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Prof. Dr. Harry Müller

Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Accounting
Degree programs Berufsintegrierendes Studium (BIS) Business Administration

C 2.200
+49 (0) 621/5203-204
harry.mueller@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Teaching areas

  • Fundamentals of business administration
  • Scientific work
  • Financial Accounting
  • Cost and performance accounting
  • Controlling
  • Investment management
  • Change Management


  • Earnings Management
  • Sustainability controlling and CSR reporting (participant of the DFG project academy "Sustainability in global value chains")
  • Performance Measurement
  • University management

Professional career

since 2017Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Accounting, in Department 2
2013-2017Risk Management, Arvato Financial Solutions (Bertelsmann)
2010-2013Research assistant at the Institute for Organizational Economics (Prof. Dr. Alexander Dilger) at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


Journal articles with peer review

  • Müller, Harry/Sidki, Marcus (2024): "Artificial Intelligence as Tool to Evaluate Corporate Sustainability Reporting", Advancements in Sustainable Development - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Sibiu, Romania, forthcoming
  • Müller, Harry/Sidki, Marcus (2023): "The Political Economy of Earnings Management in Municipal Public Enterprises", Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 36 (3), 2023, pp. 363-387 [VHB-Rating: C] [Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2023): "Performance Management and the Pitfalls of Measurement", Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 26 (S3), PP. 1-12 [full text]
  • Boll, David/Müller, Harry/Sidki, Marcus (2022): "Determining the drivers of earnings management among municipal enterprises: Evidence from Germany", together with David Boll and Marcus Sidki, Public Money & Management42 (7), pp. 501-510 [VHB Rating: B] [Full text]
  • Boll, David/Müller, Harry/Sidki, Marcus (2020): "Bilanzpolitik in kommunalen Unternehmen", Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (ZögU) 43 (4), pp. 479-505 [VHB Jourqual C] [Full text]
  • Mudra, Peter/Müller, Harry (2020): "A "non-semester" is not a solution in the future either. Why the KMK's decision to implement the 2020 summer semester is also to be welcomed for the future", Hochschulmanagement - Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen 15 (1), pp. 18-21 [VHB Rating C] [Full text]
  • Sidki, Marcus/Boll, David/Müller, Harry (2020): "Do Public Enterprises Manage Earnings? Evidence from Germany", Proceedings of the 24th International Conference: Current Trends in Public Sector Research, Brno, pp. 106-114 [full text]
  • Müller, Harry/Dilger, Alexander (2016): "Wie der Forschungsschwerpunkt den Zitationserfolg beeinflusst: Eine empirische Untersuchung für die deutschsprachige BWL", Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) 68 (1), 2016, pp. 36-52 [VHB Rating C][Full text]
  • Dilger, Alexander/Lütkenhöhner, Laura/Müller, Harry (2015): "Scholars' Physical Appearance, Research Performance, and Feelings of Happiness", Scientometrics 104 (2), S. 555-573 [Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2013): "On the ethics of rankings in higher education: Eine Betrachtung aus ökonomischer Perspektive", Hochschulmanagement - Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen 8 (2+3), pp. 41-46 [VHB Rating C][Full text]
  • Dilger, Alexander/Müller, Harry (2013): "A Citation Based Ranking of German-speaking Researchers in Business Administration with Data of Google Scholar", European Journal of Higher Education3 (2), S. 140-150 [full text]
  • Dilger, Alexander/Müller, Harry (2012): "Ein Forschungsleistungsranking auf der Grundlage von Google Scholar", Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) 82 (10), pp. 1089-1105 [VHB Rating B][Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2012): "Towards Objectivity in Rankings: Using Citation Data to Assess the Research Performance of Higher Education Institutions", Journal of the World Universities Forum 5 (2), S. 49-58 [full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2012): "Citations as the basis of research performance rankings - Conceptual considerations using the example of business administration", Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 34 (2), pp. 68-92[Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2010): "How valid is the Handelsblatt-BWL ranking? Zeitschriften- und zitationsbasierte Personenrankings im Vergleich", Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) 62 (2), pp. 152-166 [VHB Rating C][Full text]


Chapters in edited volumes

  • Müller, Harry (2021): "Sustainability Controlling in Integrated Value Chains", in: Henke, Michael/Kohl, Holger (eds.): "Sustainability in Global Value Chains. Measures, Ethics and Best Practices for Responsible Businesses", Kogan Page, London/New York 2021, pp. 80-105 [full text]
  • Dilger, Alexander/Müller, Harry (2016): "Output Analysis of Business Departments: A citation-based ranking of German-speaking universities", in: Ahn, Heinz/ Clermont, Marcel/Souren. Rainer (eds.): "Sustainable decision-making: Contributions to the multi-perspective performance management of value creation processes - Festschrift for the 65th birthday of Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Harald Dyckhoff", Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 405-425[Full text]


Discussion papers

  • Müller, Harry (2017): "What gets measured gets managed!" "Messbarkeitsprobleme des Leistungscontrollings am Beispiel des Hochschulwesens", working paper of Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences No. 5[Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2014): "Work groups and their determinants: An empirical study in German mechanical engineering", Discussion Paper of the Institute for Organizational Economics 9/2014, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster[Full text]
  • Müller, Harry (2012): "Die Zitationshäufigkeit als Qualitätsindikator im Rahmen der Forschungsleistungsmessung", Discussion Paper of the Institute for Organization Economics 1/2012, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster[Full text]
  • Dilger, Alexander/Müller, Harry (2011): "Ein Ranking von Hochschulen und (Bundes-)Ländern am Beispiel der Betriebswirtschaftslehre", together with Alexander Dilger, Discussion Paper of the Institute for Organization Economics 8/2011, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster[Full text]



  • Müller, Harry (2009): Review "Sander, Kai J.: Behavioral Contract Theory. Influence of social preferences on the management of decentralized organizational units", Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) 61, Heft 1/2009, S. 127-128[Volltext]



Memberships / Prices

  • Alumnus of the German National Academic Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  • Ulrich Teichler Prize of the Society for Higher Education Research (2011)