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Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann

Protestant theologian, diaconal scientist
Professorship for Social Policy, Social Ethics and Diaconics

C1 .234
+49 621/5203-555
+49 621/5203-569
arnd.goetzelmann@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

to the course documents in OLAT

Teaching areas

  • Ethics
  • Social work in the context of inclusion, health and gerontology
  • Scientific work, methods of social research
  • Projects: Biography and everyday professional life of social work, human rights, social management, daycare work, family policy, counseling, etc.
  • History of social work training

Research focus

  • Welfare association research and diaconal science
  • Social and business ethics
  • Biographical research, oral history and history of social and health services
  • Human rights and social work
  • Disability studies, participation of old and sick people
  • Pastoral psychology and pastoral care, systemic family therapy

Ongoing research projects

Professional career

1981Studied Protestant theology at the Universities of Bonn, Melbourne (Australia) and Heidelberg


Studied Protestant theology at the Universities of Bonn, Melbourne (Australia) and Heidelberg


Vicar, parish pastor, hospital chaplain in Mutterstadt and Ludwigshafen a.Rh.; church community and organizational consultant; part-time study of diaconal science at the University of Heidelberg
1992Doctorate at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Heidelberg
1993-1999Research assistant at the Institute for Diaconal Studies at the University of Heidelberg
1999-2003Training and further education officer at the Diakonisches Werk Pfalz, Speyer
2002Habilitation and private lecturer at the Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau; accreditation as a systemic family therapist (SG)
2002-2003Endowed Professor for Diaconia at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen
since 2003Professorship for Social Policy, Social Ethics and Diaconics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2003-2008Speaker (Dean) of the Department of Social Work
2005-2012Head of the Master's degree program in Corporate Management in the Welfare Sector
2009-2013Vice Dean of the Department of Social and Health Care and member of the University Council of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

Publications (selection)

