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Public space as a place of encounter

Project Management:Prof. Dr. Andrea Lutz-Kluge
Project duration:04/2014 - 12/2014
Project description:

"How would Ludwigshafen citizens like to use >Tortenschachtel<?" - On the importance of public space as a place of encounter, communication and interaction for all population groups in a city.

In the spring and summer of 2014, the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences will have the opportunity to help shape an extraordinary urban project in public space as a key player. The department store building on Berliner Platz, which has been vacant for some time and is popularly known as "Tortenschachtel", has a new owner and will presumably be available for interim use until renovations/possibly also demolition begin in fall 2014.

As part of its new citizens' program "Hack and the City - the city belongs to us!", the Wilhelm Hack Museum will assume responsibility for organizing and programming this event. The content and goal of the program "Hack and the City" is to address the issue of public space as a place for encounter and communication for, in principle, all citizens of the city.

Towards the end of 2013, the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences was asked to develop event contributions to address the topic. For the students of the social work department, this offer provides the opportunity to deal intensively with the meaning of public space from the perspective of diversity and critical community work.

From the teaching area Aesthetic Education/Aesthetic Practice in Social Work 


total of three events are to be integrated into the interim use project.

a) Photography project: The students are given the task of working on the guiding question in the medium of photography. 

b) Miniature models: According to a method of the Stuttgart artist Peter Schmid miniature models are made, by means of which the leading question is worked on


results of the projects are to be presented to the public in the context of an exhibition

.c) A group of students works on the topic "Share-Economy". During WS 13/14, the group researched various exchange ring and exchange models and reflected on them from a social work perspective. In the context of the "Tortenschachtel" project, the group is challenged to develop a barter exchange format that, in addition to the exchange of goods and services, especially promotes the possibility of meeting, communication and interaction of people from different life backgrounds. The idea is to create a swap meet in the popular format of "speed dating".
Target groups:Students from the B.A. Social Work program as creative actors; the public of the city of Ludwigshafen.
Diversity dimension:Diversity in general, as it is reflected in the city population under a social work perspective here especially related to countries of origin, social milieus, age structure.
Contact details:

Prof. Dr. Lutz-Kluge



Petra Schorat-Waly

Profile picture Petra Schorat-Waly

Qualitätsmanagement & Organisationsentwicklung

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
67227 Ludwigshafen

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