Prof. Dr. Esther Berkemer

Diplom-Gerontologist, Diplom-Pflegewirtin (FH)
Professorship for Nursing Science
C1 .229
+49 621/5203-554
+49 (0) 621/5203-569
esther.berkemer@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching materials by Dr. Esther Berkemer (registration required)...
Teaching areas
- Nursing Science
- Gerontology
- Qualitative methods of empirical social research
Research topics
- Palliative care in dementia
- Ambulatory care research in dementia
- Gerontological care
- German Society for Nursing Science (DGP)
- German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG)
- German Pain Society (Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e.V.); Working Group Pain and Aging
- Member of the steering group for the development of an "S3 Guideline Pain Assessment in Facilities for Inpatient Care of the Elderly".
Presentations, Workshop & Poster
Berkemer E. (2019): Lecture: Aging in Germany: findings and challenges in the context of dementia. Expert Workshop: Institutions for realization potentials of senior citizens in Russia and Germany, 14.11 2019, Tomsk Polytechnic University
Berkemer E. (2019): Lecture: "What helps us!" Multi-perspective evaluation of an outreach support program for people with dementia (PmD) and their relatives, 18th German Congress for Health Services Research, 9-11.10 2019, Berlin
Berkemer E. & Drebenstedt C. (2018): Lecture: Pain in old age, 12th German Senior Citizens' Day, 28. 05.2018, Dortmund
Berkemer E. (2018): Lecture: Participation of people with dementia, State Dementia Committee of the MASGD, March 15, 2018
Berkemer E. (2017): Lecture "Palliative care for people with dementia: challenges and approaches to multi-professional care practice," Gerontopsychiatry Symposium, March 22, 2017, Alzey
Berkemer E. (2016): Lecture "Recognizing and assessing pain - key findings from the S3 guideline on pain assessment in inpatient geriatric care facilities." Symposium "Schmerz im Alter - Herausforderungen bei der Schmerzversorgung multi-morbider älterer Menschen in einem multiprofessionellen Handlungsfeld, Gemeinsamer Gerontologie und Geriatriekongress, 07.-10.09.2016, Stuttgart
Berkemer E. (2015): Workshop "Schmerz im Pflegeheim - erkennen und beurteilen, Fachtag der Landeszentrale für Gesundheitsförderung in RLP e.V., zum Thema "Auf dem letzten Weg - Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz am Ende des Lebens." 26.11.2015, Mainz
Berkemer E., Remmers H. & Kruse A. (2013): Palliative Care for Persons with Dementia (PwD) - the Role of Nurses in the Decision-Making Process. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting "Optimal Aging Through Research." November 20-24, 2013, New Orleans
Berkemer E., Walter N., Schulze U. (2013): Transdisciplinary professionalism in the field of specialized outpatient palliative care (TP|SAPV) - key qualitative results from the first project phase. 3-Länderkonferenz Pflege und Pflegewissenschaft, 15.-17.09.2013, Constance
Berkemer E. (2013): Presentation "Palliative care for people with dementia: recognizing, interpreting, deciding in uncertainty", Congress of the Graduiertenkolleg Demenz: Im Fokus: Menschen mit Demenz. When practice and research are combined. 18.04.2013, Heidelberg
Berkemer E. (2012): Lecture "Palliative care for people with dementia in long-term inpatient care from the perspective of professional caregivers, Symposium "Lebensqualität und Autonomie bei Menschen mit Demenz", Joint Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress, 12-15.09.2012, Bonn.
Berkemer E., Mischke C, Meyer M. (2009): Family caregiver career and their need for counseling. Results from a qualitative study in Saarland. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 5-9.07.2009, Paris
Berkemer E. (in press): The innovative model of Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics in Ontario - Presentation and suggestions for primary health care in Germany. Nursing care and society
Berkemer E. (2023): Outreach Dyadic Support Program for Persons with Dementia and Relatives by Dementia Nursing Experts in rural areas: Qualitative Results from a Pilot Study in in Germany. 22nd Biennial CGNA Conference on 21-22.4.23, Niagara (Canada),
Berkemer E. & Bär M. (2022): Outreach psychosocial support for dementia by care experts: Results of a pilot study in rural areas, Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Gnass, I; Berkemer, E; Drebenstedt, C; Laekeman, M; Sirsch, E & Fischer, T (2021): An Evidence-Based Guideline on Pain Assessment in Nursing Homes For Residents and Informal Caregivers. Pain Management Nursing. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.06.006.
Berkemer E. (2019): Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the pilot project: "Feasibility and effectiveness of a dyadic support program for patients with dementia and their family caregivers led by a dementia care expert". Final report: Subproject qualitative evaluation, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Dürrschmidt, D., Gold, A. W.; Berkemer, E. & Dallmann, H.-U. (2019): Testing and evaluation of the certificate course "Care strategies and psychosocial support for living with dementia at home." Sub-project EB - "Care and Health" at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Berkemer E. & Meyer-Kühling I. (2018). Study letter. Challenges in dealing with dementia. Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Short vita
Since 08/2017 Professor of Nursing Science, Department of Social and Health Care, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2017 Doctorate Dr. phil. phil, University of Osnabrück
2014 - 2017 Representation of the Department of Nursing Science
2010 - 2014 Research Training Group Dementia at the Network for Research on Ageing, University of Heidelberg
2008 Diploma in Gerontology
2004 - 2008 Study of Gerontology, University of Heidelberg and San Francisco State University
2007 - 2012 Lecturer for special tasks, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Health and Nursing,
Saar University of Applied Sciences
2001 - 2006Research Assistant at the Department of Nursing, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein
1998 - 2001Employee in the Nursing Department of the Rhineland-Palatinate Health Insurance Medical Service, Alzey
1998 Diplom-Pflegewirtin (FH)
Scholarships and research awards
2010 - 2014 Doctoral scholarship from the Robert Bosch Foundation as part of the Dementia Research Training Group
2006 Scholarship holder of the Intergero-Exchange Program
1998 1. Schröter Foundation award for academic theses (diploma thesis)