Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Stefan Lacher

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Business administration with a focus on innovation management and digital transformation
+49 (0) 621/5203-223
stefan.lacher@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- General Business Administration
- International Management
- Strategic Management
- Responsible Management
- Innovation Management
- Change Management
- Business Development
Research focus
- F&E-Management
- Social innovations and business models
- Marketing management (esp. sponsoring & CSR)
- Information management (esp. digitalization)
Functions at the university
- Member of the Faculty Council
Professional career
since 2021 | Professor of Business Administration with a focus on innovation management and digital transformation at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen |
since 2018 | Professor of Business Administration with a focus on international management at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen |
since 2017 | Lecturer at the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar gGmbH |
2011-2018 | Head of Sponsorship Innovations at SAP Global Marketing |
2008-2011 | Executive Director for Head of Architecture & Innovation Services at SAP SE |
2006-2008 | Lecturer at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2005-2016 | Part-time doctorate at Steinbeis University Berlin |
2005-2008 | PhD student at SAP Research |
2004 | Study abroad at Deakin University in Melbourne |
2001-2005 | Studied "International Management and Controlling" at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
1998-2001 | Apprenticeship as a bank clerk and subsequently deputy branch manager at VR-Bank Neu-Ulm eG |
Professor of Business Administration with a focus on innovation management and digital transformation
- Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration e.V.
- hlb - Hochschullehrerbund e.V.
- Lacher, Stefan (2018): Management of international research projects - The influence of Open Innovation. In: Innovation Management 4.0 - Fundamentals - Fields of Application - Development Trends. Eds: R. Völker; A. Friesenhahn. 1st ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2018. pp. 161-175.
- Schimmer, Tobias / Lacher, Stefan (2018): Designing and testing business model innovations in digital transformation. In: Innovation management 4.0 - fundamentals - fields of application - development trends. Eds: R. Völker; A. Friesenhahn. 1st ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2018. pp. 80-97.
- Lacher, Stefan / Tachkov, Philipp (2017): Developing new target groups through technology-based sponsorship. In: Growth in change - challenges for corporate management in the 21st century. Eds: D. Thomaschewski; R. Völker. 1st ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2017. pp. 135-149.
- Lacher, Stefan (2016): Effective selection and management of research portfolio - Categorization, methodology and objectives. 1st ed., Stuttgart: Steinbeis-Edition 2016.
- Lacher, Stefan (2011): Open Innovation - Involving Customers in the Development Process. SAP White Paper 2011.
- Völker, Rainer / Lacher, Stefan / Trunk, Nina (2008): Performance measurement in research projects. Journal of Performance Measurement, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, 2nd Jg., (2008) H1, pp. 10-13.
- Heuser, Lutz / Perlmann, Simone / Lacher, Stefan / Ruggaber, Rainer (2007): Business Innovation im Mittelstand - Das Internet der Dienste als Wegbereiter einer Lean Service Innovation. 4th Lean Management Summit - Aachen Management Days, Aachen: Lean Management Institute 2007. pp. 117-124.
- Völker, Rainer / Tachkov, Philipp / Lacher, Stefan (2007): Portfolio management for the selection and control of research projects. Competence Center for Innovation and Market-Oriented Management, Working Report 25, 2007.
- Heuser, Lutz / Lacher, Stefan / Perlmann, Simone (2007): Flexible Process Design as the Basis of Innovative Business Models - From Service-Oriented Architecture to the Vision of the Business Web. In: eOrganization: Service-, Process-, Market-Engineering.Ed.: A. Oberweis u.a. 8th International Conference on Business Informatics, Karlsruhe: Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe 2007. pp. 19-28.
- Völker, Rainer / Lacher, Stefan / Trunk, Nina (2007): Evaluation of research and technology projects - Explorative study of international technology-intensive corporations. Competence Center for Innovation and Market-Oriented Management, Working Report 13, 2007.
- Heuser, Lutz / Perlmann, Simone / Lacher, Stefan (2006): Networking information and goods flow using information technologies to improve transparency and tracking. VDE Congress Proceedings 2006. pp. 17-22.