News & Events

News & events in the year 2025
Jan 25: Sebastian Kurras inspires GiP students with insights into international healthcare projects
Sebastian Kurras inspires GiP students with insights into international healthcare projects As part of Prof. Häusler's course "Healthcare systems in international comparison" at HWG Ludwigshafen, Sebastian Kurras, Head of International Project Management at BG-Kliniken Frankfurt and graduate of the Health Economics in Practice (GiP) degree programs, reported on his impressive projects in Ukraine and Madagascar. Read more here.
News & Events in the year 2024
October 24: SAP guest lecture on Cloud Controlling in the BMC degree programs
On October 24, 2024, Ms. Stockhofe and Ms. Müller from SAP gave a guest lecture in the course "Value-oriented Management and Controlling" on the topic of cloud controlling. The BMC students have summarized their impressions in a short report .
August 24: First double degree in Finland
Click here for the experience report of our student, Ms. Sprenger.
June 24: Study abroad at the University of St Andrews in the Bachelor's degree program BMC
Mr. Breuer is studying for a Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration with a focus on Management, Controlling & Information. The degree programs offers the opportunity to study abroad in the 5th semester. The courses taken at the foreign university in the field of "Management and International Aspects" are recognized, which means that the modules from the 5th semester are replaced and the course is not extended. In his report, Mr. Breuer describes his diverse impressions and gives us further insights with his pictures. Click here for the short report.
07. May 24: Live Talk Master's degree program HCM
Live talk about the degree programs on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5 pm. In our live talk, we will introduce you to the structure and content of our Master's degree program Care Management in Healthcare -HealthCare Management (HCM) . Click here to register.
May 13, 24: Live Talk Bachelor program GiP
Live talk about the degree programs on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5 pm. In our live talk, we will present the structure and content of our Bachelor's degree program in Health Economics in Practice . Click here to register.
29.04.24: One Day at SAP
As part of an all-day excursion to SAP, 18 HWG LU students from the Master's degree programs in Controlling (MCO) and Business Administration with a focus on Management, Controlling & Information (BMC) explored the Cloud Controlling CoE (Centre of Experience) at the headquarters in Walldorf with their professor S. Kirchner-Khairy. Find out more here.
April 24: Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Rech
On April 24, 2024, the inaugural lecture of Dr. Stefan Rech, Professor of Business Administration, in particular Controlling and Information Management, took place in the conference rooms of HWG LU. The President of Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, and the Dean of Department I, Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dreßler, were delighted to welcome his wife alongside numerous colleagues and students. Read more here.
March 24: 24th European Accountancy Week
In March 2024, the European university network ETAP - European Taxation and Accounting in Practice - celebrated another successful European Accountancy Week (EAW). The EAW is an annual event, with currently 17 participating European universities, to offer students in the field of accounting & Finance a platform for exchange and further education. This year the EAW took place from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 in Łódź, Poland. Read more about it here.
Nov 23: NEW at the Departments - Prof. Dr. Stefan Rech

New professorship at Department I: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rech started in October as Professor of Business Administration, in particular Controlling and Information Management. Read more here.
Nov 23: Conference - Digital Finance & Controlling

Conference 2023 | Digital Finance & Controlling (Digital Edition).
- Event organized by HWG LU-Business Innovation Lab.
- November 13, 2023 - Online Event.
More information can be found here.
Oct 23: Health Economics Talks 2023: Green Health - Innovation Potential and Challenges

On October 13, 2023, starting at 9:15h the Health Economics Talks 2023 will take place at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. More information will follow soon here.
Oct 23: Free Expert Talks - Corporate Management & Controlling
- Compact knowledge about modern, data-driven corporate management & Controlling
- In cooperation with the ICV Fachkreis Analytics und Controlling and the XING Analytics & Controlling Community.
- You can find out more about the event dates here.
Jul 23: Graduation ceremony 2023
We congratulate our graduates of the Department. Read more about the graduation ceremony here.
June 23: Our first double degree graduate from Finland

Our first double degree graduate from Finland at FB I. Read more about it in the field report of our student.
May 23: Inaugural Lecture Prof. Dr. Wölfing

On May 3, 2023, the inaugural lecture by Dr. Nikolas Wölfing, Professor of Economics, took place in the auditorium of the HWG LU. The President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, and the Dean of the Department, Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler, were delighted to welcome his family as well as numerous colleagues and students. Read more here.
May 23: Conference of the teachers

