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English online distance learning course Logistics - International Management & Consulting (MBA)


We will start our next English online MBA distance learning program in Logistics - International Management & Consulting in September 2022 at the Ludwigshafen University for Business and Society.

The online application starts 1st of April 2022! We would be happy if you would first register online on our website  https://online.zfh.de and send us all the required documents listed in our  check list  first by mail due to the actual situation and later on by post to the following address (as soon as we receive your documents we will give you an answer regarding your entry requirements):
Konrad Zuse Str. 1
56075 Koblenz 

If you are interested, please contact Ms Eva Nefen at +49 621 5203 159 or by e-mail: eva.nefen@hwg-lu.de

Please see Enrolment and Payment Conditions here

Makhlouf Benzahia

“Joining LIMC program was one of the best decisions in my life. I have acquired knowledge that helped me work smarter, become efficient,
open minded, embrace and create change within our organisation so we can remain a preferred logistics service provider in the chemical and petrochemical industry. Being back to university at the age of 42 was fun. I have enjoyed it very much and I don’t doubt that I will be doing it all over again in the future!”

Logistics - International Management & Consulting (LIMC)

The postgraduate MBA online study has been specifically tailered to logistics managers who will have to handle processes at the interface of different disciplines. It responds to the high demand for logistics managers with knowledge of modern logistics and understandig of its complexity and experience on an international scale.

This study not only deals with the classic three-dimensional alignment of logistics teaching (business management - IT - technology) but includes logistics-relevant contents, such as management, consulting and social competence. It contains international subjects such as intercultural competence and international logistics management, which is decisive particularly for logisticians in "interface areas" - working across borders, departments and nations. We teach logistics in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner and understand global logistics as long-term, sustainable logistics.

The extra-occupational concept of the studies permits a high practice relationship in the studies and direct application of the method knowledge on the job. The regular study time is of four semesters. The first three semesters of the course of studies contain online live sessions once or twice per months (Fridays and Sautdays). The master's thesis is written in the 4th semester.

The master's course of studies are targeted at:

  • Professionals who work or would like to work in an international environment on decision-making level (as manager, project manager or logistics consultant) and would like to improve their profiles for this,
  • Persons with an international background and interest, who would like to acquire further qualification in paralleo profession and/or family while staying flexible,
  • Persons who would also like to use the technical exchange of experience with other professionals and our lecturers to gain insights into solutions and processes of other enterprises.

The study is based on three core elements: 

  • Flexible independent studies using online textbooks and learning materials 
  • Learning together via the online platform OpenOLAT and
  • Online live sessions with methods of active and reflection-promoting teaching such as case studies, exercises in a Digital Factory, presentations, group work, etc.

The MBA distance learning course is a shared course of studies between the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and the zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund.

Basic data:

  • Blended learning with E-Learning platform + online live sessions in the 1st – 3rd semester
  • Degree: Master of Business Administration with 90 ECTS, FIBAA accredited
  • Language: 100% in  English
  • Duration: 4 semesters (incl. Master's thesis)
  • Start: 1st October (winter semester) and 1st March (summer semester)
  • Application: for the winter semester: 1st April to 30th June, for the summer semester: 1st October to 15th January. For application please click here: www.zfh.de/application/limc
  • Costs: € 2,250 + social contribution (German) (approx. € 135) per semester
  • Max. 20 students per group


Prof. Dr. Sabine Scheckenbach

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 2.169+49 621 5203-301+49 172 1476266

Eva Nefen

Eva Nefen

Programm Manager

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 318+49 621 5203-159+49 173 2897763

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