Prof. Dr. Barbara Darimont

Chair of Business in China
International Business Management (East Asia) program
+49 (0) 621/5203-430
darimont@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Introduction scientific work
- Introduction to Asian culture and economy
- Basics of Chinese Studies I and II
- Civil Law (BGB General and Special Part)
- International Business Law
- Labor Law
- Chinese Law
- Economic Policy of China I and II.
Research focus
- Chinese Law
- China economy
Professional career
Since 2013 | Professorship of Economics of China, East Asia Institute of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences |
2003-2010 | Law studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich |
2003 | Doctorate in law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M. |
2002-2012 | Research Fellow for China at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich |
2000-2001 | Research assistant at the GTZ in Beijing |
1992-2000 | Studies of Sinology and Law at the University of Hamburg |
- Chairwoman of the Association for the Promotion of the East Asia Institute e. V.
- German-Chinese Lawyers Association e. V.
- Member of the Board of the German Association for Asian Studies
- Board member of the German-Chinese Labor Law Society e. V.
Publications (current)
- Darimont, Barbara (ed.), Economic Policy of the People's Republic of China, Wiesbaden, 2020.
- Darimont, Barbara; Margraf, Louis W., Analysis of quality assurance in the hospital sector of the People's Republic of China, In: J Glob Health Rep 2018; 2: DOI: e2018038.
- Darimont, Barbara, Social security in the People's Republic of China using the example of urban and rural health insurance. In: China today, 2014/3, p. 173 - 178.
- Darimont, Barbara, Social Protection of Migrants in China. In: Becker, Ulrich/ Pennings, Frans/ Dijkhoff, Tineke (eds.), International Standard-Setting and Innovations in Social Security, 2013, pp. 345-360.
- Darimont, Barbara, Poverty: Introduction and Analysis. In: Becker, Ulrich/ Pennings, Frans/ Dijkhoff, Tineke (eds.), International Standard-Setting and Innovations in Social Security, 2013, pp. 135-138 and pp. 199-203.
- Darimont, Barbara; Liu, Dongmei, The health care system of the People's Republic of China: Between privatization and public health care. In: International Social Security Review, Vol. 66, 1/2013, pp. 97-116.
Press articles
- Darimont, China focuses on education, and has done so for decades from May 21, 2024 in Mannheimer Morgen, available at,-wirtschaft-china-setzt-auf-ausbildung-und-zwar-schon-seit-jahrzehnten-_arid,2207936.html?&npg
- Darimont, Peking fördert die Ansiedelung von Halbleiterindustrie vom 19.8.2024 im Mannheimer Morgen, available at,-wirtschaft-peking-foerdert-die-ansiedelung-von-halbleiterindustrie-_arid,2235135.html?&npg
- Darimont, Peking setzt auf den Ausbau der Kernenergie vom 9.12.2024 im Mannheimer Morgen, available at,-wirtschaft-peking-setzt-auf-den-ausbau-der-kernenergie-_arid,2268635.html?&npg