  • The history of Protestant training centers for social work in the Palatinate. An exemplary study on the professionalization and academization of social work since 1945. From the Protestant School for Church and Social Service (1948) to the Seminar for Social Professions in Speyer (1950) to the Higher Technical Schools for Social Work and Social Pedagogy (1970) and the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen (1971-2008), Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2019
  • Two and a half anniversaries. Der Department Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen der Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein und seine Vorgeschichte seit 1948, ed. i.A. des Departments Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen und des Präsidenten der Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2018
  • Stories of everyday professional life in social work as an approach to a historiography of welfare state transformation "from below" Theoretical and methodological considerations on a research program (together with Thomas Wagner), in: neue praxis. Journal for Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Social Policy 48. 2018/H. 5, 443-461
  • Helmut Tacke (1928-1988). Partnership-based pastoral care as a "conversation in a biblical key", in: Klaus Raschzok & Karl-Heinz Röhlin (eds.) (2018): A brief history of pastoral care in the 20th century. Biographical essays. Commemorative edition for Richard Riess on his 80th birthday, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2018, 321-327
  • On children's lives in the city: contradictions and impulses, in: Sabine Fischer & Peter Rahn (eds.): Kindsein in der Stadt. Education and a good life, Opladen & Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich, 2017, 119-138
  • Eigensinnige Arbeit an der Geschichte - Autobiographische Erzählungen zum beruflichen Alltag in der Sozialen Arbeit im Kontext wohlfahrtstaatlicher Transformation (together with Thomas Wagner), in: Contradictions 144. 2017, 69-82
  • Understanding dementia and "treating" it psychosocially. УДК 316.346.32, in: Вестник Шадринского государственного педагогического университета: науч. журн./ гл. ред. А. Р. Дзиов. - Шадринск. 2 (34)/2017, 20-26, Understanding dementia and "treating" it psychosocially. UDK 316.346.32, in: [dto. in latin letters:] Vestnik Shadrinskogo gosudarstvenogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta: nauch. zhurn./ gl. red. А. R. Dziov. - Shadrinsk. 2 (34)/2017, 20-26
  • Education between interculturality and loss of religion, in: Lifelong Education in the 21 century: problems, tendencies, development prospects, Congress Volume 2, Shadrinsk/Russia, 2016, 36-39
  • Salutogenesis in community education, in: Andreas von Heyl & Konstanze Kemnitzer & Klaus Raschzok (eds.): Salutogenese im Raum der Kirche. A handbook, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015, 457-480
  • Ethics. Study letter of the Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf: Fliedner University of Applied Sciences, 2012
  • Music as a dimension of the art of living and as a human right in old age. Ethische und ästhetische Aspekte in der Sozialen Seniorenarbeit, in: Institut ekonomiki, upravlenja i prava (Kazan) /Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein - Internationale Angelegenheiten FB IV, Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (ed.): Metody esteticheskovo vosdeistvia v sozialnoi rabote - "Ästhetische Methoden in der Sozialen Arbeit". Contributions to the international Russian-German scientific-practical conference in Kazan, September 20-24, 2011. Kazan: Institut ekonomiki, upravlenja i prava 2011, 69-74
  • 'Economization' as a challenge for diaconia. Perspectives from diaconal science and social ethics, in: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 54 (2010), 24-33
  • Church on the Internet - On the communication of the Gospel in the media society, in: Pfälzisches Pfarrerblatt 100 (2010), 8-17
  • Church community work, in: Volker Herrmann/Martin Horstmann (eds.), Wichern drei - gemeinwesendiakonische Impulse, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2010, 31-45
  • Diaconal pastoral care concepts for the community, in: Volker Herrmann/Martin Horstmann (eds.), Wichern drei - gemeinwesendiakonische Impulse, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2010, 191-210
  • Business ethics workshop compact. A study and workbook for an introduction to economic ethics, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2010
  • Women's diaconia and nursing. Im Gespräch mit Diakonissen in Speyer (Veröffentlichungen des Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts Bd. 37), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009 (ed. together with Karl-Heinz Sahmel and Andrea-Eva Schwarz)
  • Designing pastoral care systemically. Konstruktivistische Konzepte für die Beratungspraxis in Kirche, Diakonie und Caritas, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2008 (ed.)
  • Soziale Gesundheit (Evangelische Hochschulperspektiven Vol. 3), Freiburg i.Br.: FEL-Verlag, 2007 (ed. together with Wilhelm Schwendemann in collaboration with Richard Edtbauer and Alexa Köhler-Offierski)
  • Incarnation of the human being. Training for helping professions in ecclesiastical responsibility. Festschrift for Dieter Wittmann on his 65th birthday, Freiburg i.Br.: FEL-Verlag, 2007 (ed.)
  • Inter-Kulturität (Evangelische Hochschulperspektiven Bd. 2), Freiburg i.Br.: FEL-Verlag, 2006 (ed. together with Wilhelm Schwendemann in collaboration with Alexa Köhler-Offierski and Hanns-Eckart Opdenhoff)
  • Diaconal pastoral care in the 21st century. Zur Bedeutung seelsorglicher Aufgaben für die diakonische Praxis (Veröffentlichungen des Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts Vol. 27), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006 (ed. together with Karl-Heinz Drescher-Pfeiffer and Werner Schwartz)
  • Bildung (Evangelische Hochschulperspektiven Bd. 1), Freiburg i.Br.: FEL-Verlag, 2005 (ed. together with Wilhelm Schwendemann, Alexa Köhler-Offierski and Hanns-Eckart Opdenhoff)
  • Qualification program for volunteer coordinators of the Diakonisches Werk der EKD,
  • Stuttgart 2004 (with the collaboration of Hartmut Kopf and Heiderose Gärtner)
  • Diaconal Church. Impulses for congregational development and church reform. FS Theodor Strohm on his 70th birthday (Veröffentlichungen des Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts Bd. 17), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003; 2nd ed. and expanded edition, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2009 (ed.)
  • Protestant Social Pastoral Care. Zur diakonischen Qualifizierung christlicher Glaubenspraxis (Praktische Theologie heute 61), Stuttgart u.a.: Kohlhammer, 2003
  • Teaching ethics in diaconal educational institutions (geriatric and nursing care). Documentation and materials on the workshop of the Diakonische Akademie Deutschland (DWI-Info special edition), Heidelberg/Speyer: DWI-Verlag, 2000 (ed.)
  • Introduction to the Theology of Diakonia, Heidelberg Lecture Series (DWI-Info Special Edition), Heidelberg: DWI-Verlag, 1999 (ed.)
  • Diakonia of Reconciliation. Ethische Reflexion und soziale Praxis in ökumenischer Verantwortung, Festschrift für Theodor Strohm <zum 65. Geburtstag>, Stuttgart: Quell (Gütersloher), 1998 (ed. together with Volker Herrmann and Jürgen Stein)
  • Praktische Theologie, Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Kirche, 32 (1997), (from 1966-1993: Theologia Practica) issue 4, Seelsorge mit psychisch kranken und geistig behinderten Menschen (ed. together with Theodor Strohm)
  • The Protestant Kindergarten as a Neighborhood Center in the Community. Documentation on the model project of the Diakonisches Werk Pfalz, (Diakoniewissenschaftliche Studien Vol. 9), Heidelberg: DWI-Verlag, 1997 (ed. together with Friedrich Schmidt)
  • The Speyer Deaconess Institution. Its history in connection with Kaiserswerth and Strasbourg (Diakoniewissenschaftliche Studien 2), Heidelberg: DWI-Verlag, 1994

Common address of all professors

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4 - 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0) 621/5203-569

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