For the third time, GOstralia!-GOmerica! "Mates Scholarships" for the academic year 2024:
2 full scholarships each for a semester abroad for the 1st semester and for the 2nd semester 2024 will be awarded to two friends, or "mates", who can apply with a short video. The winning couple can choose at which of the seven participating universities in Australia or Vietnam they would like to spend a semester abroad together. The full scholarships are aimed at students from all Departments and are awarded irrespective of grades. The application deadline is 30.09.2023, or 31.03.2024 for the second semester.
Students can apply for the following universities:
- University of Sydney
- Macquarie University
- Deakin University
- Swinburne University of Technology
- University of South Australia
- Edith Cowan University
- RMIT University Vietnam
Interested? Here you can find all information about the call for applications