Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Eveline Häusler

Endowed Professorship for Management and Controlling in the Healthcare Sector
Supported by the Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society e. V. (Association for the Promotion of Health Economics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society)
+49 (0) 0621/5203-135
eveline.haeusler@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
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Teaching areas
- Financial management of companies in the health care sector
- Corporate management in the health care industry
- Management of networked care providers
- Internationalization of the health care industry
- Ethics in health care (workshop)
Research focus
- Management of integrated care providers
- Controlling in healthcare companies
- International healthcare management
Functions at the university
- Member of the University Council
- Member of the Faculty Council
- Co-head of degree program B.Sc. Health Economics in the Practice Network GiP
- Co-head of degree program M.Sc. Health Care Management - Health Care Management
Professional career
1992 | Degree in Business Administration, University of Mannheim |
1992 - 1994 | Research assistant at the Chair of General Business Administration, Public Administration and Public Enterprises, in particular Hospitals, University of Mannheim |
1995 | Scholarship holder of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg |
1996 - 1998 | Administrative Director of a specialist psychiatric hospital |
1997 | Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Mannheim |
1998 - 2001 | Deputy Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Association, Stuttgart |
Since 2001 | Professor at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society 2001-2009: Professorship for Business Administration of Services
Since 2003 | Scientific conference director of "Health Economics Talks" at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
- Association of Hospital Directors of Germany e.V.
- German Society for Health Economics e.V.
- Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration e.V.
- Haeusler, Eveline/Lohse, Christine (2020): Health System Reform In China: Public Hospital Governance In Transition. In: Eichhorn, Peter/ Klein, Daniel/ Merk, Joachim/ Rahmel, Anke (Ed.): Decision Making in the Public Sector. Lage: Jacobs Verlag, pp. 65-80.
- Häusler, Eveline (2016): Qualitätssicherung stationärer Krankenhausleistungen durch Zu- und Abschläge, in: Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht, 34th Jg., Heft 5, pp. 325-341.
- Greiling, Dorothea and Häusler, Eveline (2016): Stakeholder accountability of Austrian and German health insurance funds, in: ZögU, 1-2/2016, pp. 143-162.
- Häusler, Eveline and Greiling, Dorothea (2014) Performance-oriented investment funding as a challenge for the financial management of German hospitals, in: Greiling, D., Eichhorn, P. and Macdonald, I. (ed.), Entrepreneurship in the public sector, ZögU Beiheft 43/2013, pp. 52-65.
- Häusler, Eveline and Greiling, Dorothea (2013) Performance-oriented financing and its impact on the design of management accounting systems in psychiatric hospitals: the case of Germany, in: Sakurai, T., Macdonald, I., Yoshida, T. and Koichiro Agata (ed.), Financing Public Services: Taxes, User Pay or Other Forms of Service Delivery, Tokyo: Waseda University Press, pp. 173-198.
- Häusler, Eveline (2012) Herausforderung Investitionsförderung, in: führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 244-247.
- Häusler, Eveline and Greiling, Dorothea (2011) Public-Private Partnerships in the Health Care Sector - A Comparative Analysis, in: Lenk, Th., Röber, M., Kuntze, M., Redlich, M. and Rottmann, O. (ed.), Public-Private Partnership - An Appropriate Institutional Arrangement for Public Services?, ZögU Beiheft 41/2011, pp. 162-179.
- Einwag, Matthias and Häusler, Eveline (2001) Die Steuerung von Krankenhäusern über Balanced-Scorecard, in: führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Vol. 18, pp. 20-21.
