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HWG LU awarded the "Shaping Diversity" certificate by the Stifterverband

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) was awarded the "Shaping Diversity" certificate by the Stifterverband at a ceremony in Berlin on Wednesday, March 6. With this award, the Stifterverband recognizes universities and research institutions that successfully complete the two-year diversity audit "Shaping Diversity". The certificate certifies that the HWG LU,"understands the diversity of its students and employees as an opportunity and has found ways to use this potential for organizational development" (Stifterverband). The certificate is valid until March 2027.

"The certification offers HWG LU an opportunity to make visible to the outside world what has long been anchored in the university culture and is also reflected in the heterogeneous composition of our student body: Diversity is actively lived and promoted here!" explains Petra Schorat-Waly, who accompanied the audit as the university's Diversity Manager and has now received the award in Berlin. Three major topics were addressed as part of the diversity audit in five diversity forums and the accompanying internal auditing process: the further internationalization of the university, diversity-sensitive HR management and the promotion of student volunteering.

The internal auditing process was accompanied externally by auditor Dr. Christian Ganseuer, Professor of Research and Innovation Management at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

Further information on the Stifterverband's diversity audit can be found at www.stifterverband.org/diversity-audit

Specialist contact:
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Petra Schorat-Waly
Diversity Manager
Tel. 0621/5203-358
Petra.Schorat-Waly@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Petra Schorat-Waly and Andrea Frank at the certificate presentation ceremony
Presentation of certificate with Andrea Frank, Deputy Secretary General of the Stifterverband (Image: Peter Himsel/Stifterverband)
Petra Schorat-Waly with diversity certificate
Petra Schorat-Waly, Diversity Manager, with the certificate on the day of the award ceremony in Berlin (Image: Peter Himsel/Stifterverband)
Group picture on stairs
Group photo from the award ceremony (Image: (Image: Peter Himsel/Stifterverband)


Dr. Elena Wassmann

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Britta Käufer

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67059 Ludwigshafen

B 210+49 621 5203-249+49 173 2770629

Dr. Katharina Klüver-Beck

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Julia Scholz


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