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Excel: Basics
Start: September 10, 2024, (Course number: 242-300405)

Wednesdays September 10, 17, 24
and October 2, 2024
10.15 - 11.45 a.m. each day


This course covers the basics of spreadsheets: Entering text, numbers and formulas. After an example of a calculation, another typical application of Excel is shown: the evaluation of table data with the help of simple functions (SUM, AVERAGE, NUMBER, etc.) and the calculation of proportions. The result of the analysis of table data is concluded with the creation of charts (column, bar, line and pie charts). The course demonstrates some important functions such as the IF function, date/time functions and the VLOOKUP function.

Participants will be offered exercises to accompany the examples in the course.

Would you like to take part? Click here for pre-registration at HWG Ludwigshafen
You will receive a confirmation email with all the information you need to register with the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH.