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Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes - apply for a scholarship now

Under the motto "Scholarship for you!", the German National Academic Foundation offers first-year students the opportunity to apply for a scholarship. We are looking for students who are characterized by high intellectual abilities, motivation, social skills, communication skills as well as a broad range of interests and social commitment. The application deadline is February 13, 2025.

The Studienstiftung invites all students in the first and second semester of an undergraduate degree program to take the opportunity to apply. The Studienstiftung supports students who approach the world with curiosity and drive and who also contribute their special talents to others. Scholarship holders are selected regardless of their background or political, religious or ideological affiliations.

In 2010, the Studienstiftung established the self-application as another way to access a scholarship and accepts between 100 and 200 talented people per year at the beginning of their studies who would otherwise not have found their way to a scholarship or only later. In this way, the Studienstiftung gives all first-year students the opportunity to apply to the Studienstiftung themselves. Students of artistic and creative subjects are excluded, as there are special nomination and selection procedures for them.

The application procedure
The self-application procedure has two stages: school grades do not play a role in the self-application. Instead, all candidates first take part in a cognitive ability test. Registration for this is possible online until February 13, 2025: https://www.studienstiftung.de/infos-fuer-studierende/bewerbung-und-auswahl/selbstbewerbung/.

The selection tests will take place on March 8 and 15, 2025 in person at several locations in Germany as well as digitally. The tasks developed especially for the Studienstiftung test skills that are important for successful studies. Specific specialist knowledge is not required.

The Studienstiftung then invites the best candidates to take part in a selection seminar. At the seminar, applicants have the chance to convince the jury in a personal interview and in discussion rounds. An independent committee decides on admission. The selection seminars will take place in June and July 2025.

Applicants can also contact the scholarship ambassadors with any questions about the application process and the scholarship. They invite all interested parties to online information events where they can share their experiences from the selection process and the scholarship. Further information on these information events can be found below.

The scholarship
All scholarship holders receive 300 euros per month as a lump sum for study costs. In addition, depending on the family's financial situation, they can receive a living allowance of up to 855 euros per month. The Studienstiftung can also grant subsidies for health and long-term care insurance if the scholarship holders are not covered by their parents' health insurance. Students with children receive additional support from the Studienstiftung in the form of a family allowance and a childcare allowance. The scholarship does not have to be repaid.

In addition to monthly financial support, the Studienstiftung also offers scholarships for stays abroad worldwide, language courses, a comprehensive educational program, personal advice and a network of over 15,000 scholarship holders and more than 85,000 alumni.

Further information
Anyone interested can find further information on how to apply and answers to frequently asked questions on the Studienstiftung website. There is also a demo version of the test with sample questions. An explanatory graphic for the self-application can be found here. If you have any further questions, you can contact selbstbewerbung@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 studienstiftung.de.

There are different ways to apply for a Studienstiftung scholarship
Self-application is one of several ways to enter the Studienstiftung. The Studienstiftung allows you to apply for funding at different times: at the beginning of your studies, during the course of your studies, for a Master's degree, as part of various special programs or at the start of your doctorate. Most applicants are recommended by school principals, examination offices and university lecturers.

How to get in touch with our ambassadors
For applicants, the Studienstiftung offers two open information events for self-application via ZOOM on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 6:30 pm and on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 6:30 pm. Applicants can talk to current scholarship holders from the ambassador program who will share their experiences with the application procedures and funding. Interested parties can register for the information events here: https://lets-meet.org/events/5d96404223e62e4f3fd8e333c0

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(Image: Colorbox.de)


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