Prof. Dr. phil. Peter Mudra

Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Human Resources Management and Personnel Development (Department II)
C 2.209
+49 (0) 621/16626311
peter.mudra@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Personnel management
- Personnel management
- Personnel development / vocational training
- Knowledge and competence management
Scientific focus areas
- Future of learning / New Learning
- Integrative PE management
- Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the labor shortage
Additional student-related activities
- Liaison lecturer for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom's support for gifted students
- Workshops on academic work
- Examiner for the practical examination for trainer aptitude (AEVO)
- PE-Talk with guests from the world of work (VideoTalk format)
Professional career
Since 2000 | Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Human Resources Management and Personnel Development at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2003 - 2010 | Head of the International Human Resources Management and Organization (Bachelor) and International Human Resources Management (Master) degree programs |
2022 | eLearning Manager - course completion (Graz), certified by Austrian Standards (ISO/IEC 17024) |
2007 - 2024 | Head of the MBA Human Resources Management degree programs |
2010 - 2022 | President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
until 2000 | Worked in the banking industry in various functions (including corporate banking, human resources and personnel development) |
1996 - 2000 | Lecturer at the University of Business and Society in the fields of personnel development and vocational education |
Memberships and functions
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ludwigshafen-Vorderpfalz Student Research Center
- Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Franziskus Foundation for Care
- Member of the Ludwigshafen am Rhein Child Protection Association
- Member of the Association of University Teachers (hlb)
Current projects and activities
- Participation in the PRO*PFLEGE project (Nursing Ethics-Health Promotion-Professionalism) of the Health Research Network at the HWG Ludwigshafen, funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate
- Participation in the training program for personal caremanagers of the Health Research Network at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
- Participation (guest) in the podcast Ja klaHR! by Stefan Berndt: With more confidence into the future! A new narrative. - Peter Mudra
Mudra, P.: Future skills - requirements for dynamic skills development. In: Mudra, P.; Sellinger, M.; Völker, R. (eds.): New Work. Shaping the digital world of work. Stuttgart 2024, pp. 121-142
Mudra, P.; Sellinger, M.; Völker, R. (Eds.): New Work. Shaping the digital world of work. Stuttgart 2024
Mudra, P.: Personnel development as qualitative personnel change management. In: Müller-Vorbrüggen, M.; Radel, J. (Eds.): Handbook of personnel development. Stuttgart 2022, pp. 35-49.
- Mudra, P.: Student orientation and competence orientation as principles of action. In: Stang, R.; Becker, A. (eds.): Lernwelt Hochschule 2030 - Konzepte und Strategien für eine zukünftige Entwicklung. Berlin 2022, pp. 133-146.
- Mudra, P.; Müller, H.: The 'non-semester' is not a solution. Why the KMK's decision to implement the 2020 summer semester is to be welcomed. In: Hochschulmanagement - Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, Issue 1/2020, pp. 18-21.
- Mudra, P.: The skillset of the future for HR managers. In: Appel, W.; Wahler, M. (eds.): Die digitale HR-Organisation - Wo wir stehen, was wir brauchen. Köln 2018, pp. 75-85.
- Mudra, P.: Zwischen Freiräumen und Verbindlichkeit - Anforderungen an das Führen im Bildungsbereich. In: Mäder, K.; Stäuble, E. (eds.): Wirken statt blockieren - Führung in Bildung und Schule. Bern 2018, pp. 71-87.
- Mudra, P.: Pedagogical-psychological motivation theories. In: Müller-Vorbrüggen, M.; Radel, J. (Eds.): Handbook of personnel development. Stuttgart 2016, pp. 137-157.
- Mudra, P.: Part-time degree programs. In: Müller-Vorbrüggen, M.; Radel, J. (eds.): Handbuch Personalentwicklung. Stuttgart 2016, pp. 383-407.
- Mudra, P.: Managing Diversity: People make the difference. In: Esser, C.-H. (ed.): Labor Markets in the Transformation of Economic and Social Policy: New Challenges and Opportunities - Festschrift for Franz Egle; Schriftenreihe Arbeit und Bildung des Heinrich-Vetter-Forschungsinstituts Frankfurt 2014, pp. 59-76.
- Mudra, P.: Personalmanagement im Spannungsfeld von Individualisierung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. In: Ertelt, B.-J. et al. (eds.): HR zwischen Anpassung und Emanzipation. Contributions to the development of an independent professional personality. Frankfurt 2012, pp. 37-49.
- Mudra, P.: HR development and in-service degree programs. In: Bröckermann, R.; Müller-Vorbrüggen, M. (eds.): Handbuch Personalentwicklung. Stuttgart 2010, pp. 317-335.
- Mudra, P.; Rump, J.: Quo vadis personnel policy? - The world of work in transition. In: Mudra, P.; Lenz, A. (eds.): Is social organization an anachronism? Heidelberg 2008, pp. 30-60.
- Mudra, P.; Beßler, K.: Bildungscontrolling - eine Herausforderung für den Mittelstand. In: Mudra, P.; Lenz, A. (Eds.): Is social organization an anachronism? Heidelberg 2008, pp. 61-70.
- Mudra, P.: Academization versus practical relevance? In: Personalführung. Issue 2/2008, pp. 4-6.
- Mudra, P.: Effektive Führung von Mitarbeitern - Ansatzpunkte für eine strukturierte Reflexion. In: UPDATE - Forschung & Wirtschaft. Heft 5/2007, p. 44-49.
- Mudra, P.: Quality of personnel training. In: Bröckermann, R.; Müller-Vorbrüggen, M.; Witten, E. (eds.): Qualitätskonzepte im Personalmanagement: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele. Stuttgart 2007, pp. 255-268.
- Mudra, P.: Personnel work in the SME sector - a scientific study. Ludwigshafen 2006.
- Mudra, P.; Rupp, M.; Unger, A.: Giving up management positions. In: Personnel. Issue 9/2005, pp. 54-56.
- Mudra, P.; Rupp, M.; Unger, A.: Status and development of in-company further training. In: Continuing education, issue 3/2005, pp. 24-27.
- Mudra, P.; Personnel development. Integrative design of company learning and change processes. Munich 2004.
- Mudra, P.: Continuing vocational training in credit institutions with regard to the participation opportunities of employees. Thesis University of Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe 1998.