Impressions of this year's faculty conference can be found here.
May 23: CHE Ranking
CHE Ranking 2023: Bachelor's degree programs in our Department in the top group. Read more here.
Apr 23: Farewell Lecture Prof. Dr. Buch

Prof. Dr. Joachim Buch already retired at the end of the past winter semester 2022/2023. The farewell lecture of this colleague of many years, highly esteemed both professionally and personally, followed at intervals of a few weeks. Read more here .
Apr 23: Euopean Accountacy Week in Belgium
Meanwhile, the European university network ETAP - European Taxation and Accounting in Practice - hosted the 23rd EAW, enabling 91 students from 16 institutions and 14 countries to network across Europe....Read more here.
Apr 23: Annual Congress of the German Managed Care Association
The 2023 annual congress of the Federal Managed Care Association (BMC) is concerned with the transformation of the healthcare system and wants to make a contribution to shaping this. On the topic of telemedicine, Prof. Dr. Raum will present and discuss an innovative project in the field of geriatric care together with the Chairwoman of the Board of AOK Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland, Dr. Martina Niemeyer, and the Head of Rehabilitative Care there, Martin Faust B.Sc. GiP. Further information about the congress can be found here:
Feb 23: Panel discussion
Energy Purchasing Today And Tomorrow. Prof. Dr. Nikolas Wölfing contributes environmental economics expertise to panel discussion at the 16th Supply Management Symposium at the University of Mannheim. Read more here .
Feb 23: Research-Based Teaching - ReThink Community I

ReThink - Community - Analysis of the potential and opportunities for repositioning communities, using XING as an example. The students were divided into teams and investigated various questions. You can read more about this here.
Dec 22: Either one or honorary office? - Why not just both!?
Yesterday, students Denise Seib and Sabiha Acar were awarded the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society's honorary scholarship for their outstanding commitment and remarkable academic achievements. Read more here.
Oct 22: Health Economics Talks 2022 - "BioTech meets Health Economics"
The motto of this year's Health Economics Talks at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences was "Biotechnology meets Health Economics" on October 14, 2022. Read more in the press release.
Oct 22: Celebration event 20 plus 2 years of health economics in practice network.
Sep 22: Staff Exchange Girona
Prof. Dr. Axel Kihm in September 2022 as Teaching Staff at the Universitat de Girona. Read more here .
Sep 22: Double inaugural lecture at the Department
On 21.09.2022, the joint inaugural lecture by Dr. Michael Hippeli, Professor of Business Law and Law in Healthcare and Dr. Martin Klose, Professor of Business Administration, in particular Controlling, took place, which was also attended by external guests from academia and practice. Read more here.
Sep 22: ETAP Working Meeting in Brussels

This year's Working Meeting for the preparation of the next European Accoutancy Week (EAW) could fortunately take place again in presence. The Brussels Campus of the Odisee University of Applied Sciences had invited to this important meeting. Click here for the article.
Sep 22: Departments I graduate honored for best Bachelor's degree
During a ceremony on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, five outstanding graduates or students of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences (HWG LU) were honored for their special academic achievements by the Friends and Sponsors Association (VFF) and the University's Equal Opportunity Officer. Read more here. (You are switching to the university communication page).
Oct 22: Health Economics Talks 2022
BioTech meets Health Economics
14.10.2022, 9:30-14:30h
Top-class experts deal with one of the boom industries of the future. Excellent job prospects are on offer here! Learn more.
Oct 22: Ceremony GiP
The study program GiP celebrates its birthday.
14.10.2022, from 15:00h.
Celebration event for 20plus2-years of health economics in the GiP practice network. Learn more.
July 22: Vintage party

Graduates of the School of Business and Society can celebrate their degree properly again. Read more here.
July 22: Honorary professorships awarded

June 22: Farewell Lecture Prof. Dr. Kronenberger

On June 1, 2022, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kronenberger, Professor of Economics at the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare at HWG LU, former Dean of the Departments and Vice President of the University, retired. Read more here.
March 22: European Accountancy Week
European Accountancy Week 2022 in Vilnius/Lithuania The 22nd European Accountancy Week (EAW) could - after a year of pandemic break - take place again, this time in Vilnius/Lithuania. There were 12 nations represented with 50 students and 17 professors. Read more here.
March 22: 3-D campus tour

