Prof. Dr. Johannes Kals

Business administration, in particular sustainability and energy management
+49 (0) 621/5203-152
johannes.kals@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Production Management
- Sustainability
- Social Skills
Research focus
- Energy management
Professional career
1982 | Studied business administration at RWTH Aachen University | |
1987 | Research assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen and doctoral candidate at the TU Berlin, doctorate on "Environment-oriented production controlling" | |
1992 | Management consultant in the Gerling Consulting Group with a focus on environmental management | |
Since 1995 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular Production Management, Materials Management and Logistics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society | |
1997-2002 | Vice President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society | |
2015 | Renaming of the professorship to Business Administration, in particular Sustainability and Energy Management |
Books and online courses (MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses)
- Kals, Johannes: Energy-oriented Business Administration, in preparation, expected Stuttgart 2024.
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Course "Energy-oriented Business Administration" 以能源为向导的企业管理,In cooperation with Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学, release 2019 中国大学MOOC
-, MOOC "Energy-oriented business studies", online since 2018.
-, MOOC "Energy-oriented Business Administration," online since 2018.
- Kals, Johannes: ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems - What Managers Need to Know About Energy and Business Administration, Business Expert Press, New York, NY, 2015.
- Kals, Johannes: Betriebliches Energiemanagement - Eine Einführung, Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2010.
Journals, collected works, other online publications
- Kals, Johannes: Immer mehr oder auch mal genug? What Jesus, Allah, Buddha and humanism say about growth and sustainability, in: Sinn und Gesellschaft (online magazine), published 07.04.21(
- Kals, Johannes: Quality management (QM), in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrated materials management, logistics and procurement, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag, 6th edition 2021, pp. 273-321.
- Kals, Johannes: Environmental management (UM), in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrated materials management, logistics and procurement, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag, 6th edition 2021, S. 253-272.
- Wang, Kai; Xu, Linyu; Kals, Johannes: Incentive model for enterprises based on carbon emission intensity, in Journal of Cleaner Production, 235 (2019) 1353-1359,
- Report on the RessourceAdapt project in the "Tatenbank" of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment:, online since 2019.
- Kals, Johannes: Energy Autarchy and Adaptation to Climate Change - Important Elements of National Security and Sustainable Globalization, in Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk (eds.): Business and Management in the Light of Poland's and Worldwide Safety, Opole, Poland, 2018, pp. 143-155.
- Kals, Johannes; Kunzendorff, Johanna; Dotterweich, Markus: Energy knowledge in business studies and "massification" of international education for sustainable development, in: The New University, issue 3/2018, pp. 8 - 11.
- Kals, Johannes: Sustainability for business and society: international perspectives of e-learning, in: Spektrum Hochschule Ludwigshafen, issue June 2018, pp. 24 - 25.
- Kals, Johannes; Kunzendorff, Johanna: Continuing education materials on energy, business studies and climate change funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, in: Leal, Walter (ed.), Nachhaltigkeit in der Lehre - Eine Herausforderung für Hochschulen, Springer Spektrum, Berlin, 2018, pp. 403 - 420.
- Kals, Johannes: Sustainable Globalization - Nobel Laureates revisited, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk (eds.): Cultural, Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Management and Economics, Opole, Poland, 2017, pp. 231 - 247.
- Kals, Johannes; Kunzendorff, Johanna; Thomé, Frank: Climate change and intelligent energy management - from the metropolitan region to the world; Spektrum Hochschule Ludwigshafen, Heft 02/2017, S. 12 - 15.
- Kals, Johannes; Schmiedel, Alexander; Jöckel, Bernd: Datenquellen für das Energiecontrolling und gezielte Nutzung zur Energieeinsparung in städtischen Liegenschaften in der Metropolregion Frankfurt a. M., in: Metropolregion Rhine-Neckar (Ed.), Energieeffizient Sanieren und Modernisieren - Eine Informationssammlung für öffentliche Gebäude und große Wohnanlagen, Mannheim 2017, pp. 22/23.
- Kals, Johannes: Materials Management, Procurement and Logistics, in: Stoephasius, Jan-Christoph; Matzen, Frank J.; Tesch, Ralf: Industrielle Energiestrategie - Praxishandbuch für Entscheider des produzierenden Gewerbes, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 137 - 160.
- Ders.: Total Cost of Ownership, optimal replacement time and Co. - Decision methods of the "energy-oriented BWL" for refurbishment and modernization projects, in: Metropolregion Rhine-Neckar (ed.), Energieeffizient Sanieren und Modernisieren - Eine Informationssammlung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, Mannheim 2017, p. 10/11.
- Ders.; Kunzendorff, Johanna: Global Warming and Energy Ethics as Basis for Action in Companies, Universities, and NGOs, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk (eds.): Cultural, Social and Ethical Dimension of Economy, Business and Management, Opole, Poland, 2016 p. 13 - 23.
