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Prof. Dr. Marion Ott

Professorship "Childhood Research and Social Work"

C1 .239
+49 621/5203-544
+49 621/5203-569
marion.ott@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Consultation hours:

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Teaching areas

  • Social work as education, care and upbringing in childhood
  • Institutionalized care relationships in social work (especially child and youth welfare)
  • Pedagogical foundations of social work
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Critical reflections on child protection and early help

Work and research focus

  • Ethnographic institutional research in social work fields
  • Gender and childhood research
  • Methodological linking of ethnography and discourse analysis
  • Power analysis, discourse and practice theories


Since March 2018

Substitute Professor for Social Work as Education, Care and Upbringing in Childhood at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Departments of Social and Health Services

2013 - 2017

Research assistant at the Institute for Pedagogy of Elementary and Primary Education at Goethe University Frankfurt via the DFG "Eigene Stelle" funding program

2006 - 2012

Research assistant at the Institute of Elementary and Primary Education at Goethe University Frankfurt


Doctorate at the Justus Liebig University Giessen

2003 - 2005

Research assistant at the Institute of Educational Science/ Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Justus Liebig University Giessen

2001 - 2003

Worked in a day group of the child and youth welfare service
and as a research assistant at the Department of Educational Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt

1994 - 2001

Studied educational science at Goethe University Frankfurt, specializing in social pedagogy.
During her studies: internships and freelance work in a day group, a women's shelter and a dormitory for people with disabilities

Publications (selection)

Ott, Marion (2020): Contradictions (not only) of child protection. Conflicts in the inpatient care of young mothers. In: Kelle, Helga; Dahmen, Stephan (eds.): Ambivalences of child protection. Empirical and theoretical perspectives. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 62-81.

Ott, Marion (2019): Conflicts in educational care relationships in the penal system. Social work with incarcerated women and their children in the field of tension between prison and child and youth services. In: Sozial Extra, Vol. 43, H. 4, 244-248.

Klein, Alexandra; Ott, Marion; Seehaus, Rhea; Tolasch, Eva (2018): The category of the 'at-risk mother'. Classification and Responsibilization in the Name of the Child. In: Stehr, Johannes; Anhorn, Roland; Rathgeb, Kerstin (eds.): Konflikt als Verhältnis - Konflikt als Verhalten - Konflikt als Widerstand. Contradictions in the design of social work. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 127-142.

Ott, Marion (2017): On the organization of observation rooms in the field of tension between parental responsibility and child protection. In: ZSE Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, Vol. 37, H. 4, 350-365.

Ott, Marion (2017): The 'best interests of the child' as a point of reference in residential care for young mothers. In: Sutterlüty, Ferdinand; Flick, Sabine (eds.): Streit ums Kindeswohl. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 166-188.

Hontschik, Anna; Ott, Marion (2017): The inpatient mother-child facility as a pedagogically institutionalized living space. In: Meuth, Miriam (ed.): Living spaces and pedagogical places. Educational approaches to housing. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 123-148.

Ott, Marion (2016): Activating (in-)competences in practices of testing - how unemployment is practically personalized. In: Anhorn, Roland; Balzereit, Marcus (eds.): Handbuch Therapeutisierung und Soziale Arbeit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 709-724.

Ott, Marion (2015): Examining practices of activation as a complex phenomenon. On working on a power-analytical ethnography. In: Fegter, Susann; Kessl, Fabian; Langer, Antje; Ott, Marion; Rothe, Daniela; Wrana, Daniel (eds.): Erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskursforschung. Empirical analyses of educational and upbringing relationships. Wiesbaden: VS, pp. 231-248.

Ott, Marion (2010): 'Messen' und 'sich messen' - zur diagnostischen Überprüfung motorischer Leistungen. In: Kelle, Helga (ed.): Children under observation. Cultural-analytical studies on pediatric developmental diagnostics. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 179-205.

Ott, Marion; Wrana, Daniel (2010): Governmentality of discursive practices. On the methodology of analyzing power relations using the example of a measure to activate the unemployed. In: Johannes Angermüller; Silke Dyk van (eds.): Discourse analysis meets governmentality research. Methodological perspectives on the relationship between subject, language, power and knowledge. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, pp. 155-181.

