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Diabetes Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate: Strong partnerships for better diabetes care

The 3rd network meeting of the Diabetes Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate (DIA-RLP) start-up phase was organized and hosted by the DIARLP team of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG) on June 28, 2023. The president of the university, Professor Dr. Gunther Piller welcomed 32 participants in the conference rooms of the HWG. State Secretary Petra Dick-Walther from the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate (MWVLW) sent her greetings via video address and acknowledged the development of DIARLP during the funded start-up phase. Birgit Härtle, chairwoman of the cooperation partner InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V. emphasized the necessity of networking among the actors of the health economy.

Four working and development groups presented their work status to the group. They are driving forward projects on the early detection of diabetes in companies and in family doctors' practices, on complementary digital care for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes, or on informing offspring about the risk of disease from grandparents with the disease. Four small groups discussed three topics on a rolling basis:

  • Data collection and data use in the DIARLP.
  • Future scenarios for the DIALRP network
  • Concept sketch "Digital Health Campus Diabetes".

In addition to the work in the small groups, the open discussions among the participants during the network lunch and the coffee breaks created a stimulating atmosphere.

The project leaders Professor Dr. Manfred Erbsland and Maike Scheipers are pleased about the lively interest of the various stakeholders in networking, exchange and constructive collaboration.

Shared visions: DIARLP experts drive innovation
Looking into the future of diabetes treatment: DIARLP meeting in Ludwigshafen


Dr. Elena Wassmann

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Britta Käufer

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Dr. Katharina Klüver-Beck

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Julia Scholz


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Nils Sitar

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