You can find our 3-D campus tour here.
March 22: Pandemic Challenge - Mentoring in Corona Times
The corona pandemic & its effects on all areas of our lives also presented our international students with new challenges. In the midst of this crisis, it was therefore important for us to find new ways to ensure that our students can interact with each other. Together with the International Office, our Critical Path Manager, Dr. Julia Meister, therefore organized a mentoring program for the first time to support our degree-seeking students. Find out more here.
March 22: Once again proven experts on a wide range of topics in the Studium Generale
The Studium Generale program at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences starts in March. Read more in the press release.
Feb 22: Zlín (Czech Republic): Field report semester abroad
A semester abroad during the pandemic. Challenge and chance.
Feb 22: New at the Departments - Prof. Dr. Wölfing
We welcome Prof. Dr. Nikolas Wölfing as a professor at the Departments.
Nov 2021: Lecture in the context of the Demography Week
Our lecturer Dr. Monika Roth from the M.Sc. in Health Care Management (HCM) and member of the board of trustees of the Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie e.V. gave a lecture as part of the fifth nationwide demography week under the motto "Together of the generations - shaping the future together". More information here.
Oct 21: New at the Departments - Prof. Dr. Hippeli
We welcome Prof. Dr. Michael Hippeli as a professor at the Departments.
June 21: "Wagner Family Award" presented for the seventh time
On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, three outstanding theses at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society were awarded the "Wagner Family Sponsorship Award 2020" with a delay due to the coronavirus pandemic, but in a fee-worthy setting. Read more here.
Lecture on the "History of Human Rights
Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 17:00 h
Speaker: Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Martin Will, M.A., LL.M. (Cambridge), Chair of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, European Law, Law of New Technologies as well as History of Law, EBS - Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht.
The event will take place online. You can join the event without pre-registration via this link:
Meeting ID: 935 0321 3577
Identifier code: 487969
Dual studies increasingly popular

The dual degree program Health Economics in Practice (GiP) combines university studies with practical vocational training and enables a quick entry into the health care sector.
Read more. (Note: You are leaving the HWG page).
2020/2021: Five scholarships in the GiP program!
Within one year, five scholarships were awarded to students in the Health Economics in Practice (GiP) program. You can read more about this here.
CHE University Ranking 2020: The Department's Master's degree programs are among the leaders

M.A. Controlling, M.A. Innovation Management and M.Sc. Health Sciences Management - Health Care Management - with these degree programs, the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) participated in the current university ranking of the CHE and ZEIT and achieved a top position in the categories "Transition to Master's studies" and "Study organization" in the survey of Master's students .
October 2020: Health economic talks
Health Economics Talks 2020 and Hackathon on"Adaptive and Resilient Healthcare 2030 - Utopia or Reality?" . Conference also a success in digital format. Learn more here.
May 2020: CHE University Ranking - Departments' degree programs are among the top group
CHE University Ranking 2020: Departments of Management, Controlling, HealthCare degree programs at HWG Ludwigshafen are among the top group. Read the current press release.
Apr 2020: Emergency financial aid for students at our universities.
Read the current press release of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz. Click here for the press release.
Dec 2019: Excursion to Hamburg to the Smart Hospital of the UKE and Digital Board of DAK-Gesundheit.
Students of the course "Health Economics in Practice (GiP)" on a field trip to Hamburg to visit the UKE's Smart Hospital and DAK-Gesundheit's Digital Board. Read more on the university communication page. Click here.
Dec 2019: Farewell lecture by Prof. Dr. Beate Kremin-Buch

On Wednesday, 11. December 2019, the farewell lecture of Prof. Dr. Beate Kremin-Buch took place with the topic "On the enthusiasm factor of cost accounting". Prof. Dr. Kremin-Buch, who holds the professorship for Global Financial Accounting and Cost Management at , is leaving the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society at the end of the 2019/2020 winter semester after more than 25 years.
Nov 2019: Deutschlandstipendium: Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Hochschule Ludwigshafen e.V. awards five scholarships

Since 2017, the Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Hochschule Ludwigshafen e. V. has been awarding a total of five scholarships. These five scholarships were awarded to three students of health economics and two students of nursing education. The prizes were presented by Pastor Dr. Werner Schwartz, former head of the Deaconesses Speyer.
Read more here.
Nov 2019: New at the Departments - Prof. Dr. Stoebel & Prof. Dr. Klose

