Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler

Professorship of Business Administration, in particular Management
Degree programs Viticulture & Oenology (dual)
A1-105 (Weincampus Neustadt)
+49 (0) 6321/671-546
marc.dressler@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- General Business Administration
- Corporate management
- Personnel management
- Investment & Financing
- Development of export markets
- Interdisciplinary seminar Marketing/Oenology
- Project Management
- Rhetoric and presentations
- Practical projects in business administration/marketing
Research focus
- Strategy
- Innovation
- Organization
- Case studies
- Liberalization effects
Professional career
since 2012 | Head of the dual Bachelor's degree program "Viticulture and Oenology" |
since 2010 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular Management at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2001-2010 | Managing Partner and Senior Partner of the strategy consultancy Corporate Value Associates, responsible for the German-speaking regions |
2000-2001 | Founding partner and managing partner of Orange Business Partners |
1995 - 2000 | Bossard Consultants, then Gemini Consulting, Principal |
1993-1995 | Doctorate and assistant to the Chair of Organization |
1992-1993 | Master of Business Administration studies and assistant to the Chair of International Management/Statistics |
1988-1992 | Business Administration studies Nuremberg and Dresdner Bank AG |
1986-1988 | Apprenticeship as bank clerk Deutsche Bank AG |
- Editorial board ITWM
- Research Council of German Viticulture (FDW)
- Advisory Board German Institute for Sustainable Development e.V. (DINE)
- Jury member for the election of the German Wine Queen
- Cooperation between hospitals: A case study analysis of cooperation projects. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse Volume 116, Duncker & Humblot, 2000.
- Strategische Betriebsführung in der Weinwirtschaft, Conference Proceedings 64th Palatinate Winegrowing Days; January 2011; pp. 56 - 58.
- Business handover as a challenge, Der Deutsche Weinbau; June 2011; No. 12; p. 28 - 31.
- Pole position sales, Mittelpunkt; 2/2012; p. 22-23.
- Innovative wine world: The "active customer. Der Deutsche Weinbau, March 2012, No. 6, pp. 16-18.
- Innovation focus and capacity challenge of small entrepreneurs - looking at German wineries. Conference Proceedings ITWM, Dijon, June 2012.
- Wine education of the future. German Viticulture, June 2012, No. 12, p. 10.
- Future in Organic Viticulture: Strategies - Innovation - Sustainability, Conference Proceedings 66th Palatinate Viticulture Days; January 2013; pp. 51-54.
- Global Wine Markets: The German Wine Market in: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos (ed.): La Economía Del Vino En España Y En El Mundo, publication date: June 2013.
- Strategic management in the wine industry, Der Deutsche Weinbau, February 2013, No. 4, pp. 34-37.
- Organic viticulture: Positioning analyses, Der Deutsche Weinbau, March 2013, No. 5, pp. 16-18.
- Operational biodiversity - strategic planning and activities to secure the future. The German Wine Magazine, May 2013, No. 10
Dreßler, M., Bogonos, M., Engler, B., Dabbert, S., Oberhofer, J.
- How liberalization of planting rights will affect the wine sector of Rhineland-Palatinate: a partial equilibrium analysis, Conference Proceedings AAWE 2012, Working paper No. 115.
Dreßler, M., Große-Peclum, K.-H.
- Coaching at HVB - Realization of a sales offensive. Coaching - Durch systemisches Denken zu innovativer Personalentwicklung, ed.: W. Backhausen /J.P. Thommen; 3rd edition; Gabler Verlag; 2006; pp. 367 - 387.
Dreßler, M., Kost, A.
- Strategic challenges in the German wine market for a cooperative - the case of Winzergenossenschaft Westhofen, case study with teaching note.
Dreßler, M., Oberhofer, J.
- New simulation model for area potentials, Der Deutsche Weinbau, October 2012, No. 21, pp. 18-20.
- Planting rights - "more" and "different" is possible, Das Deutsche Weinmagazin, October 2012, No. 21, pp. 13-15.
- What vineyard area is possible in Rhineland-Palatinate? Die Winzer-Zeitschrift, December 2012, No. 12, pp. 36-37.
- Rebflächenpotenziale in Rhineland-Palatinate nach Wegfall der Pflanzrechte, DLR Rheinpfalz aktuell 2012, reporting period June 2011 - July 2012, pp. 23-24.
Dreßler, M., Vassiliadis, C.
- Increasing performance in the service business, Zeitschrift für Controlling und Innovation - Sonderheft 2006; pp. 30 - 36.
- Strategic growth in wealth management - the centers of prosperity, Die Bank; November 2006; p. 36 - 43.