Part-time distance learning program at HWG Ludwigshafen again awarded seal of quality
The MBA distance learning program Logistics - Management & Consulting has successfully undergone the re-accreditation process of the FIBAA agency and has again been awarded the seal of quality until 2027. With the program accreditation, the degree programs receives a quality certificate recognized on the international education market.
The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG) designed the distance learning course and has been running it successfully for many years in cooperation with the zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund. The distance learning course Logistics - Management & Consulting (MBA) is aimed at both employees who are already working in logistics and career changers who want to switch to the logistics sector and gain the appropriate qualifications. You will acquire up-to-date logistics expertise to work as a manager, project manager or consultant in industry, trade, transportation, logistics services and management consulting.
Study flexibly
Working students complete their studies largely independent of time and place according to the blended learning concept, a mixture of self-study of study letters and learning materials as well as attendance times. Self-study is supported by an online platform (OLAT). During the corona pandemic, face-to-face events will take place digitally.
The standard period of study is five semesters. The distance learning course concludes with the internationally recognized title of Master of Business Administration. Graduates with a first degree apply after at least one year of professional experience. Applicants without a first degree are admitted to the course after at least three years of professional experience and successfully passing an aptitude test. Those interested in distance learning can apply online to the zfh from May 3, 2021 for the upcoming winter semester 2021/22:
Further information can be found at and
About the zfh
The zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund forms the zfh university network together with 21 state universities. The zfh is an academic institution of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate based in Koblenz and is based on a state treaty ratified in 1998 by the states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland. In addition to the 15 universities in these three federal states, other universities from Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein have joined the network. The zfh's experienced team promotes and supports the universities in the development and implementation of their distance learning courses. With a repertoire of 100 part-time distance learning courses in economics, technical/natural sciences and social sciences, the zfh network is Germany's largest state provider of distance learning courses at universities with accredited degrees. All zfh distance learning courses with the academic goal of a Bachelor's or Master's degree are certified by the accreditation agencies ACQUIN, AHPGS, ASIIN, AQAS, FIBAA or ZEvA and are therefore internationally recognized. In addition to the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses, there is also an extensive range of continuing education modules with a university certificate. Over 6,520 distance learning students are currently enrolled at the universities in the zfh network.
zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
Ulrike Cron
Press and Public Relations
Phone: +49 261/91538-24
Email: u.cron@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8