The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) was honored during a virtual ceremony in June 2021 for for the strategic development of its family-friendly working and studying conditions. and belongs to the small circle of nine organizations that have already received the coveted quality seal for the seventh time and thus permanently. for the sustainable design of the company's compatibility policy.
In June 2021, berufundfamilie Service GmbH held a virtual ceremony under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs to honor employers that had successfully completed the berufundfamilie audit or audit familiengerechte hochschule (family-friendly university) in the previous twelve months and received the associated certificate. Among the 135 companies, 118 institutions and 34 universities honored was the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. HWG LU is the only university to have been successfully certified for the seventh time. This makes HWG LU one of the pioneers among employers who are systematically establishing and expanding their compatibility policies.
"With our participation in the certification process, we are demonstrating our attitude as a university that not only carries its reference to society in its name, but also combines both strategically and very concretely a family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy with the demand for family-friendly working and study conditions," said University President Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra, emphasizing the special significance of the auditing.
In December 2020, berufundfamilie Service GmbH certified that HWG LU had again successfully completed the family-friendly university audit for the seventh time. As one of the longest certified universities, HWG LU thus received the certificate in perpetuity and without any restrictions.
As part of the dialogue process, the existing offers for the compatibility of study, work and family were assessed and an action program of family-friendly study conditions as well as a family-conscious personnel policy was defined. The resulting measures will be implemented within the next three years.
Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences has already been audited as a family-friendly university since 2002 - as the first university nationwide - and sees a family-conscious orientation in dealing with employees and students as an integral part of its organization.
The audit berufundfamilie/ audit familiengerechte hochschule is the central offering of berufundfamilie Service GmbH and is based on an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation. As a strategic management tool, the audit supports employers in sustainably shaping family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policies and family-friendly research and study conditions. Certificates for the berufundfamilie audit were first awarded in 1999. The audit family-friendly university has been offered since 2002. Applicable in all sectors and different company sizes, the audit records the status quo of the family- and life-phase-conscious measures already offered, systematically develops the company's individual potential and ensures that family awareness is anchored in the corporate culture by means of binding target agreements. Once this process has been successfully Degree, an independent board of trustees made up of prominent representatives from business, science, politics and associations decides whether to award the audit certificate. Practical implementation is reviewed annually by berufundfamilie Service GmbH. After every three years, further personnel policy goals can be agreed twice as part of re-audits. This is followed (for the first time after nine years) by the dialog procedure. Only if the dialog procedure is successful may the employer continue to hold the certificate. Since 1998, around 1,800 employers have been awarded the audit certificate. berufundfamilie Service GmbH holds the Europe-wide license for the audit, which is recommended by the leading associations of the German economy - BDA, BDI, DIHK and ZDH. The audit is traditionally under the patronage of the Federal Minister for Family Affairs.
The offers regarding the compatibility policy at HWG LU can be found at:|Compatibility
Professional contact:
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Christiane Schweikart
Equal Opportunity and Workplace Health Management Officer
Tel. 0621/5203-236
E-mail: Christiane.Schweikart@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8