At the invitation of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V. and with the participation of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture, 70 stakeholders in diabetes care came together yesterday for the major kick-off event of the Diabetes Alliance RLP (DIARLP) in the Electoral Palace of Mainz to highlight the various fields of action on the topic of diabetes in welcoming speeches, keynote speeches and a panel discussion. State Secretary Petra Dick-Walther delivered the welcoming address from the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture. The subsequent "Diabetes Ideas Workshop" was also met with great interest and was a first step towards the goal of the Rhineland-Palatinate Diabetes Alliance: more transparency and exchange in the field of diabetes care and thus better care for those affected.
Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases: In Germany, around 8.83 million people currently suffer from diagnosed diabetes, 8.5 million of whom have type 2 diabetes - and the trend is rising. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, the direct costs of the underlying disease diabetes (ICD10 E10 - E14) amounted to €7.37 billion in 2015, not including the costs of diabetes-related secondary diseases such as diabetic foot syndrome, kidney and eye complications or cerebral vascular diseases. The exchange between science, society and business on this important topic is correspondingly central: here, the Diabetes Alliance RLP wants to act as an innovative and transparent network and bring patients, doctors, statutory health insurance companies and companies as well as other stakeholders from science, politics, business and society into contact with each other and make innovative approaches, models and projects known in the state. To this end, it is hoped that new forms and constellations of cooperation and the joint development of products, services and forms of care will strengthen early detection and prevention and improve the care, rehabilitation and quality of life of people suffering from diabetes.
At the hybrid kick-off event yesterday, the desire for networking and exchange was already clearly noticeable: doctors and patient representatives were present, as were diabetes specialist societies, representatives of industry and service providers in the healthcare sector, statutory health insurance companies and universities. Petra Dick-Walther, State Secretary of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture, emphasized the state's interest in further promoting the innovative and prosperous healthcare industry and thus further improving patient care: "We want to contribute to solving the question of what innovative and future-proof care for diabetes patients should look like in order to identify risk patients early and comprehensively, anchor therapies across sectors and improve the benefits of digital services," said the State Secretary. In her welcoming address, Prof. Dr. Edith Rüger-Muck, Vice President of the university, called for best practice examples from abroad to be taken into consideration.
Moderated by Leif Steinbrinker, Prof. Dr. Anca Zimmermann, 1st Chairwoman of the Diabetology Working Group & Endocrinology (ADE) at Worms Hospital, Birgit Härtle, Chairwoman of InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V., Mainz, project manager Maike Scheipers from the Institute for Management, Economics and Healthcare at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Brigitte Defort, expert by experience, Dr. Stefan Maxeiner, internist/diabetologist in a group practice, and Dr. Astrid Schmidt-Reinwald, specialist in internal and general medicine/nutritional medicine and diabetologist at the DDG Trier.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Erbsland and Maike Scheipers from the Institute for Management, Economics and Healthcare Provision (IMÖVG) at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society are leading the DIA-RLP project, which is funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs until September 2023. They are providing scientific support for the project and ensuring the network evaluation. "Improved diabetes prevention, which must also include combating obesity, can lead to considerable savings in resources. These resources should be used for new innovative therapies," says project manager and health economist Erbsland, explaining the social implications of the project. The university is supported in the area of networking by the cooperation partner InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V. with the dedicated managing director Elke Butzen-Wagner. "We at InnoNet HealthEconomy e. V. are delighted to support the project with our expertise as a healthcare industry network with our members," says CEO Birgit Härtle.
With the Diabetes Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate, a network of diversity is being created to jointly shape transformation processes in business and society and to promote research and transfer in the field of diabetes. Following yesterday's kick-off event, the results of the ideas workshop will be scientifically evaluated and further developed by the university. The 2nd meeting of the Diabetes Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate will take place on February 8, 2023 in Ludwighafen.
Specialist contact:
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Institute for Management, Economics and Health Care (IMÖVG)
Maike Scheipers and Prof. Dr. Manfred Erbsland
Project management DIA-RLP
Tel 0621/5203-455
Mobile: 0176/59667796
Email: dia-rlp@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V.
Elke Butzen-Wagner
Managing Director
Tel: 06131 9307728
Email: elke.butzen-wagner@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8