Young people in Ludwigshafen miss the canceled job fairs. TFC Ludwigshafen offers a real alternative with its "Job Barbecue" for training and careers in 2020: sporty young people met employers and trainers for a chat over burgers and beer!
TFC Ludwigshafen hosted its annual "Job Barbecue" on Thursday, October 8, 2020 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at its facility, where renowned companies and universities from Ludwigshafen and the surrounding area invited young people interested in training and jobs to get to know each other over burgers and (non-alcoholic) beer. The event, which took place outdoors on the spacious sports grounds, will be one of the few job fairs in the region in 2020, as the otherwise well-attended Vocatium Rhein-Neckar-Pfalz and Sprungbrett Ludwigshafen events had to be canceled due to coronavirus and postponed until next year.
This time, too, renowned companies and training institutions in the region provided information about their job and training opportunities at the "Job Barbecue". The special feature: The companies and educational institutions sent current trainees, students, trainers or employees* with whom those interested in jobs and training will actually have to deal with later on. Instead of detached recruiting and assessment tests, the focus was on real conversations at eye level. There was also an information booklet with all the facts and contacts for a successful career and apprenticeship.
With the job barbecue, we offered the exclusive opportunity to meet interested and highly motivated young people for training and job interviews in the unique atmosphere of a relaxed barbecue evening. Thanks to the selected number of 10-12 companies/trainers, we guaranteed high-quality contacts with the young people. In addition, it was possible to network with other companies/institutions present.
The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society was represented by Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer and Ms. Christiane Weinerth from the Department of Services & Consulting.