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Two students, one female student in conversation inside the university

Master of Business Administration part-time

Integrated degree program (BIS) Business Administration (MBA)


The integrated degree program (BIS) in Business Administration (MBA) takes a general management approach. It builds on the university's Bachelor's degree course of the same name and also combines on-campus study with work experience.

In terms of content, it deepens your professional experience with a comprehensive overview of all operational areas, their processes and interrelationships from a strategic management perspective. The main subject areas are: Corporate management, human resources and marketing supplemented by social skills and social context. The workshop character of the courses and group work in teams ensure practical theory transfer and reflection on the topics.

Most of our students work in a commercial profession and are motivated professionals who aspire to or already hold management positions.

Interested? We offer the integrated degree program (BIS) in Business Administration (MBA) in cooperation with the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar, our subsidiary for academic continuing education. Detailed information on the degree programs can be found on the GSRN website: https://gsrn.de/studienangebote/berufsintegrierendes-studium-bwl/.

Here you will find information about info webinars & events, admisson requirements and the application process. Our colleagues will be happy to check your documents and admission in advance.

Contact us

Iris Zimmermann

Iris Zimmermann


Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 316+49 621 595728-18www.gsrn.de