- Ders.: "Carbon Management" (p. 135/6), "Energy Management" (p. 263 - 265), "ISO 50001" (p. 513/14), in: Zollondz, Hans-Dieter; Ketting, Michael; Pfündtner, Raimund: Lexikon Qualitätsmanagement, DeGruyter, Berlin, 2nd edition 2016.
- Ders.: Ressourceneffizientes Energiemanagement, in: Thomaschewski, Dieter; Völker, Reiner (eds.): Nachhaltige Unternehmensentwicklung - Herausforderungen für die Unternehmensführung des 21. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart 2016, pp. 189 - 199.
- Ders.: Energy Turnaround as Challenge for Countries, Companies, and Individuals, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk (eds.): Cultural, Social and Ethical Dimension of Economy, Business and Management, Opole, Poland, 2015, p. 9 - 16.
- Ders., Keyword "Energy Balances" in the Controlling Wiki of the International Controller Association (IVC), 2015
- Ders.: Quality, Environment and Energy as Decisive Competitive Factors for Companies in International Markets, in: Honal, Andrea: Aktuelle Marketing- und Management-Trends - Das Beste aus Theorie und Praxis, Berlin 2014, p. 251 - 268.
- Ders.: Energy Turnaround: the Role of Companies from an Ethical Perspective, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk: Cultural, Social and Ethical Dimension of Economy, Business and Management, Opole, Poland, 2014, p. 67 - 75.
- Ders; Thomé, Frank: E-Procurement und E-Commerce, in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrierte Materialwirtschaft, Logistik und Beschaffung, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2014, p. 201 - 232.
- Ders.: Energy Management (EM) and Energy Logistics, in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrated Materials Management, Logistics and Procurement, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2014, pp. 233-246.
- Ders.: Qualitätsmanagement (QM), in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrierte Materialwirtschaft, Logistik und Beschaffung, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2014, pp. 519 - 566.
- Ders.: Umweltmanagementsysteme (UM), in: Wannenwetsch, Helmut: Integrierte Materialwirtschaft, Logistik und Beschaffung, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 2014, pp. 567 - 582.
- Ders.: Energiebilanzen in Unternehmen und Wertnetzen, in: Gleich, Ronald: Energiecontrolling, Haufe Verlag Freiburg, 2014, pp. 105 - 124.
- Ders.: Energiewende bringt neue Aufgaben für Facility-Management, interview in: Immobilien Zeitung, issue 2, 16.1.2014, p. 16.
- Ders.: Energy Management in Business Education as an Ethical Challenge, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk: Etyka biznesu i spoleczna odpowiedzialnosc organizacji jako wyzwanie XXI wieku, Opole, Poland 2013 (proceedings of the conference "Business Ethics and Socially Responsible Organizations as a Challenge of the XXI Century", Opole, November 2013).
- Ders.: Energiemanagement als Fach der BWL? In: UmweltWirtschaftsForum (uwf), Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 281 - 286 (print publication in addition to the 2012 online publication).
- Kals, Johannes; Würtenberger, Kathrin: IT-supported energy management, in: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heft 285/2012, S. 73 - 81.
- Ders.: New demands on PPS as a result of the energy transition, in: Productivity Management, 17 (2012) 4, p. 20 - 22. DBN=PPS&ZNR=1&ZHW=-4&WID=67952-0560182-93127_6
- Ders.: How the crisis becomes an opportunity - Rising energy prices and the role of environmental officers, in: Water Air Soil, issue 1, 2012, p. 2.
- Ders.: Energy management as a subject of business administration? In: UmweltWirtschaftsForum Doi:10.1007/s00550-012-0261-0 (published online December 2012).
- Ders: Business Ethics and Energy Management, in: Karczewski, Leszek; Kretek, Henryk (eds): Odpowiedzialny biznes i konsumerysm wyzwaniem XXI Wieku (Responsible Business and Responsible Consumerism as a Challenge of the XXI Century), Poland, Raciborz 2012, pp. 83 - 96.
- Ders.: A seminar concept for the development of social competences in open-space style, in: The New University, issue 1, 2012, pp. 18 - 21.
- Kals, Johannes; Sommer, Denise: Energy-related rating of office and residential real estate, in: Kredit und Rating Praxis, 36th volume 2009, issue 6, pp. 21 - 24.
- Ders.: Solving a Problem Means Detaching from the Problem: Impulses of Buddhism for Conflict Management in Companies, in: Glocalist Magazine, April 2009, pp. 16 - 18.
- Kals, Johannes; Schmitt, Sandra: Tax havens: Legitimate competition of locations or obstacle on the way to a world domestic policy? In: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, 17th volume, issue 1, 2009, pp. 38 - 47.