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Health Care Management goes dual!

Dual study at Master's level - the Master's degree course "Health Care Management" (HCM) will offer this option from the winter semester 2024/2025. For the first time, the proven course, which combines the subject areas of management & Care innovation & technology in an interdisciplinary approach, is also launching a dual study option. This allows young professionals to decide whether they want to study in cooperation with a practice partner in a dual or traditional way.

The healthcare sector is one of the growth markets of the future. It is not a homogeneous branch of industry, but a sector that ranges from outpatient and inpatient healthcare to health insurance providers and the industrial healthcare industry (including the pharmaceutical and medical technology sector, e-health) to wellness services. The industry faces complex challenges, e.g. in the development of cross-sector and regional population-oriented care concepts with the potential to improve quality and efficiency. As a result of digitalization, not only are processes changing, but market opportunities are also opening up for new provider groups (keyword: platform economy). The need for investment to realize both product innovations (e.g. in the context of personalized medicine) and process innovations (e.g. integrated care) further increases the economic pressure.

To operate successfully in this challenging market environment, companies in the healthcare industry, associations and public administrations in the healthcare sector need specialists who are able to design innovative health-related care services and processes, evaluate and manage them from a health economics perspective and lead teams in a sustainable and goal-oriented manner. In short: a critical success factor for future-oriented organizations in the healthcare sector is access to specialists who, thanks to their skills, can advance the areas of management & Healthcare innovation & technology in an interdisciplinary and future-oriented manner.   

The profile of the M.Sc. in Healthcare Management (HCM) degree programs can be described as follows:

  • Healthcare innovation: examination of the theory and practice of healthcare provision. This includes the development of skills in the areas of health services research, health economic evaluation and, fundamentally, an in-depth study of research methodology.
  • Technology and digitalization covers the areas of data science, artificial intelligence and technology management.
  • Management: The focus is on the development and implementation of innovative business models, sustainable management of value creation networks, internationalization in the healthcare sector and the topics of leadership and people management.
  • Great importance is attached toethical reflection skills . The legal aspects of innovative forms of care are also addressed.
  • Combination of research orientation and a high level of application.

The addition of a dual study option to the existing, successful M.Sc. HCM Master's degree program was initiated by existing cooperation partners in health economics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. These include numerous companies from all sectors of the healthcare industry from the metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar and nationwide. These partners have been organized in the Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein e. V. since 2000. Since then, the university has also offered a dual study program in the Bachelor's area, the B.Sc. Health Economics in the GiP practice network. 

The M.Sc. HCM course is designed for three semesters and is aimed at people with a Bachelor's degree in economics, health sciences or a comparable subject area. The application portal is open until August 01, 2024.

Further information on the Master's degree course "Healthcare Management" can be found at:

Further information on the dual Bachelor's degree in Health Economics, B.Sc. Health Economics in the GiP practice network, can be found at https://www.hwg-lu.de/studium/bachelor/gesundheitsoekonomie-im-praxisverbund-dual.

The Health Economics department at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society also organizes an annual symposium. This year's health economics talks will take place on November 8, 2024 with top-class speakers on the topic "Future Hospital - Hospital of the Future". Program and further information at https://www.hwg-lu.de/studium/bachelor/gip/gesundheitsoekonomische-gespraeche

Announcement HCM goes dual