This year's Health Economic Talks focus on the region as a space for shaping healthcare provision. This regional perspective was already suggested by the German Advisory Council on Health in 2009.1 Most recently, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen called for the establishment of "health regions "2 and the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar GmbH, together with Gesundheitsplattform Rhein-Neckar e.V., has launched a "Rhine-Neckar Health Region" strategy project.3
The conference aims to provide food for thought on how the "health region" design space can be filled with innovative healthcare concepts. Two subject areas will be addressed, with specific projects being presented in each:
- Topic area 1: Neighborhood management
- Topic 2: Regional care aspects - shaping innovation spaces.
Lectures and discussions on both topics will be given by well-known personalities who will contribute their practical experience. Peter Johann, Managing Director of Metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar GmbH, has been invited to give the opening lecture on the topic "Metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar - A health region is forming".
A particular concern is the integration of young health economic expertise. In order to make this visible, the health economics prize for the best bachelor's/master's thesis on a health economics topic, awarded by the Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Hochschule Ludwigshafen e.V., will be presented at the end of the event.
1 Cf. SVR Health (2009): Coordination and integration - health care in a society of longer life. BT-Drs. 16/13770 of 02.07.2009.
2 Alliance 90/The Greens (2020): Motion: Health regions. BT-Drs. 19/21881 of 26.08.2020. p. 4.
3 Cf. GPRN (2021): Gesundheitsplattform Rhein-Neckar e.V. Das länderübergreifende Gesundheitsnetzwerk in der Metropolitanregion. Online. gesundheitsplattform-rhein-neckar. de/ (23.07.2021).
The program and further information on the event series can be found at
We cordially invite you to participate:
GÖG 2021 - Health Economic Talks 2021 on the topic ofShaping regional innovation spaces for healthcare provision?
Online event on Friday, 29.10.2021, 10-16 o'clock.
Click here to register: https: //
We look forward to welcoming you to the Health Economics Talks in virtual space.
With kind regards
For the organization team
Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler & Prof. Dr. Elke Raum
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Departments of Management, Controlling, HealthCare
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
D-67059 Ludwigshafen a.Rh.
eveline.haeusler@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
elke.raum@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8