Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dieter Thomaschewski

Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management
Honorary Professor at Danube University Krems
Scientific Director of the Institute for Management and Innovation
House B (IMI)
+49 (0) 621/5203-464
dieter.thomaschewski@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Market-oriented corporate management, marketing
- Corporate management and organization
- Strategic/international management
- Innovation management
Research focus
- Management in Central and Eastern Europe
- Growth strategies
- Strategic corporate management
Professional career
1969 | Studied at the University of Saarland. Degree as Diplom-Kaufmann. Focus on marketing/industrial management |
1969 | Joined the BASF stock corporation |
1976 | Establishment of internal management consultancy for strategy, marketing concepts, organization and IT |
1980 | Head of the unit "Sales Plastics Latin America", BASF AG |
1984 | Head of the unit "Regional Marketing Latin America for Chemicals and Plastics", BASF AG |
1987 | Head of the company BASF Venezolana SA |
1990 | Head of BASF Information Systems in the USA |
1992 | Head of the Fertilizer Product Division BASF |
1999 | Head of the Regional Division Europe BASF |
2004 | Head of "Development European Strategy BASF" |
2006 - 2017 | Scientific Director of the Central Eastern Europe Institute (MOI) |
since 2003 | Lecturer, Danube University Krems |
since 2006 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
since 2007 | Lecturer, Private University of Applied Sciences Business PHW Bern |
since 2017 | Scientific Director of the Institute for Management and Innovation |
- since 1999 Member of the Working Group "Corporate Growth and International Management" of the Schmalenbach Society e.V.
- Pricing - a decision-making aid, in Marketing Journal, 4/1971
- Linear programming as an instrument of business optimization, in Marketing Journal, 2/1972
- Quality management between living change and inhibiting formalism, in: VDI-Berichte 1305, erfolgreiche Prozesse, VDI-Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf 1996
- Competitiveness - Success factors of international companies in global competition, in: Giesel, Franz / Glaum, Martin (ed.), Globalization and challenges to corporate management at the beginning of the 21st century, Verlag C. H. Beck, 1999, pp. 167-189
- Balanced scorecard as an instrument of marketing controlling, in: Kostenrechnungspraxis, special issue 3/2000, pp. 47-54
- Value Added Services as the key to customer satisfaction, in: Christian Homburg (ed.), Kundenzufriedenheit, Gabler Verlag, 2002, pp. 338-352
- Organizational development: Determining factors, modeling and process adaptation, in: IM-Information Management und Consulting, special edition of the 23rd Saarbrücker Arbeitstagung "Geschäftsprozessmanagement - The 2nd wave", October 2002 (Thomaschewski / Krotz)
- Strategic success factors of internal growth, in: Glaum, Martin / Hommel, Ulrich / Thomaschewski, Dieter (eds.), Wachstumsstrategien internationaler Unternehmen, Schäffer-Poeschel-Verlag, 2002
- Wachstumsstrategien internationaler Unternehmen, 10 Thesen, Glaum, Martin / Hommel, Ulrich / Thomaschewski, Dieter as rapporteur of the working group "Unternehmenswachstum und internationales Management" of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V., zfbf, Jahrgang 55, December 2003
- Synergies in acquisition management, EUL-Verlag, Cologne-Lohmar, 2004
- Interview on international corporate management, conducted by Prof. Fink and Prof. Holden, in: "Academy of Management Executive", 2005, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 90-93
- Glaum / Thomaschewski / Weber Effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on German companies: Costs, benefits, consequences for US listings, Deutsches Aktieninstitut, Issue 33, February 2006
- Thomaschewski Dieter/Rigall Juan: Internationalization and organizational change, illustrated by the example of BASF Aktiengesellschaft in Glaum, M., Hommel, U., Thomaschewski, D. (eds.), Internationalization and Corporate Success, Schäffer Poeschel Verlag, 2007
- Thomaschewski, Dieter, Tarlatt, Alexander; Determinants for Failure and Success in Innovation Management, in: Gerybadze, Alexander, Hommel, Ulrich, Reiners, Hans W., Thomaschewski, Dieter (eds.),Innovation and International Corporate Growth, Springer Verlag Publication date: June 2010
- Schmidt, Patricia, Thomaschewski ,Dieter; Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the Russian Federation. May 2013
- Thomaschewski, Dieter/Völker, Rainer; Sustainable Corporate Development - Challenges for Corporate Management in the 21st Century, Kohlhammer Verlag. March 2016
- Operationalization of sustainable corporate development through BalancedScore Card, in: Sustainable Corporate Development, Thomaschewski D., Völker R., Kohlhammer Verlag 2016
- Growth in Transition - Challenges for Corporate Management in the 21st Century,Thomaschewski, D., Völker R., (ed.) Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag 2017
- Agile management - meaning, forms and possibilities of successful implementation, in: Agiles Management, Thomaschewski, D., Völker, R., Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag 2019
- Agile Management, Thomaschewski D., Völker R.;(ed.) Kohlhammer Verlag 2019
- Agility management and agility in controlling, Sellinger M., Völker R., Thomaschewski D., Controlling Berater Volume 65, 2020
- Agility and agility management Sellinger M., Völker R. Thomaschewski D., Wist, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Zeitschrift für Studium und Forschung 2020
- Agility controlling - agility must also be managed, Sellinger M., Thomaschewski D., Völker R., in: Gleich, R. (ed.): Controlling Challenge 225, Freiburg: Haufe 2020
- Food for thought, Germany as a business location - challenges and necessary reforms; Kohlhammer Verlag June 2021, Thomaschewski D./Völker R.(eds.)
- Control of self-organized project teams: Basics, key figures, practical examples.Sellinger, M., Thomaschewski D.; Völker, R., in: Klein, A. (ed.): Projektcontolling mit agilen Instumenten: Grundlagen Werkzeuge, Praxisbeispiele, 1st ed, Haufe Lexware GmbH, 2021, pp. 57-74.
- Future-proof agricultural economy, Thomaschewski D. (ed.) Kohlhammer Verlag 2022
Final theses
The theses offered at IMI can be found here.