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Excellent! Award for special academic achievements

Friederike Riesch, Phichittra Suksaew, Sarah Huber and Luisa Mayer received this year's €500 awards from the association "Förderer der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Society Ludwigshafen e.V." for their outstanding degrees or best final theses. The Family Award from the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunity and Diversity, which comes with €300 in prize money, went to Tamara Choukairik. The prize for the best thesis with a gender / women's studies topic, also endowed with € 300, was accepted this year by Samira Kluge from the hands of the Equal Opportunities Officer.

The association "Förderer der Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society e.V." and the university's Coordination Office for Equal Opportunity and Diversity honored six students for their outstanding academic achievements at a ceremony on Sept. 26, 2023: Friederike Riesch, a graduate of the bachelor's degree program in nursing education, and Phichittra Suksaew, a master's graduate of the career-integrating degree program in business administration, each received the €500 prize awarded by the sponsoring association for the best overall academic results. The awards for the best final theses, also endowed with € 500 each, went to nursing education graduate Sarah Huber and Luisa Mayer, graduate of the master's program in finance & Accounting: Sarah Huber convinced the jury of the sponsoring association with her bachelor's thesis "Voluntary renunciation of food and liquid. How is voluntary abstention from food and liquid (FVNF) to be evaluated ethically and what does it mean for relatives and accompanying persons?"; Luisa Mayer dedicated herself to the mega topic of sustainability in her outstanding master's thesis entitled "ESG Reporting - A Comparative Analysis of DAX-40 Companies Considering the Status Quo and Future Developments". The prizes were presented by Tatjana Kamrad, Chairwoman of the Sponsors' Association, and laudatory speeches were given by Prof. Dr. Armin Leibig, Ralf Blasek, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dallmann and Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer.

The Family Award, endowed with €300, was presented to Tamara Choukairik, a student of the bachelor's degree program in business administration with a focus on finance, for her exemplary reconciliation of studies, family care responsibilities and volunteer work. Samira Kluge, a student on the bachelor's degree program in social work, was delighted to receive the €300 prize for the best thesis on a gender/women's studies topic. Her bachelor thesis deals with "Effects of discrimination on the mental health of queer people". The awards were presented by Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dressler, the university's Equal Opportunity Officer, who also introduced the two award winners and their achievements.

"The awards ceremonies for special academic achievements are an important incentive for our students and for the university a decisive contribution to excellence in the context of business and society," said university president Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller in his welcoming speech, adding with regard to the award winners: "They have achieved great things and can be proud of themselves." Tatjana Kamrad, Chairwoman of the Association of Friends and Sponsors, picked up the thread: "Your great enthusiasm for your subjects, your energy, your expertise, but also your ability to reflect critically and to deal with the demands of professional practice can be read from your outstanding academic achievements as well as from your final theses. These are skills that are important for your career entry and also describe well what Ludwigshafen University ultimately stands for."

Fach- & Press contact:
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Alumni/University Communications Office
Britta Käufer
Tel. 0621/5203-249
E-mail: hochschulkommunikation@hwg-lu.de 

Group picture of the award ceremonies of the sponsoring association and Equality 2023 (Image: HWG LU)
(from left) Frederike Riesch, Sarah Huber, Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dressler, Luisa Mayer, Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, Tamara Choukairik, Samira Kluge, and Tatjana Kamrad Not in the picture, as prevented by appointments: Pichittra Suksaew (Pictures: HWG LU)
Group picture of the award ceremonies 2023 with laudators, HWG LU
Group picture with laudators: (from left) Friederike Riesch, Prof. Dr. Armin Leibig, Sarah Huber, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dallmann, Luisa Mayer, Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dressler, Tamara Choukairik, Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer, Samira Kluge, Ralf Blasek and Tatjana Kamrad (Photo: HWG LU)


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