) looks forward to meeting you
The SSC staff responsible for application management advise prospective students on all aspects of the application process. They are the right people to contact for all questions relating to application and admission/access to studies at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
E-mail: ssc-bewerbung@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Telephone: +49 621 5203-0
For subject-related questions, please get in touch with the relevant contact person for your desired degree program.
Opening hours of the SSC
Mon. and Tue.
09:30 - 12:00
09:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:30
Wed and Fri