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Leonore Köhler

Sociologist, M.A.
+49 (0) 621 5203-459

leonore.koehler@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de


Research focus

  • Health services research in the health sector
  • Empirical social research
  • Ageing and society
  • Health monitoring
  • Epidemiology


  • German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics
  • German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention

Professional career

since 2021Project manager at the Center for Research and Cooperation at HWG Ludwigshafen
since 2019Lecturer for scientific work in the GiP degree programs, Faculty I of the HWG Ludwigshafen
since 2018Research assistant at the Institute for Management, Economics and Healthcare at HWG Ludwigshafen
2015 - 2017Research assistant at the Department of Health of the City of Mannheim
2003 - 2018

Research assistant in projects on epidemiology and healthcare provision in the healthcare sector at university and non-university research institutions


  • Raum E, Erbsland M, Scheipers M, Köhler L, Haag K. Wound Care Management in Rhineland-Palatinate (VeMaWu RLP). Evaluation report. Innovation Committee of the G-BA funding code 01NVF17048. Ludwigshafen 2023 (unpublished).
  • Janßen H, Behrens J et al. Determination of general rehabilitation needs and evaluation of mobile geriatric rehabilitation in inpatient care facilities and short-term care. Final report BMG. Berlin 2018.
    Internet: https: //www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/service/publikationen/details/ermittlung-des-allgemeinen-rehabilitationsbedarfs-und-evaluation-mobiler-geriatrischer-rehabilitation-in-stationaeren-pflegeeinrichtungen-und-der-kurzzeitpflege
  • Koehler L, Meinke-Franze C, Hein J, Fendrich K, Heymann R, Thyrian JR, Hoffmann W. Does an interdisciplinary network improve dementia care? Results from the IDemUck-study. Current Alzheimer Research 2014, 11(6):538-48.
    DOI: 10.2174/1567205011666140618100727
  • Köhler L, Dittmann J, Sthamer E, Wabnitz RJ, Passon AM, Drabik A, Lüngen M. Evaluation of the Healthy Childhood Campaign. Final report for the MSAG North Rhine-Westphalia. ISS: Frankfurt 2011.
    Internet: https://www.lzg.nrw.de/_php/login/dl.php?u=/_media/pdf/ges_foerd/kindergesundheit/Institut_fuer_Sozialarbeit_und_Sozialpaedagogik_eV_Evaluation_Aktion-Gesunde-Kindheit_Abschlussbericht.pdf
  • Köhler L. Approaches to innovative urban development and social planning. ISS-informiert 04-2010.
  • Köhler L, Schäufele M, Hendlmeier I, Weyerer S. Practicability and reliability of a nursing and behavioral assessment (PVA) for inpatient care facilities. Clinical Diagnostics and Evaluation 3 (3), 2010, 294-321.
  • Schäufele M, Köhler L, Lode S, Weyerer S. People with dementia in inpatient care facilities: current living and care situation. In: Schneekloth, U./ Wahl, H-W. (eds.): Care needs and care situation for older people in nursing homes. Dementia, relatives and volunteers, examples of "good practice". Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag 2009: 159-221.
  • Weyerer S, Eiffländer-Gorfer S, Köhler L, Jessen F, Maier W. et al. Prevalence and risk factors for depression in non-demented elderly primary care attenders. Journal of affective disorders 111(2-3), 2008, 153-163.
  • Köhler L, Weyerer S, Schäufele M. Proxy screening tools improve the recognition of dementia in old-age homes: results of a validation study. Age and Ageing 36, 2007, 549-554.
  • Schäufele M, Köhler L, Teufel S, Weyerer S. Care of people with dementia in private households: Potentials and limitations. In: Schneekloth U, Wahl H-W. (Eds.) Independence and need for help among older people in private households. Kohlhammer: Stuttgart 2006.

Lecture and poster presentation

  • Koehler L. Behrens J, Kraft JW, Naumann F, Pflug M, Schmidt-Ohlemann M, Siegert R, Thiel S, Warnach M, Janßen H. Need and utilization of mobile geriatric rehabilitation in long-term care. DGSMP Congress 2017
  • Koehler L. Behrens J, Kraft JW, Naumann F, Schmidt-Ohlemann M, Siegert R, Warnach M, Janßen H. Provision of remedies and rehabilitative measures in full inpatient care. DKVF Congress 2016
  • Köhler L. On the assessment of health-related and general quality of life in people with dementia in the home. DKVF Congress 2013
  • Köhler L, Kraft M, Rehling B, Leve V, Menke M, Moisl D: Evaluation of a network in the care of people with dementia and their relatives in the district of Mettmann(UEDN). Poster presentation, DGGPP 2009
  • Köhler L, Weyerer S., Schäufele M. (2005) Gender differences in home care: results of a population-based study. Section conference of the DGGG 29/30.9.2005