Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Uwe Hannig

Professorship for Business Administration, in particular Information and Performance Management
+49 (0) 621/5203-136
uwe.hannig@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Performance Management
- Information Management
- Sustainable Management
- Marketing
- Statistics
Topics for theses
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Cloud
- Marketing Performance Management
- Automation of Google campaigns: Investigation of success variables for the automation of Google Adwords campaigns together with the company Innoplexia (topic can be worked on as part of an internship with practice partners).
- Marketing automation after the GDPR: Analysis of the impact of the EU GDPR on automation in the field of email marketing (topic can be worked on as part of an internship with practice partners).
- Marketing Automation Systems
- Use of CRM systems in Germany
- Automation of Google campaigns: Investigation of the success variables for the automation of Google Adwords campaigns together with the company Innoplexia (topic can be worked on as part of an internship with practice partners).
- Marketing automation according to the GDPR: Analysis of the impact of the EU GDPR on automation in the field of email marketing (topic can be worked on as part of an internship with practice partners).
Offers for theses and internships
Marketing working student (m/f/d), ISC INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS CONSULTING AG, Rosenheim
Research focus
- Sustainable Management
- Performance Management
- Management Information Systems
- Cloud Computing
Professional career
1979-1985 | Studied Business Administration at the University of Mannheim, majoring in Marketing, Controlling and Statistics, Degree in Business Administration, awarded the ProMarketing Prize |
1983 | Founded a software and IT service company |
1986-1991 | Assistant at the Chair of Marketing at WHU Koblenz, doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.), dissertation on "Development of competition-oriented marketing strategies" |
Since 1986 | Managing director of several companies in various sectors, head of a medium-sized group of companies, supervisory board member, lecturer at several further education institutions, board member of several organizations and non-profit institutions |
since 1994 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular Information and Performance Management at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2008-2009 | Managing Director of the Graduate School Rhine-Neckar, previously its Scientific Director |
2008-2010 | Vice President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
- Since 1995 Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Management Information Systems e.V.
- Member of the Board of the Friends of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences
- Member of the JCI Senators
- Hannig, U. (2018): Stand der Digitalisierung im Marketing, in: Email Marketing Forum, 07.05.2018, available at:
- Hannig, U. (ed.) (2017): Marketing and Sales Automation - Basics, Tools, Implementation, Wiesbaden 2017.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Digitalization reaches marketing, in: Industrie 4.0 Management, 3/2017, pp. 40 - 43.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Cloud computing drives digitization in logistics, in: Productivity, 2/2017, pp. 18 - 21.
- Hannig, U./Heinzelbecker, K./Foell, T. (2017): B2B Marketing Automation in Germany, White Paper, Institute for Sales and Marketing Automation, Ludwigshafen 2017.
- Hannig, U./Grossmann, D./Foell, T. (2017): B2B Marketing Automation in Switzerland, White Paper, Institute for Sales and Marketing Automation, Ludwigshafen 2017.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Marketing and Sales Automation, in: Hannig, U. (Ed.), Marketing and Sales Automation - Fundamentals, Tools, Implementation, Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 3 - 18.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Marketing and Sales Automation in Germany, in: Hannig, U. (ed.), Marketing and Sales Automation - Fundamentals, Tools, Implementation, Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 19 - 37.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Provider directory, in: Hannig, U. (ed.), Marketing and Sales Automation - Fundamentals, Tools, Implementation, Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 387 - 416.
- Hannig, U. (2017): Automation is not automatically good, in: acquisa, 1/2017, pp. 70 - 75.
- Hannig, U./Heinzelbecker, K./Foell, T. (2017): B2B Marketing Automation im digitalen Dschungel, White Paper, Institute for Sales and Marketing Automation, Ludwigshafen 2017.
- Hannig, U. (2016): More than a basic mental attitude, in: acquisa, 11-12/2016, pp. 26 - 27
- Hannig, U. (2016): Cloud computing conquers logistics, in: Computerwoche, 36-37/2016, 25.08.2016, available at:,3316551
- Hannig, U. (2016): Cloud computing conquers logistics, in: CIO, 12.09.2016, available at:,3316551
- Hannig, U. (2016): Marketing Automation - Warum Deutschland hinterherhinkt, in acquisa online, 02.09.2016, available at: https: //
- Hannig, U. (2016): What actually is Marketing Automation? - Marketing Automation affects all recurring processes, acquisa, 02.09.2016, available at:
- Hannig, U. (2016): The importance of cloud computing for digitalization in logistics, White Paper, Institute for Cloud Computing, Ludwigshafen 2016.
- Hannig, U./Heinzelbecker, K./Foell, T. (2016): B2B Marketing Automation in the digital jungle, White Paper, Institute for Sales and Marketing Automation, Ludwigshafen 2016.
- Hannig, U. (Ed.): From Data Warehouse to Corporate Performance Management, Ludwigshafen 2008.
- Findeisen, D., Hannig, U., Franke, R.: Corporate Performance Management mit Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 - Ganzheitliche Unternehmenssteuerung, Munich 2008
- Hannig, U. (Ed.): Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence, Berlin etc. 2002
- Hannig, U. et al.: Development of a Management Information System - Rapid Warehousing with the SAS System, Stuttgart 1998
- Hannig, U. (Ed.): Management Information Systems in Marketing and Sales, Stuttgart 1998
- Hannig, U. (Ed.): Data Warehouse and Management Information Systems, Stuttgart 1996
- Hannig, U.: The development of competition-oriented marketing strategies based on the concept of strategic groups, Frankfurt/M. etc. 1993
- more than 120 articles and other publications