Prof. Dr. Edith Rüger-Muck

Vice President International & Communication
Professorship of Business Administration, especially Marketing
Degree programs in Marketing
C 2.208
+49 (0) 621/5203-322
+49 (0) 621/5203-162
edith.rueger-muck@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Fundamentals of Communication Management
- International Communication Management
- International Strategic Marketing Decisions (engl.)
- Online Marketing
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Research
- Media planning
Research focus
- Customer Management
- Consumer Research
- Neuroeconomics
Research stays
- 08-10/2014: Visiting Professor at the University of South Australia
- 08-09/2016: Visiting Professor at the University of South Australia
- Member of the bdvb
- Member of the HLB
- Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing (AfM)
- Member of the Marketing-Club Rhein Neckar
- American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE)
- Member of the FDW - Research Association of German Viticulture
- Member of the German Society for Sensory Science
Functions at the university
- Vice President for International Affairs & Diversity (since 02/2019)
- Member of the Senate (since 2015)
- Member of the Faculty Council II (2015-2020)
- Head of the International Marketing Management degree programs
- Co-founder and partner of the Center for Marketing Insights (CfMI)
- Co-host of the university discussion series "Marketing Insights" in cooperation with the Rhine-Neckar Marketing Club
Current research projects
"Digitalization and consumer behavior using the example of digital food retailing."
Philipp Piroth (M.A.)
Research Assistant/Doctoral Student
Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 67059 Ludwigshafen
E-Building / Postbank Room 25
Phone: 0621-5203-393
E-mail: philipp.piroth@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Completed doctoral procedures
Dr. Peter Merdian, "Success factors for the online sale of wine on the Internet: a neuroeconomic and behavioral psychological study"
Funded by the Forschungsring des deutschen Weinbaus (FDW), disputation 08/2020
Dr. Regine Heimers, "Customer Engagement in the German Wine Industry"
Funded by the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, disputation 02/2019
Dr. Anne Lena Wegmann, "Quality factors of wine from the consumer's point of view"
Funded by the Ministry of Economy, Transport and Agriculture & Weinbau, Disputation 09/2017
Professional career
since 2019 | Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen: |
since 2015 | Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen: |
2012- | Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen: |
2011-2015 | Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen: |
2008- | Europcar car rental, Hamburg/Paris: |
2006 | Europcar Car Rental, Hamburg: |
2005 | Europcar Car Rental, Hamburg: |
2003 | Europcar Car Rental Germany, Hamburg: |
2003 | Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU), Otto-Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar. |
2002 | Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA (USA) |
2001 | Research stays at the University of Michigan and the University of Gothenburg |
2000 | Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU), Otto-Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar: |
1999 | University of Mannheim, Mannheim: |
- Piroth, P. & Rüger-Muck, E. (2021): Digitalization in marketing - What companies need to do today for tomorrow's success; in: Lacher, S.; Tachkov, P. & Völker, R. (eds.): Digitalisierung im Marketing - technischer Megatrend trifft auf etablierte Praktiken. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (Praxiswissen Management), to be published in 2021.
- Weinert, S., Günther, E., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 15 (3), No. 47, 22-35.
- Piroth, P. & Rüger-Muck, E. (2020): Online Grocery Shopping in Germany: From zero to hero?, in: Baltic Rim Economies Review, 04.
- Weinert, S., Günther, E., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2019): The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 14, No. 43, pp. 25-36.
- Merdian, P., Piroth, P., Rueger-Muck, E. and Raab, G. (2020), "Looking behind eye-catching design: an eye-tracking study on wine bottle design preference", International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Piroth, P., Ritter, M. & Rueger-Muck, E. (2020): Online grocery shopping adoption - do personality traits matter? British Food Journal, Vol. 122 (3), 957-975.
- Piroth, P. / Rüger-Muck, E. / Bruwer, J. (2020): Digitalization in grocery retailing in Germany: an exploratory study, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, DOI: 10.1080/09593969.2020.1738260
- Weinert, S., Günther, E., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, Proceedings of the 9th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2020, 261-272. Düren: Shaker.
- Weinert, S., Günther, E., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2019). The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness. In: M. Überwimmer; R. Fureder; M. Gaisch & Y. Salas (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2019, 343-353. Düren: Shaker.
- Weinert, S., Günther, E., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2019). Scoring points with lectures. Guest lectures at universities and their impact. Personalwirtschaft, special issue Employer Branding and Personnel Marketing, 8, pp. 28-30.
- Bruwer, J. & Rüger-Muck, E. (2018): Wine tourism and hedonic experience: A motivation-based experiential view, Tourism and Hospitality Research, June 18. DOI:
- Bruwer, J. & Rüger-Muck, E. (2018): Wine tourism and hedonic experience: A motivation-based experiential view, Tourism and Hospitality Research, June 18. Link to publication
- Raab, G., Rüger-Muck, E. and Merdian, P. (2018): How web design manipulations change customers' visual perception of a web store: an eye tracking study, accepted at the 10th AAWE conference, Ithaca, New York, June.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E., Theuvsen, L. (2017): Customer engagement through SME loyalty programs? A status quo analysis using the example of the wine industry, AFM PraxisWissen Marketing, No. 1, January, pp. 62-73.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E., Sommerhäuser, M. & Stemplewski, J. (2016): Viticulture as a form of land use in the New Emscher Valley - a historical and perspective view, Raumplanung 188 (6), pp. 46-51.
