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Prof. Dr. Maximilian Coblenz

 +49 (0)621 5203 416

personal homepage

Consultation hours:
by arrangement

Lecture material in OLAT


  • Data Science
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Anwendungssysteme 2: Big Data
  • Praxisprojekt Data Science/Big Data
  • NoSQL Datenbanken
  • Programmierung für Data Science

Research Statement:

My research comprises machine learning, in particular neural nets and autoencoders, as well as modeling high-dimensional data with copulas. I am interested in applications of copulas in machine learning.

My further research interests are data science/analytics and big data, particularly MLOps, cloud services and NoSQL databases.

Short Bio:

since 2022   Professor for Business Information Systems at Department of Services and Consulting, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2020 - 2022Data Scientist bei 1&1 Telecommuncation SE
2019 - 2020Data Scientist bei EXXETA AG
2015 - 2019Research and Teaching Assistant at the Institute of Operations Research (IOR)
2018PhD in Statistics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2013 - 2015Risk Controller at Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
2013M.Sc. Economics Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2012M.Sc. Finance and Investment, University of Nottingham
2011B.Sc. Business Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


  • Coblenz, M., Grothe, O., Hermann, K., Hofert, M. (2021). ,,Smooth Bootstrapping of Copula Functionals”. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1): 2250-2606.
  • Coblenz, M. (2021). ,,MATVines: A vine copula package for MATLAB”. SoftwareX, 14: 100700.
  • Coblenz, M., Holz, S., Bauer, H.-J., Grothe, O., Koch, R. (2020). ,,Modelling Fuel Injector Spray Characteristics in Jet Engines by Using Vine Copulas’’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 69(4): 863-886.
  • Coblenz, M. (2018). Advances in Dependence Modeling: Multivariate Quantiles, Copula Level Curve Lengths, and Non-Simplified Vine Copulas. Dissertation, KIT Karlsruhe.
  • Coblenz, M., Dyckerhoff, R., Grothe, O. (2018). ,,Confidence Regions for Multivariate Quantiles’’. Water, 10: 996.
  • Coblenz, M., Grothe, O., Schreyer, M., Trutschnig, W. (2018). ,,On the length of copula level curves’’. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 167: 347-365.
  • Breig, R., Coblenz, M., Pelz, M. (2018). ,,Enhancing simulation-based theory development in entrepreneurship through statistical validation’’. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9: 53-59.
  • Coblenz, M., Dyckerhoff, R., Grothe, O. (2018). ,,Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate Quantiles’’. Environmetrics, 29(2): 1-23.     
  • Teschner, F., Coblenz, M., Weinhardt, C. (2011). ,,Short-Selling in Prediction Markets’’. The Journal of Prediction Markets, 5(2): 14-31.




Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer

Ms Stefanie Gray

Assistant to the Dean

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

 +49 (0) 621/5203-150
 +49 (0) 621/5203-111

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