Dr. iur. Christian Hofmann

C 2.211
+49 (0) 621/5203-234
christian.hofmann@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Teaching areas
- Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law
- Flexible personnel deployment / remuneration II
- Scientific work
- Corporate Management
Professional career
Current | Development of a commentary on the trade regulations |
Since 2013 | Freelance author, Walhalla Fachverlag. Editor, in: Current restaurant law. |
Since 2009 | Freelance lecturer: DHBW Mannheim, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences, Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rhine-Neckar School of Administration, lectures at the German Armed Forces Training Center in Mannheim, introductory course at the Universities of Public Administration in Kehl and Ludwigsburg for the bachelor's degree program in "Public Management". |
2009-2012 | Freelance quality management consulting in the medical field |
2007 | Lectureship SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg / Freelancer law firm / Corporate lawyer in the energy industry |
2006 | Second state law examination |
2005 | Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the University of Heidelberg |
2002 | First state examination in law |
I. Dissertation
- The "sinks" regime in the Kyoto Protocol and its relationship to other international environmental law instruments, Frankfurt am Main 2006.
II. article
- The Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem, available at: www.shoa.de.
- The Treblinka Trials, available at: www.shoa.de.
III. Book Articles
- The Copenhagen Accord, in: Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Freiburg 2010.
- The European Union: Accession and Exit, in: Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Freiburg 2011.
- Die Lissabon-Begleitgesetze, in: Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Freiburg 2011.
- Studying at the DHBW Mannheim from the perspective of a lecturer, in: Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Freiburg 2012.
- Federal Labor Court (BAG): Request of the Employer to Participate in a German Course as Discrimination on the Basis of Ethnic Origin?, in: Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Freiburg 2012.
IV. Continuing Commentary
- § Section 14 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 127th update, September 2013.
- § 5 HGastG, in: Aktuelles Gaststättenrecht (database), 129th update, January 2014.
- § 5 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 130. Update, March 2014.
- §§ 6, 7 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 131st update, May 2014.
- § 8 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 132nd update, July 2014.
- § 9 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 133rd update, September 2014.
- § 10 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 134th update, October 2014.
- § 11 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 136th update, January 2015.
- § 12 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 137th update, March 2015.
- § 21 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 138th update, May 2015.
- § 22 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 139th update, July 2015.
- § 23 GastG, in: Current Restaurant Law, 140th update, September 2015.