A complete list of publications and lectures can be found here.

Research projects (selection)

11.2013 to 10.2017:

Management and implementation of the research project
"Care and education under observation. Inpatient mother-child facilities and the formation of motherhood in the context of child protection" (Project outline as PDF)
Funding: German Research Foundation
Head: Dr. Marion Ott
Location: Institute for Pedagogy of Elementary and Primary Education at Goethe University Frankfurt

04.2006 to 04.2010:

Scientific collaboration in the research project
"Children's bodies in practice. An ethnography of the processing of developmental norms in pediatric check-ups and school entry examinations."
Funding: German Research Foundation
Head: Prof. Dr. Helga Kelle
Location: Institute for Pedagogy of Elementary and Primary Education at Goethe University Frankfurt

07. to 10.2009:

Conception and implementation of the research project
"Klein(st)Kinder mit ihren Müttern in Haft. An ethnographic study on developmental conditions in (open and closed) prisons"(outline and research report)
Funding: Förderverein von Mutter-Kind-Einrichtungen im Strafvollzug
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Helga Cremer-Schäfer and Prof. Dr. Helga Kelle
Location: Institute for Pedagogy of Elementary and Primary Education and at the Institute for Social Pedagogy and Adult Education at Goethe University Frankfurt

2006 to 2009:

"Competence attributions as deployment. Practices of social exclusion in the structural context of competence development and activation policy"
Doctorate at the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Justus Liebig University Giessen
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Forneck and Prof. Dr. Helga Cremer-Schäfer.
Published in 2011 under the title "Aktivierung von (In-)Kompetenz" (UVK)

A complete list of my research can be found here.


  • German Society for Educational Science (DGFE)
  • Section Women's and Gender Studies in Education (Section 11 of the DGFE)
  • Section Social Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Early Childhood (Section 8 of the DGFE)
  • International and Interdisciplinary Network Discourse Analysis (diskursanalyse.net)
  • Cornelia Goethe Center for Women's Studies and the study of gender relations
  • Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies Association e.V.

Participation in the organization of meetings and congress working groups

  • Organization of a symposium on "The Social as an Arena of Conflict. Configurations of social participation along the differentiation public|private in welfare state relations of care" at the International Ethnography Conference 'Going public' ? Educational Ethnography and its Publics on October 31 - November 2, 2019 at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (together with Antje Langer, Rebecca Mörgen, Falko Müller.
  • Organization of a symposium on "Contradictions of the Materialization of New Educational Spaces" at the 25th Congress of the German Society for Educational Science, March 13-16, 2016 in Kassel (with Daniel Wrana).
  • Organization of a working group on "Object Construction and Research Design in Praxeological Studies on Practices of Differentiation" at the conference "Praxeologie & Differenz im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs" from January 28-29, 2016 at the European University Flensburg (with Antje Langer, Daniel Wrana, Cornelia Dinsleder and Katharina Helena Scharl).
  • Organization of a working group on "Activating the 'Good' Mother for the Good of the Child. Reconstructions of the Relationship between Child Welfare and Motherhood in Child Protection" at the 9th Federal Congress of Social Work 2015, September 30-October 2, 2015 in Darmstadt (with Rhea Seehaus).
  • Organization of a working group on "Objects and Methods of Discourse Analysis in Educational Science" at the 22nd Congress of the German Society for Educational Science, March 14-18, 2010 in Mainz (with Daniel Wrana).
  • Collaboration in the planning, organization and realization of the conference "Ethnographic Research in Educational Science. Fields, Theories and Methodologies" from November 26-28, 2009 at the Goethe University Frankfurt (with Helga Kelle, Barbara Friebertshäuser, Heike Boller, Sabine Bollig, Christina Huf, Antje Langer and Sophia Richter).
  • At this conference: Organization of a working group on ethnography and discourse analysis (with Helga Kelle, Antje Langer and Kerstin Rabenstein).
  • In the context of a student working group: collaboration in the planning, organization and realization of the conference "Lead me gently. Governmentality - Connections to Michel Foucault" in November 2002.

Common address of all professors

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4 - 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0) 621/5203-569

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