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Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dieter Thomaschewski

Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management
Honorary Professor at Danube University Krems
Scientific Director of the Institute for Management and Innovation

 House B  (IMI)
 +49 (0) 621/5203-464

dieter.thomaschewski@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

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Teaching areas

  • Market-oriented corporate management, marketing
  • Corporate management and organization
  • Strategic/international management
  • Innovation management

Research focus

  • Management in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Growth strategies
  • Strategic corporate management

Professional career

1969Studied at the University of Saarland. Degree as Diplom-Kaufmann.
Focus on marketing/industrial management
1969Joined the BASF stock corporation
1976Establishment of internal management consultancy for strategy, marketing concepts, organization and IT
1980Head of the unit "Sales Plastics Latin America", BASF AG
1984Head of the unit "Regional Marketing Latin America for Chemicals and Plastics", BASF AG
1987Head of the company BASF Venezolana SA
1990Head of BASF Information Systems in the USA
1992Head of the Fertilizer Product Division  BASF
1999Head of the Regional Division Europe BASF
2004Head of "Development European Strategy BASF"
2006 - 2017Scientific Director of the Central Eastern Europe Institute (MOI)
since 2003Lecturer, Danube University Krems
since 2006Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
since 2007Lecturer, Private University of Applied Sciences Business PHW Bern
since 2017Scientific Director of the Institute for Management and Innovation


  • since 1999 Member of the Working Group "Corporate Growth and International Management" of the Schmalenbach Society e.V.


  • Pricing - a decision-making aid, in Marketing Journal, 4/1971
  • Linear programming as an instrument of business optimization, in Marketing Journal, 2/1972
  • Quality management between living change and inhibiting formalism, in: VDI-Berichte 1305, erfolgreiche Prozesse, VDI-Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf 1996
  • Competitiveness - Success factors of international companies in global competition, in: Giesel, Franz / Glaum, Martin (ed.), Globalization and challenges to corporate management at the beginning of the 21st century, Verlag C. H. Beck, 1999, pp. 167-189
  • Balanced scorecard as an instrument of marketing controlling, in: Kostenrechnungspraxis, special issue 3/2000, pp. 47-54
  • Value Added Services as the key to customer satisfaction, in: Christian Homburg (ed.), Kundenzufriedenheit, Gabler Verlag, 2002, pp. 338-352
  • Organizational development: Determining factors, modeling and process adaptation, in: IM-Information Management und Consulting, special edition of the 23rd Saarbrücker Arbeitstagung "Geschäftsprozessmanagement - The 2nd wave", October 2002 (Thomaschewski / Krotz)
  • Strategic success factors of internal growth, in: Glaum, Martin / Hommel, Ulrich / Thomaschewski, Dieter (eds.), Wachstumsstrategien internationaler Unternehmen, Schäffer-Poeschel-Verlag, 2002
  • Wachstumsstrategien internationaler Unternehmen, 10 Thesen, Glaum, Martin / Hommel, Ulrich / Thomaschewski, Dieter as rapporteur of the working group "Unternehmenswachstum und internationales Management" of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V., zfbf, Jahrgang 55, December 2003
  • Synergies in acquisition management, EUL-Verlag, Cologne-Lohmar, 2004
  • Interview on international corporate management, conducted by Prof. Fink and Prof. Holden, in: "Academy of Management Executive", 2005, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 90-93
  • Glaum / Thomaschewski / Weber Effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on German companies: Costs, benefits, consequences for US listings, Deutsches Aktieninstitut, Issue 33, February 2006
  • Thomaschewski Dieter/Rigall Juan: Internationalization and organizational change, illustrated by the example of BASF Aktiengesellschaft in Glaum, M., Hommel, U., Thomaschewski, D. (eds.), Internationalization and Corporate Success, Schäffer Poeschel Verlag, 2007
  • Thomaschewski, Dieter, Tarlatt, Alexander; Determinants for Failure and Success in Innovation Management, in: Gerybadze, Alexander, Hommel, Ulrich, Reiners, Hans W., Thomaschewski, Dieter (eds.),Innovation and International Corporate Growth, Springer Verlag Publication date: June 2010
  • Schmidt, Patricia, Thomaschewski ,Dieter; Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the Russian Federation. May 2013
  • Thomaschewski, Dieter/Völker, Rainer; Sustainable Corporate Development - Challenges for Corporate Management in the 21st Century, Kohlhammer Verlag. March 2016
  • Operationalization of sustainable corporate development through BalancedScore Card, in: Sustainable Corporate Development, Thomaschewski D., Völker R., Kohlhammer Verlag 2016
  • Growth in Transition - Challenges for Corporate Management in the 21st Century,Thomaschewski, D., Völker R., (ed.) Stuttgart,              Kohlhammer Verlag 2017 
  • Agile management - meaning, forms and possibilities of successful implementation, in: Agiles Management, Thomaschewski, D., Völker, R., Stuttgart,  Kohlhammer Verlag 2019
  • Agile Management, Thomaschewski D., Völker R.;(ed.) Kohlhammer Verlag 2019
  • Agility management and agility in controlling, Sellinger M., Völker R., Thomaschewski D., Controlling Berater Volume 65, 2020
  • Agility and agility management Sellinger M., Völker R. Thomaschewski D., Wist, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Zeitschrift für Studium und Forschung  2020
  • Agility controlling - agility must also be managed, Sellinger M., Thomaschewski D., Völker R., in: Gleich, R. (ed.): Controlling Challenge 225, Freiburg: Haufe 2020
  • Food for thought, Germany as a business location - challenges and necessary reforms; Kohlhammer Verlag June 2021, Thomaschewski D./Völker R.(eds.)
  • Control of self-organized project teams: Basics, key figures, practical examples.Sellinger, M., Thomaschewski D.; Völker, R., in: Klein, A. (ed.): Projektcontolling mit agilen Instumenten: Grundlagen Werkzeuge, Praxisbeispiele, 1st ed, Haufe Lexware GmbH, 2021, pp. 57-74.
  • Future-proof agricultural economy, Thomaschewski D. (ed.) Kohlhammer Verlag 2022

Final theses

The theses offered at IMI can be found here.

Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dreßler


