Prof. Dr. Maya Tettenborn

Master of Arts (Finance and Accounting)
Professorship for General Business Administration, in particular Accounting
C 2.213
+49 (0) 621/5203-435
maya.tettenborn@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Business Administration
- External accounting
- Internal accounting
- Controlling
- Investment management
Academic career
- Doctoral studies at Chemnitz University of Technology in the fields of auditing and accounting (Degree: Dr. rer. pol.)
- Master's degree in "Finance & Accounting" at the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Degree: Master of Arts)
- Bachelor's degree in "Business Administration" at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Degree: Bachelor of Arts)
Professional career
- Since 2021: Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Accounting at Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences
- 2019 - 2021: Freelance lecturer for bookkeeping, accounting, cost accounting and controlling at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences
- 2012 - 2019: Worked for BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft at the Erfurt and Frankfurt am Main offices
Research focus
- Application-oriented research in the field of national and international accounting
- Canipa-Valdez, Marco; Hüneke, Kay; Tettenborn, Maya; Tettenborn, Martin: Die Kommunikation von Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen - Eine Analyse ausgewählter Geschäftsbereiche von Unternehmen der Automobilindustrie -, in: Corporate Finance, 4/ 2022, pp. 95-101.
- Tettenborn, Maya; Morgenstern, Nicole; Hinz, Michael: Does the representation of (net) assets correspond to the actual circumstances when moving away from the going concern premise?, in: Der Betrieb 41/2021, pp. 2369-2372.
- Tettenborn, Maya; Morgenstern, Nicole; Hinz, Michael: Valuation problems when moving away from the going-concern principle under IFRS; in: PiR- NWB Internationale Rechnungslegung, 4/2021, pp. 95-101 and in: Eggert, W.; Philipps, H.; Rinker, C. et al, Corona and the impact on accounting, Herne, 2021, pp. 245-256.
- Tettenborn, Maya; Morgenstern, Nicole; Orth, Philipp: The accounting of user software; in: StuB - Unternehmensteuern und Bilanzen, 6/2021, pp. 225-229.
- Tettenborn, Maya: Rechnungslegung bei der Abkehr von der Prämisse der Unternehmensfortführung, Hamburg, 2021.
- Morgenstern, Nicole; Tettenborn, Maya; Tettenborn, Martin: The application requirements of IFRS 5 in the context of restructurings, The case - the solution, in: IRZ, 12/2020, pp. 551-554.
- Hinz, Michael; Tettenborn, Maya: Identifying leases, challenges under IFRS and HGB, in: PiR - NWB Internationale Rechnungslegung, 6/2019, pp. 163-167.
- Hinz, Michael; Tettenborn, Maya; Nell, Tobias: Die Segmentberichterstattung nach IFRS und DRS - Entscheidungsnützlichkeit für Adressaten sowie Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten auf Unternehmensseite, in: PiR - NWB Internationale Rechnungslegung, 5/2016, pp. 137-142.