- Einwag, Matthias and Häusler, Eveline (2001) Practical experiences with Balanced Scorecard in an American hospital, in: führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Vol. 18, S. 22-24
- Einwag, Matthias and Häusler, Eveline (2000) Healthcare in the USA, results of a study trip, in: führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Vol. 17, S. 578-585
- Häusler, Eveline (1997) Die Finanzierung freigemeinwirtschaftlicher Altenhilfeeinrichtungen in Deutschland und Frankreich, Baden-Baden: Nomos
- Häusler, Eveline (1996) Associations et fondations d'action sociale et sanitaire in France, in Eichhorn, P. (ed.), Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in Europa aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht I, Länderstudien Frankreich, Großbritannien und Italien, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 29-105
- Häusler, Eveline (1995) The French Concept of Economie Sociale, in: Arbeit und Sozialpolitik, Vol. 49, No. 11/12, pp. 35-40
- Häusler, Eveline and Pantenburg, Stephan (1994) Tax treatment and financing of charitable organizations in Europe, in: Caritas, Vol. 95, pp. 317-325
- Eichhorn, Peter in collaboration with Häusler, Eveline and Pantenburg, Stephan (1994) Zur Vorteilhaftigkeit der Ausgliederung des investiven Bereichs freigemeinnütziger Unternehmen in eine gewerbliche Tochtergesellschaft, report commissioned by the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Cologne.
- Häusler, Eveline and Pantenburg, Stephan (1993) Charities in France and Great Britain, in: Caritas, Vol. 94, pp. 451-462
- Häusler, Eveline (1993) Rechtsformspezifische und steuerliche Rahmenbedingungen von Wohlfahrtsunternehmen in Frankreich, in: ZögU, Vol. 16, pp. 203-213.
- Häusler, Eveline (ed.) (2018): Digitalisierung und Big Data, Aspekte digitaler Transformation im Gesundheitswesen, Schriften zu Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement, ed. by Manfred Erbsland and Eveline Häusler, Sternenfels.
- Häusler, Eveline (ed.) (2015): Profession nursing, developments and challenges, Schriften zu Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement, ed. by Manfred Erbsland and Eveline Häusler, Sternenfels.
- Häusler, Eveline (ed.) (2011) Prioritization in health care services, Schriften zu Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement, ed. by Manfred Erbsland and Eveline Häusler, Sternenfels.
- Häusler, Eveline (ed.) (2008) Lines of development in health care: Demographie und Integrierte Versorgung, Managementschriften der Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein - Hochschule für Wirtschaft, ed. by Beate Kremin-Buch et al, Sternenfels.
- Häusler, Eveline et al. (eds.) (2005) Health Economics, A Long-Term Orientation, Managementschriften der Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein - Hochschule für Wirtschaft, ed. by Beate Kremin-Buch et al, Sternenfels.
Scientific lectures (from 2010)
- Quality assurance through additions and deductions? 18th Speyer Health Days: "Patient Hospital" - On the road to recovery? April 14-15, 2016. German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer.
- Accountability of Austrian and German Health Insurance Funds - A Contents Analysis of Annual Reports (Dorothea Greiling and Eveline Häusler). EURAM 2015 - Uncertainty is a great opportunity. Category: Public and Non-Profit Management SIG - Management Research in Healthcare Organizations. June 17th, 2015, Kozminski University, Warsaw
- Accountability of Austrian and German health insurance funds - a contents analysis of annual reports (Dorothea Greiling/Eveline Häusler). International Research Society for Public Management Conference - IRSPM 2015, Panel E 102: Accountability in the health care sector: Beyond the blame game. March 30th, 2015, University of Birmingham
- Designing Management Accounting Systems to Fit Performance Oriented Payment Schemes: The Case of Psychiatric Hospitals (Eveline Häusler/Dorothea Greiling), EURAM 2012 Conference on Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, 6th-8th June 2012, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Performance-oriented financing and its impact on the design of management accounting systems in hospitals (Eveline Häusler/Dorothea Greiling), 11th International Symposium on Public Sector Management: Financing Public Services: Taxes, User Pay Or Other Forms Of Service Delivery?, 16th-17th of October 2011, Nihon University Tokyo, Japan.
- PPP in the Health Care Sector. A Comparative Analysis (Dorothea Greiling/Eveline Häusler), 10th International Symposium on Public Sector Management: Public-Private Partnership. An Appropriate Institutional Arrangement for Public Services, 21st-22nd of June 2010, University of Leipzig.