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Discover Global Logistics - Getting Started in a New Culture

Project management:Prof. Dr. Scheckenbach
Project duration:09/2014 - 01/2015
Project description:

Our students who spend a semester abroad represent our university abroad.

It is

not only the academic achievements that are an indicator of a successful semester abroad, but also the language and a cultural and social understanding of the host country are factors that should not be underestimated,

especially for the logistics industry, the Asian economic area is the global focus. Asian partner universities are therefore very popular with our students. The project "DISCOVER GLOBAL LOGISTICS - GETTING STARTED IN A NEW CULTURE" prepares students for the cultural and linguistic particularities. In this context, a basic knowledge of geography and history is also to be imparted

The logistics environment is currently dominated by male decision-makers. Women are a clear minority in logistics. The general image of logistics is predominantly characterized by IT and technology. Women, on the other hand, prefer degree programs and professional fields in which the so-called "soft factors" such as cultural, social or linguistic skills are obvious core characteristics. 

Our project takes up the challenge of making a field of activity that is supposedly unattractive for the female target group attractive by strengthening the intercultural, social and linguistic side of the logistics industry

. In

particular, early female students are actively supported in the decision-making process for their future choice of field of study,

which is to be implemented through an additional elective module for the orientation and preparation of students/early students of the dual Bachelor's degree program in Logistics for a semester abroad or an internship in Asia. The core contents are

  • Economic geography
  • economic history
  • language
  • Asian culture
The module will be offered for the first time in the winter semester 2014/15. After the pilot phase, it will be permanently integrated into the curriculum of the dual Bachelor's degree program in Logistics.
Target groups:All students/early career students and students with a migration background, especially female students/early career students on the dual Bachelor's degree program in Logistics (dBL).
Diversity dimensions:Overall diversity, cultural backgrounds, interdisciplinarity and gender
Contact details:

Prof. Dr. Scheckenbach



Petra Schorat-Waly

Profile picture Petra Schorat-Waly

Qualitätsmanagement & Organisationsentwicklung

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4-6
67227 Ludwigshafen

A 208+49 621 5203-358+49 172 3437059+49 621 5203-379