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Open counseling platform for foreign students

Project management:Ms. Ilse Page
Project duration:

05/2014 - 12/2014 - Follow-up project: 03/2015 - 11/2015

Project description:

Foreign students, especially from non-EU countries, who are seeking a degree at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society have very different information and support needs due to the large number, complexity and heterogeneity of their cultural backgrounds. Appropriate individual and ultimately efficient advice and support is time-consuming, complex and requires multi-layered networking in order to enable truly comprehensive support, the development of self-responsibility and an increasing probability of academic success.

In cooperation between the International Office, the Departments and the Student Service Center, the planned advisory platform will offer support in the following areas:

  • Studies: dealing with examination regulations, language skills, tutoring, loss of examination entitlements, contacting professors (if necessary)
  • Financing: Scholarship options and applications, emergency aid fund, AStA, job search
  • Social issues: integration of study and everyday life, exam anxiety, single parents, pregnancy, finding/losing accommodation, legal residence hurdles, follow-up application with a focus on students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses and students with a refugee biography
  • Organization of targeted exchange of experiences
Target groups:Foreign students from all Departments
Diversity dimensions:Overall diversity, heterogeneity of educational backgrounds and cultural backgrounds
Contact details:

Ms. Ilse Page



Petra Schorat-Waly

Profile picture Petra Schorat-Waly

Qualitätsmanagement & Organisationsentwicklung

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4-6
67227 Ludwigshafen

A 208+49 621 5203-358+49 172 3437059+49 621 5203-379