We welcome Prof. Dr. Stoebel and Prof. Dr. Klose as new professors at the Department.
May 2019: Visit from Finland - Colleagues from Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) as guests

Merja Helin and Dawn Aarnio were guests at the Department. You can read more about the votes on a planned double degree here.
May 2019: Excursion to Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Students of the Controlling course visit Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in Wiesloch together with Prof. Dr. Kirchner-Khairy and Prof. Dr. Kihm.
Read more here.
March 2019: European Accountancy Week in Greece

In March 2019, a group of students received the opportunity to accompany Prof. Dr. Kihm and Ms. Sophia Richter to the European Accountancy Week in Kavala, Greece.
Click here for more information.
March 2019: Hospital care in the People's Republic of China and Germany - Project visit to Beijing University.

As part of a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health, Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler and Prof. Dr. Barbara Darimont are investigating fields of action for quality assurance in Chinese and German hospitals. From March 12 to 18, the entire project team traveled to Beijing for a bilateral exchange.
Read more here.
Presentation of the Deutschlandstipendium 2018 - Four students from the Department honored

The Germany Scholarship at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society is awarded annually in the winter semester. This scholarship supports talented and capable students who are selected not only on the basis of their performance, but also on the basis of diversity aspects. This year's scholarships, now awarded by eight sponsors, were presented to the 14 scholarship holders - including four students from our Department - at a ceremony on 22 November 2018.
Read more here.
November 2018: Christmas parcel convoy

As part of Sophia Richter's Business Skills lectures, students from the International Management Eastern Europe degree programs and incoming students took part in the Christmas parcel kovoi campaign.
Read more about it here.
October 2018: Studium Generale on the topic of happiness

On October 9, Prof. Dr. Hanno Beck gave a lecture on the topic of happiness as part of the Studium Generale lecture series.
You can find out more about the topic of happiness here.
September 2018: ETAP Working Meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania

From September 16-19, 2018, Professor Axel Kihm and Sophia Richter participated in the ETAP Working Meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Read more here.
Vintage party 2018

As part of the graduation ceremony on July 13, 2018, a total of four students from Department I were honored. Read more here.
June 2018: Farewell Prof. Dr. Jakobi

On June 20, 2018, Prof. Dr. Jakobi gave his farewell lecture at the university.
Read more here.
May 2018: Conference of the teaching staff

This year's conference of lecturers at the Management, Controlling, HealthCare Department took place on May 23, 2018.
Read more about it here.
April 2018: Factory visit to ZIEHL-ABEGG SE in Künzelsau

Students of the Controlling course visit ZIEHL-ABEGG SE in Künzelsau together with Prof. Dr. Kihm.
Read more here.
February 2018: European Accountancy Week

In February 2018, a group of students got the chance to attend the European Accountancy in Coimbra (Portugal).
Click here for more information.
December 2017: Award of the University Medal
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society honored attorney Andreas Burger for his many years of outstanding commitment as a lecturer in law at the Department of Management, Controlling and HealthCare by awarding him the University Medal on Wednesday, December 20, 2017.
Read more here.
October 2017: Health economic talks
On October 20, 2017, the 14th Health Economics Talks with the topic Health Care in Times of Big Data took place in the auditorium of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein starting at 09:00.
Click here for more information.
SoSe17: Pilot phase early warning system
Developed by our Critical Path Manager, Ms. Meister, an early warning system for identifying impending dropouts at our Department will be launched for the first time in the summer semester of 2017. The aim of the early warning system is to identify situations that could jeopardize the course of studies in good time and to derive measures.
June 2017: Excursion Amazon
On June 27, 2017, students and employees of the Department had the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at Amazon.
Clickhere for more information.
May 2017: Network meeting dropout
This year's network meeting on the topic of dropping out of university took place on May 10, in which the participants (Ms. Julia Meister for Department I) exchanged information and ideas on topics such as dropping out of university and academic success as well as support options for dropouts. Representatives from the Federal Employment Agency and the Palatinate Chamber of Crafts were also present to present their projects.
March 2017: European Accountancy Week
In March 2017, a group of students got the chance to attend the European Accountancy in Sopron (Hungary).
Click here for more information.