- Rüger-Muck, E., Raab, G. & Merdian, P. (2016): Investigation of perceived emotions on wine selling websites. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of AAWE, Bordeaux, June.
- Merdian, P., Rüger-Muck, E. & Raab, G. (2016). Emotional impact of wine selling websites: An investigation of the online perception of wine web stores. In: J. Bruwer; L. Lockshin; A. Corsi; J. Cohen & M. Hirche (Eds.): Conference Proceedings of the 9th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference, pp. 213-220. Adelaide: Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, February.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E. (2016): How to engage wine customers online and offline? An exploratory study. In: J. Bruwer; L. Lockshin; A. Corsi; J. Cohen & M. Hirche (Eds.): Conference Proceedings of the 9th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference, pp. 213-220. Adelaide: Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science.
- Raab, G.; Rüger-Muck, E. & Merdian, P. (2016). Emotions and web design: A study on the emotional perception of different web designs of online stores in the wine sector. In: K-O. Tietze; M. Hägerbäumer; I. Henrichs; O. Visbal & C. Warneke (ed.). Abstracts of the 20th symposium of the Society for Applied Business Psychology (GWPs), p. 52. Hamburg: Society for Applied Business Psychology (GWPs)
- Rüger-Muck, Edith; Raab, Gerhard, Merdian, Peter (2016): Emotional influence of wine websites, Das Deutsche Weinmagazin, No. 3, February, pp. 33-35.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E. (2015): How to engage wine customers online and offline? An exploratory study", accepted at the 9th AWBR Conference to be held at UniSA in Adelaide in February 2016, Australia.
- Merdian, P., Rüger-Muck, E., Raab, G. (2015): Emotional impact of wine selling websites: An investigation of the online perception of wine web stores", accepted at the 9th AWBR Conference to be held at UniSA in Adelaide in February 2016, Australia.
- Rüger-Muck, E. (2015): book review, Wine atlas of Germany, Braatz, D., Sautter, and Swoboda, I, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, Journal of Wine Research, June.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E. (2015): What drives customer engagement? - a qualitative and quantitative analysis of its motivational drivers. Proceedings of the 9th AAWE conference, Mendoza, May.
- Wegmann, A.L., Rüger-Muck, E. (2015): Organic wine is well received: online study provides insight, Der Winzer. (AU), No. 6, pp. 24-26.
- Schnürer, K., Rüger-Muck, E., Wegmann, A. L. (2015): Which label sells (t)your wine? Der Deutsche Weinbau, No. 3, pp. 30-33.
- Heimers, R., Rüger-Muck, E. (2014): Engaging the wine customer. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of AAWE, Walla Walla, Washington, June.
- Rüger-Muck, E., Wegmann, A.L. and Piroth, P. (2014): What wineries do - is it what customers want? Customer relationship marketing in the German wine industry. Proceedings of the 8th AWBR Conference, Geisenheim, June.
- Wegmann, A.L., Rüger-Muck, E. (2014): Generation Y = generation wine? Status Quo of the next big consumer group, Das deutsche Weinmagazin, No. 2, January, pp. 16-19.
- Wegmann, A.L., Rüger-Muck, E. (2013): Generation Y = generation wine? German millennials and their liaison with wine. Proceedings of the 7th Conference Annual Conference of AAWE, Stellenbosch, June.
- Wegmann, A.L., Rüger-Muck, E. (2013): Tell me where you buy WINE..., Investigation of consumer profiles of wine buyers in different shopping locations, in: Das Deutsche Weinmagazin, No. 3, February, pp. 30-33.
- Rüger-Muck, E., Wegmann, A.L. (2013): Customer loyalty in the wine industry, in: Der Deutsche Weinbau, No. 3, February, pp. 40-42.
- Rüger-Muck, E., Wegmann, A.L. (2013): Underestimated potential in the wine market - winning back customers, Das deutsche Weinmagazin, No. 6, March, pp. 18-20.
- Rüger-Muck, E., Wegmann, A.L. (2012): The closer the geographical location, the higher the perceived wine quality, reporting period June 2011 - July 2012, DLR Rheinpfalz aktuell 2012, pp. 41-42.
- Rüger-Muck, E. (2012): Kundenmanagement im Weingut unter Nutzung Sozialer Netze, in: 65th Pfälzische Weinbautage, Tagungsband, Neustadt, pp. 69-72.
- Krafft, M., Hüppelshäuser, M., Rüger, E. (2005): Hazard regressions for measuring and forecasting customer life cycles and customer migration, Marketing ZfP, 28 (3), pp. 197-210.
- Rüger, E. (2001): Marketing-Controlling, review of E. Voßbeck, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (ZfB), Vol. 71(11), pp. 1360-1362.
- McEnally, M., Rüger, E. (1998): Lands' End: An American firm trying to make it in Europe, North American Case Association.