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Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler

Professorship of Business Administration, in particular Management
Degree programs Viticulture & Oenology (dual)

 A1-105 (Weincampus Neustadt)
 +49 (0) 6321/671-546
marc.dressler@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Teaching areas

  • General Business Administration
  • Corporate management
  • Personnel management
  • Investment & Financing
  • Development of export markets
  • Interdisciplinary seminar Marketing/Oenology
  • Project Management
  • Rhetoric and presentations
  • Practical projects in business administration/marketing

Research focus

  • Strategy
  • Innovation
  • Organization
  • Case studies
  • Liberalization effects

Professional career

since 2012Head of the dual Bachelor's degree program "Viticulture and Oenology"
since 2010Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2001-2010Managing Partner and Senior Partner of the strategy consultancy Corporate Value Associates, responsible for the German-speaking regions
2000-2001Founding partner and managing partner of Orange Business Partners
1995 - 2000Bossard Consultants, then Gemini Consulting, Principal
1993-1995Doctorate and assistant to the Chair of Organization
1992-1993Master of Business Administration studies and assistant to the Chair of International Management/Statistics
1988-1992Business Administration studies Nuremberg and Dresdner Bank AG
1986-1988Apprenticeship as bank clerk Deutsche Bank AG


  • Editorial board ITWM
  • Research Council of German Viticulture (FDW)
  • Advisory Board German Institute for Sustainable Development e.V. (DINE)
  • Jury member for the election of the German Wine Queen


  • Cooperation between hospitals: A case study analysis of cooperation projects. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse Volume 116, Duncker & Humblot, 2000.
  • Strategische Betriebsführung in der Weinwirtschaft, Conference Proceedings 64th Palatinate Winegrowing Days; January 2011; pp. 56 - 58.
  • Business handover as a challenge, Der Deutsche Weinbau; June 2011; No. 12; p. 28 - 31.
  • Pole position sales, Mittelpunkt; 2/2012; p. 22-23.
  • Innovative wine world: The "active customer. Der Deutsche Weinbau, March 2012, No. 6, pp. 16-18.
  • Innovation focus and capacity challenge of small entrepreneurs - looking at German wineries. Conference Proceedings ITWM, Dijon, June 2012.
  • Wine education of the future. German Viticulture, June 2012, No. 12, p. 10.
  • Future in Organic Viticulture: Strategies - Innovation - Sustainability, Conference Proceedings 66th Palatinate Viticulture Days; January 2013; pp. 51-54.
  • Global Wine Markets: The German Wine Market in: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos (ed.): La Economía Del Vino En España Y En El Mundo, publication date: June 2013.
  • Strategic management in the wine industry, Der Deutsche Weinbau, February 2013, No. 4, pp. 34-37.
  • Organic viticulture: Positioning analyses, Der Deutsche Weinbau, March 2013, No. 5, pp. 16-18.
  • Operational biodiversity - strategic planning and activities to secure the future. The German Wine Magazine, May 2013, No. 10
Dreßler, M., Bogonos, M., Engler, B., Dabbert, S., Oberhofer, J.
  • How liberalization of planting rights will affect the wine sector of Rhineland-Palatinate: a partial equilibrium analysis, Conference Proceedings AAWE 2012, Working paper No. 115.
Dreßler, M., Große-Peclum, K.-H.
  • Coaching at HVB - Realization of a sales offensive. Coaching - Durch systemisches Denken zu innovativer Personalentwicklung, ed.: W. Backhausen /J.P. Thommen; 3rd edition; Gabler Verlag; 2006; pp. 367 - 387.
Dreßler, M., Kost, A.  
  • Strategic challenges in the German wine market for a cooperative - the case of Winzergenossenschaft Westhofen, case study with teaching note.
Dreßler, M., Oberhofer, J. 
  • New simulation model for area potentials, Der Deutsche Weinbau, October 2012, No. 21, pp. 18-20.
  • Planting rights - "more" and "different" is possible, Das Deutsche Weinmagazin, October 2012, No. 21, pp. 13-15.
  • What vineyard area is possible in Rhineland-Palatinate? Die Winzer-Zeitschrift, December 2012, No. 12, pp. 36-37.
  • Rebflächenpotenziale in Rhineland-Palatinate nach Wegfall der Pflanzrechte, DLR Rheinpfalz aktuell 2012, reporting period June 2011 - July 2012, pp. 23-24.
Dreßler, M., Vassiliadis, C.
  • Increasing performance in the service business, Zeitschrift für Controlling und Innovation - Sonderheft 2006; pp. 30 - 36.
  • Strategic growth in wealth management - the centers of prosperity, Die Bank; November 2006; p. 36 - 43.